My Birthday Weekend to VA Beach turned into Weekend in Hell ; What Would You Have Done?


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Okay so long story short I was supposed to be in VA Beach for my birthday but at the last minute but my friends text me at the last minute saying "we all are going to save money and sleep on the beach." Now, if you know me at all, I really get annoyed when people make plans without my knowledge. I lost my temper somewhat & I texted her back saying basically to have fun with that idea, I am still going to look for a hotel. Upon reading that text, my friend being stubborn, insisted on convincing me that a hotel room was too expensive. I kept telling her and my other friend I was supposed to go with that that idea is great for them but as far as I'm concerned I am still going to see about a hotel room for only me instead. Mind you, we all planned this trip 2.5 months ago.....

Long story short, I told them I was not going and that was the end of that. I was expecting my friends to convince me to change my mind & they did not. Anyone here are welcome to divulge their opinion as to if I was the one who overreacted or the people I was going with.
well I agree with you..I could never sleep on a beach or outside anywhere for that matter. It should be ok with your friends if you want a hotel room...after all you are the one paying for it..not them.
First they change plans on a whim (I hate when people do that). And then those plans involve sleeping on the beach? And then they don't even try to compromise or come to an agreement? Anyway, who sleeps on the beach? I hate the beach so you did the right thing, lol.
First they change plans on a whim (I hate when people do that). And then those plans involve sleeping on the beach? And then they don't even try to compromise or come to an agreement? Anyway, who sleeps on the beach? I hate the beach so you did the right thing, lol.

Thank you. I lost 2 great freinds but ... I'm not sleeping in sand. lol. And no, they didn't even want to compromise anything!! It was just either do it or don't talk to us. I chose not to sleep on the beach. and I'm the bad guy!! PS they left to VA Beach anyway without me. so I dunno why they're still pissed.
... Sorry to hear that... Maybe those friends weren't so great afterall if they did that, or they're too young..? No idea, just taking a wild guess. I would've been hurt if in your shoes as well. ..
It was your birthday! They should have done what you wanted. When it's their birthday they can sleep on the beach.
Thank you. I lost 2 great freinds but ... I'm not sleeping in sand. lol. And no, they didn't even want to compromise anything!! It was just either do it or don't talk to us. I chose not to sleep on the beach. and I'm the bad guy!! PS they left to VA Beach anyway without me. so I dunno why they're still pissed.

Aww I'm sorry. Real friends wouldn't do that to anyone, especially on their birthday. They sound very immature.
Aww that was somewhat rotten of them to do :( If for some reason they could no longer afford the trip, they might as well have been honest about it, and opted for some other way to spend the day.

If I were you, I'd tell them that I am disappointed and hurt over their actions.
PS I was bringing money & at least one of the friends knew that already so its not like I was expecting them to pay for me. Which I understand if thats what they though, but I can tell you, that is not what they thought. At least one person, if not everybody knew I had $$ of my own. I certainly was not paying for anyone else.

And yes I could have gone and gotten the room however my friends (no ex) are like - because tbe 2 of them are driving, they shouldn't have to drive me everywhere just to look for a hotel room. That is their way of thinking.

And coudl someone please help me look for a list of the laws in VA Beach ? I want to send an email to them both with the exact law stating it IS illegal to sleep on the beach or be on the beach after a certain time...
Thank you!
I would have slept on the beach, lol. Sounds like an awesome idea, but that's just because I love the beach in the late afternoon and at night.

However, if you expressed to them that you don't like the idea, and it's your birthday, they should have listened and supported your decision to get a hotel.
BTW... to add to this, where were we supposed to have our bags!?! Leave it in the damn car!!?! People are stupid