My Child Sponsor Blog


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Some of you know I have a new passion! I have become a sponsor with Children International. I currently sponsor 3 kids through them. They have donations that can be made called Special Needs Gifts. The field reps go and visit the family and will send you a lit of needs for the child and their family. This is done upon your request. Two of the kids I sponsor are disabled. And the items needed will help them to live an easier more comfortable life. I am trying to raise money to get these items for the kids. Once CI receives the funds they get what they need and photograph the kids with the items so we see that they really receive it! So now I am asking all my friends for help! Any amount helps as everything adds up! Here is a link to my sponsorhip blog. If you would like to help there is a donate button on the right side of the page. Thank you! And please feel free to pass this on to anyone who you think may be interested in helping!
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