My dog FooFoo died today :(


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA

She got ran over by a car and died instantly. She was left at my brother's house for the past week, because of my mom's bad back. She couldn't take care of foofoo properly. Her son Bandit is still here tho

We've had FooFoo for 3 or 4 years tho. She was the best Dog I ever had, She's really considered mine and my mom's dog. She was playful, spoiled, cute and cuddly. I will miss her so very much. :( I'm very sad about her loss. She was just a wonderful loving dog. :( I feel it's my fault for not helping my mom out in the mornings to take the dogs out, because our street is not that busy, compared to my brother's street. We live in a colasak so we never really had that problem.

I feel so very bad and sad. :(

RIP FooFoo, I'll love you forever. Hopefully you can see Domico tho!

I'm sure Bandit will miss you too :(
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Awww I'm so very sorry Darvon :cry:
This is so sad and so sudden, losing a pet is like losing a loved one. My german shepherd died nearly a year ago and I still miss him dreadfully. He was such a gentle loving dog. Try not to say 'what if', hindsight is a wonderful thing but torturing yourself will not help you to feel better. Feel happy that FooFoo was happy during his short life and that he died instantly and didn't suffer.
Take care Darvon
oh my god, i'm so sorry darvon.:no::( i remember seeing her pics in that pet thread. i have two poms also and they're so sweet and loving. one of mine runs out of the yard every chance he can get and i'm so terrified he'll get hit by a car.
again i'm sorry darvon.
(hugs) dar. so sorry about your baby girl. sends her kisses to heaven
aw darvon i'm so sorry, losing an animal is the same as losing a family member....

it's not your fault tho, accidents happen and you trusted your dog to someone to care for! It's no ones fault really, sometimes these bad things just happen :(

you did the best you could to care for FooFoo and I'm sure she left this world knowing she was loved by you and your family very much!
Oh im sorry:(, i lost my cat Barto too, its sad, they are always there when you need them, im fine now I got my little Dorian Cat:yes:
thank you guys for your support. I don't blame myself for it anymore.... I'm just sad about the loss. I'll miss her very much along with my other pets that I've had over the years.

FooFoo, Kalooa(actually a wolf - not sure how to spell that one) and Snowball (Cat) and Domico (dog), I'll also miss.

Anyway today I day dreamed that they were all together and the played together, cats, dogs, wolves alike, hehe, along with the horses I use to have....

(sighs).... Now, long live Bandit! her son! I'm glad she got to have a son before she died though.

Thanks to whoever gave me a reputation point! lol...
Darvon hunny im so sorry that u lost ur dog :(
Big hugz hun!
i am so sorry darvon for your loss,i know what it,s like loosing a pet,they are like part of your family,i lost my dog lucy a couple of years ago to diabetes,and you do go through guilt could i have done more?,should i have known? darvon try not to feel bad,i know its hard,but she was looked after well and had a great life and was loved,i still think of lucy now even though i now have 2 more dogs,take care lts of hugs and kisses coming your way ,
Oh, a car accident. Two of my dogs had ones too, but they survived just with a shock. I still can't believe what luck they have had.
Sorry for the loss Darvon...:( RIP FooFoo. I hope Bandit can stay healthy even though he has to endure his mom's sudden death:no:

@ Dr.Feel Good: Yeah your dogs were very lucky.
i'm very sorry to hear this..

i just wish the drivers of the cars would try and contact the families of the victims, the way they would if the victim was a person.

Poor FooFoo! Thats horrible, but you should take comfort in knowing that it was instant and cherish the 4 years you spent with her. I once lost a pet cat called Tinker in a much more sinister way and now have two dogs who I love dearly, pets are fantastic company. How about getting another one?
Oh Darvon!! I am so sorry....she was really cute. You must miss her terribly, and to lose her like awful.
Aw, honey, Im so sorry!

I've lost 2 pets, both cats, they just disappeared, but I was in such a pain....and having a car run over urs must be even worse....people just slow down when driving and pay attention to animals crossing the streets...

Im so sorry, Darvon, hope u get through this well! :hug:
omg darvon i just read ur thread fully and now im :cry: i know how you feel because i lost my bulldog to a heart attack at 5 years old on 29th november it killed me i had him buried at a cemetery for pets but as the days pass it breaks me i :cry: near enough everyday sometimes i even talk to him even tho he aint here

if u need support hun im here

RIP Foo Foo :cry: