My dog Sash!!

michaels wendy bird

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a land full of gold pants!
Myself and my other Half rescued a Staffordshire bull terrier, she is a lovely dog been through alot but has a heart off gold!! Bless her!!

She has all of a sudden taken a liking to Michael Jackson music, obviously it is always on in the house but since Michaels passing it may have been played a little louder, it would be wrong for it not to! Now my Partner is not a Michael Jackson fan he appreciates his music but lets just say we have had many an argument about Michael lol. I now have a new secret weapon though everytime my partner goes to turn Michael off the cd player or tv or whatever my Staffy Sash will stand in front of him and growl her head of!! Safe to say he is not going to argue with her. So now i never have to turn him off lol!

Just thought i would share this with u all and big up my clever doggy!! ha ha xxxx
oh that's cool, my parrot danced to Bad the other day, and he was so cute! :D

the animals recognize all that's good... :)