My astrologer told me MJ would die this year


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2005
I'm not quite sure why I'm posting this to be honest, but I think I just need to get it off my chest

A few years ago I visited an astrologer, who uses birth information to create a birth chart and a progressed chart (the future aspect of it). Anyway I just went to please my mum but can't really say that I placed much belief in this science.

To my suprise the man had everything accurate about me and my childhood. So I sorta changed my mind about certain things. Even now, I'm not sure if I believe fully, but I've chosen to open my mind a bit.

Anyway to get to the point, he was talking about my next few years (I was 20 at the time). And he said that between my years of 23 and 24, I was going to experience my first loss and suffering.

But here's the thing. I knew it couldnt be a friend of mine that was going to die, because it would not have brought about intense suffering. I would have been deeply saddened, but it wouldnt have been so intense. and it wouldnt have shown in the chart as significant.

I dont have much family to be honest. I dont know any older relatives, cousins, Ive never known my grandparents etc. I just have my mother and my sister. So there were only 3 people it could have been: My mother, sister and Michael. These are the only people whose death would have a great impact on me and bring about suffering. Now, my sister also had her chart interpreted at the same time as me, and there was nothing like this in her one. So I knew it couldnt be our mother. Likewise it couldnt have been my sister because there was nothing like that in my mother's chart.

So I knew then and there that he was talking about MJ. I tried to ignore it. But I knew it was him. I dont know how, but I just knew it. I dreaded the thought and tried to dismiss it. after all, there was no way he could die in a few years' time.

But here I am 23 and a half years old and it all proved correct.

and I feel so guilty. I feel like I was warned this would happen and yet I did nothing to stop it. (Although I know there was nothing I could have done from my position as a fan). But I keep thinking, why didnt I pray more for him, every day and beg God to prevent anything like this.

Aww... I'm so sorry for that... but please be assured there was NOTHING you could have done. I had a dream about MJ's death a few days before it happened. A female voice told me in my native greek language: Michael Jackson is going to die. I ignored it as he wasn't even in my mind lately, I was mostly stressed about my PhD. What could I have done anyway? Fly to LA and kidnap Michael? lol I think both your chart and my dreams (it happened before my dad died, too) were a warning, a way to lessen the shock maybe.
maybe if we would pray even more there was no way to prevent it? :(
i prayed so sooooooooo much.......

i had a dreams, warnings before it all happened...
one year ago, i had a dream, like Michael was diagnosed with some illness in march of This year and passed away quickly. i had seen his children in this current age left alone and i was so sad and desperate about it all.. after woke up i couldn't find a peace :no: i prayed a lot and thought maybe it's just an evil spirits trying to put me down via those dreams?
in other dreams a few times ( years ago ), i had seen like Michael died and it was shown on tv in the news. i woke up in cold sweat :(
and just a few days before it happened, i dreamt like i hugged Michael.. and some voice said: ''You're hugging him now, but the countdown has began''
i woke up with a bad feelings, like his time to be here with us running away? :(
again, just tried to ignore it and to think positive, had a lil hope maybe it meant countdown till the concerts? :no:
I had a bad feeling about these concerts. I felt sick thinking about Michael going through 50 concerts. Sometimes I wished that he would stay in the UK in Ireland where he was living his life peacefully. I wish we could just have a time clock and go back in time and change it all. I feel most sick thinking if this was an accident, this could have been prevented :cry:
^ *HUGS*

yes, 50 concerts pressed on my mind badly, too :(

i wish Michael would have peaceful life with his children, far away from all stress......
I think we all have times when we wish we had done something, but the fans where always there for Michael and we saved him so many times before.. We couldn't do anything this time!!

My prayrs are with you *hug*
I had a bad feeling about these concerts. I felt sick thinking about Michael going through 50 concerts.

I felt the same. Something was really scaring me the closer July 13th came. I was afraid something happened because all was too good to be truth to me. The day before he passed away, I even told to my friends that I bought tickets to the first shows because I was afraid he died! :-O I have no idea why I said this, but indeed I was feeling something weird inside me. That week I cried feeling myself lonely (I live far from my parents), but know I understand what all this feelings were about :( story is really touching. I did notice some strange things happening around the time Michael died also.

