My Baby Daddy's Gone! Goodbye Keith Olbermann


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I don't know how many people here watch Countdown with Keith Olbermann but I just wanted to say that I will miss him.

He was a part of my daily routine - I watch him while I am having breakfast!! I really hope that he can get a job on another network and continue to 'speak truth to pwer'.
I have to admit I used to loved Keith Olbermann somehow..
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Can't believe he lost his job with msnbc again, lol. They are saying it's due to Comcast buying a large stake in NBC. Well, I'm sure he will be picked up somewhere else. He's very popular. I watch him often and had his show on last night when he was making his announcement live on the air but I had it on mute because I was on the phone. Darn.
Keep your fingers crossed that this does not move Bashir up in the parking his butt in a host program chair. He has been at MSNBC for a while now, but not seen on any of the programs.....yet.
I heard about it, yes. However, I'm an Anderson Cooper girl. :)

I'm sure Olbermann will find a new home somewhere, though. He's far too popular for the networks to pass up.
As Michael's body was being transferred from helicopter into the coroner's van Olbermann said, "No limo, no special treatment, just a white van"...with a smirk on his face. Needless to say I'm not too fond of the guy. The comment was a bit crass imo...but to each his own I guess.
As Michael's body was being transferred from helicopter into the coroner's van Olbermann said, "No limo, no special treatment, just a white van"...with a smirk on his face. Needless to say I'm not too fond of the guy. The comment was a bit crass imo...but to each his own I guess.
I remember that this is one of the reasons I gave up watching his show in mid 2009, but I have to admit I still find him better than others, despite this comment.
I believe he said something else about Michael too when he died, I can't remember though
I am well aware of Keith's attitude towards Michael. Very disheartening but I know it is because he is from that generation that reveres the Beatles ...

Anyway, glad to see he will have a show on Current TV!
Olberman's Countdown was appointment viewing. He was mostly unfair to MJ, but i really miss him. He was the only news person to slam Brian Oxman for popping up every where immediately after MJ'S death. His battle royale with the Bill O'reilly and his right wing friends was priceless.
The only thing I liked about Keith Overdoneman was his hate for Bill O'Really! CTFU

I Didn't appreciate Keith making fun of MJ with those stick puppets that he made to reenactment the 05 trial with the excuse that there was no camera's in the court room!
The only thing I liked about Keith Overdoneman was his hate for Bill O'Really! CTFU

I Didn't appreciate Keith making fun of MJ with those stick puppets that he made to reenactment the 05 trial with the excuse that there was no camera's in the court room!