My dream last night!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
uk, macroland
I don't dream about Michael as often as I wish I did...but when I do there kinda cool!

This was last nights dream!

I looked out my window and i saw michael sitting at the bottom of my garden so i ran out and had my picture taken with him and everything and i had my hands on his face like just above his neck and i told him i loved him :wub: and i was crying and everything and then something happened which i cant remember then i woke up but i woke up in my in my dream i was dreaming if that makes sense? and when i was awake (in my dream) i looked on the camera and the pictures weren't there and i was crying and everything and then I was in what looked like a fairy type place ( i don't know hehe) and then I woke up in real life! Well my mum woke me up and the first thing I said was 'Oh god oh god oh god oh god' and mum was like wtf lol so i told her my dream and iw as nearly crying lol...:smilerolleyes:
Incredible your dream. I think you were somewhat agreed. I dream about Michael but I never remember the dream. Visually I remember almost everything, but I never remember that talk. I do not know why. :(

Some people say that dreams have meanings, but I do not know much about it.​