My husband and I have no kids but we love to play guitar hero. I'd never used the Mic that came with the game system before and decided to break it in on June 24th. I plugged it in and selected my songs, the last one being "Beat It". I sang through all the first 4 songs just fine and got a high score....

Well let me tell yah...I have a pretty decent voice but "Beat It" kicked my A$$!!!

At the end of it (didn't get boo'ed off...but I sucked badly) I said out lout "Michael Jackson really is the king...nobody can sing this song right but him".

When my phone rang on 25th June saying that Michael died I was in shock. I NEVER choose beat it when I'm playing the game usually because I know the song so well but something compelled me to that day.....eerie.

A relative of mine was talking about Michael when she got a call with the news and she was shocked also since he's not a topic that she spoke about daily.

I think in some ways the universe was giving signals....

Kinda freaky when MJ's chef said he was like "I'm all packed and ready to go!" right before this whole thing went down. At face value we know he was talking about London, but damn....
what is wrong with me?
4 days before michael i was feeling michael's pain?
( i was feeling like i was on fire
my body felt like so i felt hafe of my body was hot the side was cold
i know that michael felt the same of his of his body hot the side cold )
like michael was trying to tell me something in my dreams/nightmares i keep seen michael been buried alive
on 24 or 25 june i seen a ghost of SAINT-michael told me to listen to my heart michael ( jackson) is hospital ill lookafter michael and his broken heart
but i did not listen my heart and had the strangest dream about been lost in michael's never land home and grave digin' and find michael was buried alive
that same moring my mum give bad news michael died?
few nights after michael died michael come by just to say goodbey to me
michael was siting next to my bad crying watching me sleep

qussion reminds why is SAINT michael lieing to to me about this
michael fake his own death?
do i listen to head and just try to say goodbey to michael
or i do i listen to my heart and keep michael's legacey alive ?
:-( It is sad.I didnt get very excited with these concerts as time got closer.I felt like they were too good to be true..But ofcourse at worst i thought they would be cancelled..I could never conjour up this future.
Another eerie thing i remembered about 25th June is I was out with friends for work for drinks. I don't usually drink and after a few shots I got really drunk and lightheaded. I remember thinking..." this how you feel when you die and your soul gets out of your dody"? This must have happened a couple of hours before the news came. Maybe around the same time MJ died.
I felt cold all around me that evening(I'm in the UK) and then I felt awful health wise. So much so I thought ahead and cancelled my photo assignment the next day. I had lots of chest pain and felt 'out of it' - it was odd as I wasn't stressed and the last time I had it was 2005 when a relative died, I had it then a few hours and when my mum called although the relative had been getting better I had a 'feeling' and before she said anything I asked if they had died and she said yes and I explained I'd felt that way for a few hours and she said well that is when they died.

The night I found out about Michael my mum came to my room and said have you heard he is has maybe had a heart attack, I looked at her said 'I've been feeling really strange, you know I think he'll die' and she came back a few minutes later and said 'you are right they are reporting he has died' - I don't know why I would have felt like that before he died, I didn't know him and hadn't met him. There was a big bolt of lightening here when they said he'd died as we were having a thunderstorm - which does give me headaches but doesn't give me the feelings I had that night, they were odd, not nice. Almost felt like my body was numb, you know like when you are drunk and stoned except you are not.
Don't feel bad about it. I have always told my parents I didn't believe Michael would make it to 50. I don't know why I said it, I just always had that feeling.

There's nothing we could have done. We loved him, supported him, and he loved us and appreciated us so much.
As people have said before, don't be upset about it. It's not your fault, there's nothing that you could have done to prevent it. You didn't know how Michael was going to pass, it could have been a car accident or anything, you couldn't have prevented that. Don't worry, it's not your fault. I'm sure the people closest to Michael had even more obvious signs about what was to come and no one managed to prevent it.

