My best friend was supposed to be a father today :(

Jan 17, 2004
One of my best friends, also a huge MJ fan was supposed to be a father from today on. Today his daughter was supposed to be born. Everything was fine, except for the fact that the baby was lying in the wrong position in the mother's belly. So a caesarean had to happen, and it was planned for today. But recently when checking the echo they couldn't find the heart of the little one, and later it was found out that the heart stopped beating completely. The real reason is not yet known, but this was some serious news to hear.

I just found a email in my hotmail inbox with that, they are asking for privacy and that we not contact them, which i can perfectly understand. Damn this world can be so unfair....
It might have to do with sugar, since she has diabetes, but nothing is certain about that. It's very sad though...i personally never suffered from a death in the family or someone closeby, i can't imagine what it msut be like.
:( That is heartbreaking. No one should have to go through that.
oh I'm so sorry to hear that! This is really sad. :(
Sending you hugs :hug:
One of my best friends, also a huge MJ fan was supposed to be a father from today on. Today his daughter was supposed to be born. Everything was fine, except for the fact that the baby was lying in the wrong position in the mother's belly. So a caesarean had to happen, and it was planned for today. But recently when checking the echo they couldn't find the heart of the little one, and later it was found out that the heart stopped beating completely. The real reason is not yet known, but this was some serious news to hear.

I just found a email in my hotmail inbox with that, they are asking for privacy and that we not contact them, which i can perfectly understand. Damn this world can be so unfair....

My heart goes out to you and your friend because I know this pain.:(:sad2:
My daughter's baby son ( my grandson) was born sleeping at full term. She had gone into labour, and the usual checks on the baby heartbeat.:(
I will never forget that day and those words spoken by the doctor as he scanned her.............''I'm very sorry''............. it was unbelievablely painful. Staffs please tell your friend about Sands website.
bear with me I'll try to give you a link.....

Feel free to pm me anytime cos I know this pain. So sorry.
I will that, but just not right now. In the email they requested that we shouldn't contact them. They want to get through this with the whole family, they do understand that we would want to cheer them up, but its best to let them be for now, i can understand it and of course will respect it. Another friend of mine was planning on visting them this week, him along with his girlfriend. She has experienced something similar and would wanna talk to her about it, but that's not a good idea. The email clearly says to let them be for awhile. Thanks for the replies people, i just hope to never ever have to experience something like this. If you think about's just so cruel really.