My dad is in the hospital


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello everyone,
I am not usually here this early on weekkdays due to work, but today I got a phone call at 7:00 this morning when I was about to head to work about my dad. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance and was in the emergancy room when my dad's girlfriend called me. She told me that he might have had a stoke because my dad was complaining of pain and numbness on his left side of his arm and neck and he was getting dizzy spells. Well I went to work due to shortages of teachers at work and told my boss and she told me just to be with him. I went to the emergancy where they were doing EKGs on him. He now is okay but still in alot of pain and they weren't going to be sure when they would have the test results back. I will update yall with futher info when I talk to him. I just need some prayer right now because I am very worried about him since he has a history of heart diesease and heart attacks. Thank you in advance. :sad:
I'm sorry,Dorothy!:(
Well...stay calm and KEEP THE FAITH!(as MJ said!)
God is with your dad and everything will be fine!I believe!
My prayers are with your dad right now!:flowers:
Be strong!!!:hug:
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:angel:Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours...
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.Keep the faith
I am praying for you Dorothy...may he make a good recovery. And they caught this in time - and did what was necessary for him...
All the best wishes for your Dad, you and the whole family!
I'll pray for all of you Dorothy!
Wishing a good luck for your dad! I wish him to get well soon :flowers:
Hey magic my old friend how have you been? We miss you around here. :(

Anyway i wanted to give you an update on my dad and the test results were negative on him having a possible heart attack but they have been running different tests trying to find out why he is having this pain on his arm and neck. Until the doctor gets back with the test results the is when we will find out about what might be wrong with him.

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. :)
Hi Dorothy. Sorry to hear about your Dad. Thank God it isn't his heart. Hopefully, they will have answers for you soon. It's good that he is in hospital where he can be observed. Hope all his tests come back good!
Hey magic my old friend how have you been? We miss you around here. :(

Anyway i wanted to give you an update on my dad and the test results were negative on him having a possible heart attack but they have been running different tests trying to find out why he is having this pain on his arm and neck. Until the doctor gets back with the test results the is when we will find out about what might be wrong with him.

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. :)

Thank You for keeping us updated...Sending you & yours lots of thoughts and prayers...:angel:
Thank you everyone for your prayers as your prayers helped my dad as he is at home now! :D He is doing much better and didn't find anything really wrong with his arm as they did xrays and other tests, but he will be seeing the doctor on Monday because he has an appointment to have a cat scan done. They are thinking it may likely be a pinched nerve. Hopefully it is something that can be taking care of soon so he can stop being in pain.
thank you for the good news!
I'll keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery!
Dorothy...Thank God your dad is well.Keep the faith and keep us updated ok?
I know i seem away,but believe me i am not.
You are in my thoughts and prayers as well as your family.
God bless you
Dorothy,i am so glad to hear that your dad is alright.

Make it all positive for him, just be there for him, make him laugh and feel comfortable... and spend a nice Christmas together :)

much love from far away :)
Glad to hear your dad is doing better Dorothy! I wish him a speedy recovery.
God bless.
Thank you everyone for your prayers as your prayers helped my dad as he is at home now! :D He is doing much better and didn't find anything really wrong with his arm as they did xrays and other tests, but he will be seeing the doctor on Monday because he has an appointment to have a cat scan done. They are thinking it may likely be a pinched nerve. Hopefully it is something that can be taking care of soon so he can stop being in pain.
Very glad to hear that! :D Make sure he does everything to find out what it is though and don't let doctors to be lazy :p
My dad will be getting a cat scan of his arm and neck tomorrow to see what is causing the pain that he has been experiencing. Please pray for him that it isn't anything serious. Thank you once again for all your prayers. :yes: