My DVR went out completely


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
my DVR went out completely and whats worse - I had everything Michael on it: His memorial service back in July, shows on him, the Dateline NBC taped on the tapes he did, E! Investigates....& then some.:no::(

What do I do!?? I don't have a dvd burner / nor a laptop of my own (yet)
I'm so sorry that happened! Ugh I hate when stuff like this happens, it makes me so angry. The best I can think of is to call the company who runs your cable box. Whoever it may be, they might be able to come in and fix or restore everything back on your box. I'm not an expert on this though. We've had trouble with verizon lately so we've been calling them and they've been coming in to fix stuff up. So the best thing I can suggest is to call the company and see what they can do.

Sorry if I didn't help much. I hope you get everything back! :(
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my DVR went out completely and whats worse - I had everything Michael on it: His memorial service back in July, shows on him, the Dateline NBC taped on the tapes he did, E! Investigates....& then some.:no::(

What do I do!?? I don't have a dvd burner / nor a laptop of my own (yet)

Aww, sorry about that. Yes, you should contact your cable company. But I would like to know how your DVR has the space to hold so many shows. Although I wanted to save the memorial I had to erase it and other things to make space (too lazy to transfer to VHS or to purchase an external hard drive).
my DVR went out completely and whats worse - I had everything Michael on it: His memorial service back in July, shows on him, the Dateline NBC taped on the tapes he did, E! Investigates....& then some.:no::(

What do I do!?? I don't have a dvd burner / nor a laptop of my own (yet)

Goodness! I'd pass out. I know how you feel as I too have a boatload of shows on there, including the memorial.

Here's my two cents...maybe you didn't lose the shows completely because the DVR is a hard drive, once it's saved on there, it won't get erased. Then again, I've read just a few horror stories of folks hooking up the DVR to an external HD and doing a thing or two that completely erased the data on their DVR. So! Hoping that you didn't go that route, everything should be saved.
No we have to get a brand new box. I will just have to buy all these mj things. the other shows on it were just regular tv shows.
awwww....BillieJean....i feel ya....i lost my Bad CD a few months ago, and just losing that one thing almost gave me a heart attack....Cuz it was the limited edition....I just got another one from ebay...:D

Hope it all works out!
What company do you use? We have Dish Network and they gave us a smart card which backs everything up.
What company do you use? We have Dish Network and they gave us a smart card which backs everything up.

we have Comcast & the error message yesterday read, 'Unrecoverable Error' :( It had Access Hollywood interview with Latoya when she first sat down & watched TII, it had E.T. with the kids when Little Prince 1 was sitting and playing chess and talking about going to school, & they asked Paris what she wanted to do or something and Michael says 'exactley' kind of sarcastically lol. It was ssooo cute that home video.