My Apology to MJJC Admin & Members


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I just want to say how sorry I am about the recent postings on my part in a certain area here ; at the time I was not thinking - I was just reading what some other posts were and then went from there. If I offended anyone or anything like that again, I am sorry. I am not that dirty lol. Anyway thank you for letting me apologize here and I will be more careful with what I post. I certainly will think first before just posting.

I love this site and would never do anything to jeopardize my membership. If I was the only one - then I ought to be ashamed. & I am.

and embarrassed. ok. have a good weekend coming up.
tiffany / billiejean84
Hey, don't worry about it hun, that's why we do these things to make you aware. No worries. :hug:
thank you. Again it wasn't offensive, just dirty lol.

I too, just want to be loved.
man i'm missing out on why all these people are apologizing..

i never see the offending
yea so i'm gonna keep it on the low down ok. thanks peeps.

I just hope they can re-open the thread soon. :yes:
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