My feelings are confusing me!


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2005
Hi guys hope you're all holding up ok...remember, one day at a time.

I need to talk to someone who has lost someone before. The last 4 days since Mj died have been absolute hell. I couldn't stop crying, feeling sad, angry etc. I couldn't even begin to understand how I was going to manage now. I couldnt even muster up the strength to do anything. I wouldnt have even eaten if I wasnt forced to. It was just overwhelming sadness (I know you all are feeling exactly the same). I even made a thread on here about how guilty I felt about his death. His soul just touched me too much in life for me to accept it.

But today something strange happened. I woke up and I havent cried or even felt sad. I actually feel like this isnt happening at all. Its like it was before Thursday. I even had a giggling and laughing conversation with my friend. Its like the pain has gone completely. I stuffed myself with junk food and everything.

I just dont understand where all the hurt has gone. What do you think is happening to me?

We all come to terms with death in different ways.
I made a thread a few days ago called "I still haven't cried", I didn't shed a tear since finding out about his death but I do feel sad.

Today hasn't been bad at all, maybe it's things currently going on in your life that have taken your mind off things? Could this be it? E.G. a friend's birthday, a school project?

It's good to keep yourself busy for the time being.

I've never lost anyone before either and I sort of feel confused too. All I know is that we will probably feel MANY different emotions, and we don't really need to understand exactly why we feel the way we do. Just understand that they are all a part of the grieving process and that it is normal. Soon, you will learn to accept things by understanding that he is happy now and that he lives in your heart. :)
Its completely natural, don't worry. You don't need to analyse it, just accept it. You will appreciate his life and that he is at rest now. Michael would want you to be happy and enjoy his music, dance around - that is why he made it.
Thanks i know what you're all saying, I just didnt understand how I could go from being devastated to "normal" again
We get over it, this is how humans and other animals continue to function. If our brain didn't let go of things like this we wouldn't be very good at surviving. So it's natural that eventually you'll feel normal again.
I've lost close ones before, friends and family including my father but with each person it was different I never went through the same thing twice
Don't believe what doctors or other people say about how you should react each person is different we humans are a lot more complex than what so called specialists will say
We get over it, this is how humans and other animals continue to function. If our brain didn't let go of things like this we wouldn't be very good at surviving. So it's natural that eventually you'll feel normal again.

Yep! Eventually you'll get back to yourself, it's only natural. I've lost my grandmother who I was close to and although I miss her, I'm no longer mourning and grieving her passing.
I feel the same but I don't think it's like the sadness gone, I just didn't accept it yet unfortunately I think the worst will come after funeral...
i ve lost way too many pple in the past yrs but this is as hard as with familie specially cause most of the pple i lost before where not half as long in my life i m a michael fan since i m a little girl which means quit a few decades and through every thing in my life his music was with me and his smile and beatifull face so itr feels personal too and i cry a lot believe me havent even been able to sleep till last night and it took me to take sleepingtablets for the first time in many months
i would give the world to go to la to pay my respects but i invested all my cash in london and the trip wont be refundded and when i tried to get a loan i learned that i can get it but it will take about one to two weeks and by that time the funreal has already taken place so that makes me double sad