My dream


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I should've written this the day I had the dream so I didn't forget so much already.

2 nights ago I had a dream that I was coming to as if from passing out only that I was standing up. I realised I was in a kitchen but it wasn't my own and I was confused to where I was. Then I heard a man's voice behind me saying "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?" I turned around and there was 5 young African boys and a young man with them and he was looking at me very angrily. It was a young Joe Jackson and the young Jackson brothers. I can't remember what I said to him, I think I told him I was the house cleaner and he said ok and gave me instructions on what I was supposed to do.

The dream seemed to go on for a few days very rapidly and Joe had warmed up to my presence in his house. He was even smiling when I was around and the children were happy too. I was also trying to entertain Michael a lot in the dream as I felt I needed to. He was happy when I was there and we played together at times. Then one time in the dream I'm back in the kitchen and Joe is smiling at me saying he was very happy that he had met me as his house cleaner and that his children were happy I was around and I thanked him. Joe left the house to do something and Michael walked into the kitchen with a very sad face like he had been crying. I knelt down to him and asked him what was wrong, and he answered to me "I wish my daddy would stop hurting me."