My baby is gone


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
On August 1, 2011 sometime in the early morning, my beloved cat & my best friend, Fancy passed away. We took her to the vet & her ashes are back home. I haven't been on this forum in a long time since they were having technical difficulties & my password got changed.

I am still heartbroken but have written 2 short stories about her. I hope you enjoy them. Here are some pics.. I feel like I lost my child. Fancy had kidney failure- common among cats. I still wait for Fancy to come to me.





Fancy’s Last Christmas

It was August 29, 2009 we got the call from the vet. Fancy, our beloved cat was taken in to get a routine dental cleaning. Over the months, Fancy’s breath was horrid. I took her in and the vet said her teeth needed to be cleaned. My mother and I arrived at Wegmans and as we entered, her phone rang. She walked over to listen and talk to the doctor working on the cat. After about 10-15 minutes of talking, my mother came back with tears in her eyes. I became very concerned. I asked my mother what was wrong and she was hesitant to reply. Sometime later, my mother told me the vet did some blood work and it did not look good for Fancy. Fancy had kidney failure and over a short period of time, was going to die. We had the option of continuing treatment which was a daily dosage of B12 vitamins and a pill to have her swallow and daily checkups to see if the B12 vitamin dosage was doing its job. As my mother and I walked into Wegmans thinking too much about what to do with our cat and family member, we went through Wegmans and picked up what we needed and though it was best to go home and see how Fancy was doing.
As I ponder about when I met Fancy, it was Mother’s Day and my mother and I were looking at the different cats surrounding us at the Petsmart we were at. My mother walked past her cage and suddenly her paw reached out and grabbed a hold of my mother’s arm. When I took Fancy home, I took her upstairs in my bedroom and set the pet carrier down on my bed to show her that’s where she was supposed to go.
In 2007, I was at a craft show with my mother. It was there that I found a little area for cat toys. I picked up a toy and thought to myself, ‘Fancy will love this.’ It was a faux fur, soft mouse with a thin tail made out of leather.
When I got home later with the toy, I soon discovered I was right about the toy. Fancy started smelling it then batting the mouse up in the air. Over time, Fancy would pick up the mouse in her mouth and carry it with her in her mouth. As most cats do, when they catch a prey cats generally will play with their dead prey they have caught. Fancy did just that. Later on, Fancy carried the mouse in her mouth and alerted me that she’s caught something by making an odd sound. The sound was almost like a “eh” “eh”. That mouse was Fancy’s favorite toy. It was almost as if it was her baby kitten.

Christmas 2010, I took out Fancy’s Christmas stocking and hung it just below my green and white striped stocking. I soon thought about what to buy for Fancy to have open on Christmas morning so she wouldn’t feel neglected. Perhaps, I should take one of her many toys that she doesn’t play with and wrap it in a pretty paper. It was a tradition for me to bring Fancy into my lap while I was opening my Christmas gifts and take her toys that were wrapped, and open them for her. I know it may sound obsessive, but Fancy was a family member to me and my best friend. I wanted to be good to Fancy as Fancy was to me.

It was Christmas and I knew it was the time to be joyful, happy and good-spirited, but instead of counting days to open presents and be merry, I was counting down the last days of my best friend to make sure she had the best last days I could ever give her. Over time Fancy became very lethargic, slow moving and non-active as she once was when I brought her into my home five years earlier on Mother’s Day. Between July 30- August 1, Fancy became very ill. She was lethargic and weak. I would sleep with Fancy on the bathroom floor to keep her company and to let her know not to be scared. I would hold her in my lap and when Fancy would walk off, she fell to the floor. I knew it was time.
On August 1, 2011 Fancy lost her battle with Kidney Disease. I am not quite sure what time she passed but it was about 9:45 AM when I checked up on her & she was gone.


Mother’s Day 2005 was a special day for my mother & I. We drove to see her mother in Alexandria, VA and it had been about three years since we had a cat. My mom wanted to look for some cats at the local Petsmart. My mother & two aunts drove to the nearest Petsmart & there they had a cat adoption show. My mom walked past Fancy’s cage & as soon as she walked by Fancy stretched her paw out of her cage and scratched my mom! We asked the ladies of the adoption place why Fancy’s ear was chipped & they explained to us that once a female cat is spayed, that cat’s ear is chipped for identification reasons. So, naturally Fancy’s chipped left ear was an adorable part of her that added some character.

We brought Fancy home and the first place I took her was my bedroom so that she would know that was where she needed to go. The six years we had Fancy, she was such a delight.

I bought a toy mouse that was made of faux fur and a leather tail at a craft store. She loved it! Fancy would carry around this mouse like it was her own baby. She also while doing it would make an alerting sound to me, alerting me that she caught something.

Every morning, at the same time Fancy would jump on my bed and rub noses with me giving me cat kisses until I got up out of bed. And, it is an understatement when I say that Fancy would not stop until I stepped my first foot out of bed. I guess she was just hungry and was letting me know how hungry she was. Fancy even knew her name so well, that when I called her she would come trotting over to me.

Fancy could not meow. She was a Maine Coon / Tabby mix and I heard from other people that it is common that Maine Coons do not meow like normal cats; instead, Fancy would try to meow & even open her mouth- but nothing would come out. Sometimes a little sound like a ‘eh’ came out.

What else made Fancy special is that she was a very social cat! I joked with people saying that if my house ever got robbed, all Fancy would do is walk up, open her mouth and ‘eh’ to the robber!!

When we took Fancy to the vet to get her teeth cleaned the first time, they noticed she was missing about two or three teeth. These teeth were vital in holding her tongue in completely. As a result, Fancy was drooling. After her teeth got cleaned & fixed, Fancy no longer drooled.

It was the last time that Fancy got her teeth cleaned that something more painful and shocking was to come. It was August 29, 2009 we got a phone call from the vet as we walked into the grocery store. The vet had bad news and told us her kidneys were failing and she didn’t have much time to live. After some extensive treatment and some medicine, Fancy was back on track.

It is as I sit here and write this, that I am overwhelmed with sadness and grief. It was the morning of August 1, 2011 that I went into the bathroom to check up on her and it was too late. Fancy was gone.

I picked her up and wrapped her in a towel and placed her in a box. I waited for my mother to get home to drive her to the vet. Fancy’s ashes are in a nice wooden urn with a very nice plaque that says: Fancy

Beloved Cat and Best Friend.

Someday I hope that when I am gone, I am with my best friend for eternity.
:(I am so sorry for your loss. Having an animal companion is one of the best things you can experience in life, but saying goodbye to him/her is one of the worst experiences too :better:
Thank you. I'm not ready for another cat. I am making myself sick too this past month
I am so sorry to hear about your cat BillieJean. I know how much you had loved that cat. Just like how much I L.O.V.E. my cat Tabby. Even though I do tend to leave her alone most of the time. Only because she is 16 years old and has arthritis. Your cat was really one of the most neatest cats I had ever saw in my life. I don't know if this would make you feel any better or not. But it does make me feel better when the sad day comes when I lose my cat. I believe in the rainbow bridge. But I also believe and can see Michael looking after Fancy for you. Until you see her again some day. just like I know he would when I lose my Tabby from old age.
:( Its so sad when a pet passes away as they like a member of the family

Im so sorry to hear that your cat died :hug:
As I've said before Tiffany I'm really sorry about fancy :( Loosing a pet is as bad as loosing a family member. I hope you can learn to cope with your grief and move on with a smile eventually :hug:
I too am sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you feel. I too lost my beloved cat Alisa to kidney failure on August 18th and I'm still very sad about it. I had her for 13 years. She was my friend and an important member of my family. Seeing her die was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. She was an awesome cat and I miss her every day.

I see how much you loved Fancy. It's natural to grieve over a beloved pet. Our little friends give us pure, unconditional love and bring a lot of joy into our life. They steal our hearts and it is so heartbreaking to lose them. We all would want to keep them with us forever but unfortunately life for them is shorter than humans. It was her time to go. Fancy was lucky to have you and your mom as a family too. She lived a happy life of being loved and cared for. I hope your heart will heal soon. Think of all the wonderful times you shared together and remember that your friend is waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge :hug:.
My heart goes out to you. I know how much things like this hurt. I really do. Be strong and know that your beloved kitty cat is at peace. Though gone, they live on in our hearts and minds and will never be forgotten. I send my love to anyone who has ever lost someone special.
Sorry to read that your cat passed away :sigh: I know how tough and hard expierence it is cuz I've lost my cat too... some years ago, now I've new one but the pain is incredible strong when you lost your lovely pet who was treated like a family member!

I know its easy to say than done...but stay strong girl and leave only positive memories about your beloved kitty :)

All Love :heart:
Oh my God I hate when animals dies....
I can't imagne my own cat dying.. I love him...
BillieJean, big hugs to you. I know how this loss feels and it's very painful. Keep the sweet memories, honey, and try to think Fancy led a happy life by your side. This alone is a victory and a ray of light in the darkness of your sorrow.
Love coming your way :)