If anything, you kept him going longer. He had our support and love to help him through the rough times.
Thanks for all replying!

I know its not my fault, its just that I feel I did nothing after I was warned...
what is wrong with me?
4 days before michael i was feeling michael's pain?
( i was feeling like i was on fire
my body felt like so i felt hafe of my body was hot the side was cold
i know that michael felt the same of his of his body hot the side cold )
like michael was trying to tell me something in my dreams/nightmares i keep seen michael been buried alive
on 24 or 25 june i seen a ghost of SAINT-michael told me to listen to my heart michael ( jackson) is hospital ill lookafter michael and his broken heart
but i did not listen my heart and had the strangest dream about been lost in michael's never land home and grave digin' and find michael was buried alive
that same moring my mum give bad news michael died?
few nights after michael died michael come by just to say goodbey to me
michael was siting next to my bad crying watching me sleep

qussion reminds why is SAINT michael lieing to to me about this
michael fake his own death?
do i listen to head and just try to say goodbey to michael
or i do i listen to my heart and keep michael's legacey alive ?

maybe if we would pray even more there was no way to prevent it? :(
i prayed so sooooooooo much.......

i had a dreams, warnings before it all happened...
one year ago, i had a dream, like Michael was diagnosed with some illness in march of This year and passed away quickly. i had seen his children in this current age left alone and i was so sad and desperate about it all.. after woke up i couldn't find a peace :no: i prayed a lot and thought maybe it's just an evil spirits trying to put me down via those dreams?
in other dreams a few times ( years ago ), i had seen like Michael died and it was shown on tv in the news. i woke up in cold sweat :(
and just a few days before it happened, i dreamt like i hugged Michael.. and some voice said: ''You're hugging him now, but the countdown has began''

omg these posts chilled me to the bone.......

I mean...I never had any weird feelings but I sometimes thought how it was too awesome to be true that I would see Michael perform again :cry:
I'm glad that you got that off of your chest but you need to understand that nothing you could have done could have prevented what happened. Even if this had been a warning, what were you supposed to? Look like a Ian Halperin "MJ only has 6 months to live"? It was out of your hands love. It was out of all of our hands. God wanted his angel back and we cannot argue with God's wishes.
None of us could ever play God. We could in no way, ever control what happened to Michael.

In this sad world we are just given the roles of mourners during tragedy, we hardly ever get to be the savior.
I didn't have any premonitions of Michael dying at these concerts. I always imagined him being an elder statesman in the entertainment business with a Grecian formula-colored perm or curl. I saw him fulfill his destiny as a spiritual guru going beyond entertainment to show the world a new perspective on life. I always thought his old life selling records would expand into much greater possibilities where his message spreads in more ways than just music.

BUT I NEVER liked the title of the concerts: "This Is It"

I felt that was a lousy name for a concert & it just seemed
I think I blocked the cosmic signals that may have gave warning preferring to think that it was not The End.

I didn't quite know what The End was & I pooh-poohed it saying that he always says that at every tour. Like Michael Jordan & basketball or any other sports star, they can't quit until their body is simply no longer able. It's in their blood I would say.

I anticipated the concerts but in order not to prematurely overhype myself, I preoccupied myself with other things checking in to the MJ scene periodically to get a taste of what was going on. I remember getting excited when he brought the curls back in a thread shown a few months ago.

I always like to wait until right close to the event to start hyping myself up. I saw Michael as very capable & sort of, well, superheroish to be quite honest. I saw nothing but life from Michael. Even on the day of his death earlier when they said he was taken to the hospital I was thinking "Hey Mike cool it with the rehearsals. Take it easy." because he always gave the fans all he could plus 1000%. I figured he just overexerted himself.

The only thing that was eerie to me was the title "This Is It" & the way Michael emphasized that so strongly. I just blocked that out. Maybe this is why I missed the signs.

I think I liked it that way better. Death & Michael Jackson just seemed like diametrically opposed concepts to me.
Still do.
John Lucas