My book!!


Proud Member
Oct 9, 2011

Hi guys
I need your help! I am in the process of trying to get a book published. The title will be as above. It is a book all about us! So I need you to email me with: --

1. Your name and the country you are from, what you do for a living, your age (not obligatory) and how long you have been a fan for MJ.

2. What Michael means to you. Have you ever met him / seen him? If so when & how? Do you have any amusing stories to tell in regards to Michael (these can be things that happened at concerts or going to 'meet and greets' or any other sort of 'Michaeling' you have been doing! Where were you when you heard of his demise? How has his death impacted on you / your family? How have you coped, have you got any tips you can give to any other fans to help cope with the grieving process?

3. Do you have a message you wish to convey to his children and his family?

I would also be grateful if you could send me any pictures you have of anything that you have or have done that Involves Michael.

The idea is that all the stories you guys send me into will be organized into a book (possibly 'coffee table' sized) and divided up into chapters according to countries / continents. Each fan whose story is included will have their own page and 'photoalbum'. However, obviously I wont be able to fit everybody's story in, so For those not included I have got the services of a graphic artist who will take their photo's and turn them into a mosaic picture of Michael. These fans will then be given the opportunity to purchase a copy of the picture, along with the precise position of their pictures within it. The proceeds of the sales of the book will be going to the Neverland Hope Charity, along with the sales of the Photo-Mosaic. For those who havent heard of the Neverland Hope Fund, please go to, for more details. I can not impress that this is a book about you, so I am desperately relying on your stories & photo's guys - please, please send them in.

Please email me:

Thanks guys

Keep the Faith
Wow congrats i will definately send you my info as i gather it together. I wish you all the luck in the world with this book. I'm sure it will be awesome.

Keep Michaeling,