My 8 year old daughter is obsessed with Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Springfield, MO
I was going to post about this a while ago, but life got in the way. :)

My daughter, who is now 8 years old, has known of MJ since she was a baby. She's heard me playing MJ songs for many, many years. She's been "sort of" into the music, but mostly she cared about cartoons and ponies and

The day MJ passed on....I was scheduled to work. I didn't have to work until 5pm (central time...and my shift ended at 11pm that day) that day my daughter saw me being "quiet" and more "reserved" than usual, but I didn't want to explain what had happened yet since I knew she was a casual fan of MJ and I didn't quite know what to say yet, plus with dealing with MJ's passing personally....I just needed some time to figure it all out.

So late that night, my daughter was still awake and waiting for me to "talk to her about something important" per my wife's instructions. I told her that Michael had went on to be with Jesus and her Great-Grandma and Grandpa. She understood and took it rather well (much better than I'd expected at least).

After I explained that Michael had gone to Heaven to be with God, the first thing she asked me was if we could watch some of the MJ videos we'd watched before (Beat It, Billie Jean, Bad, etc.). It was late, but because of the significance of the day I agreed and pooped in my History video greatest hits dvd and we watched that for a while then we switched over to Bad tour Yokohama and watched parts of that.

Ever since that night.....ever since the day Michael went on to be with the Lord, our God daughter has been stuck on MJ lol.....all she wants to do is listen to Michael Jackson.

A few years ago I bought her an MP3 player for Christmas (it's a foot-long version of an ipod...I bought it at Walgreen's), but she's not been into it that much. When she first got it she listened to it a lot, but in time she really didn't care to listen to it much at all. She'd rather play with her dog or horse toys.

But the night MJ passed, she begged me to put some Mike on her mp3 player, so I did. And the next day when she woke up she had an mp3 player loaded with J5 hits, Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad, some of Dangerous and History, and even a few from Invincible (her mp3 player's capacity is very limited, so I was forced to be VERY selective with what I put on there). She was ecstatic. She was really, really excited. Very hyped about it all.
She had her very own mp3 player loaded with Michael and she was hooked.

Ever since then....going on a few months now...she's been all about Michael. She reminds me of myself at that age, but I think she's even more hooked than I was back then. And that's saying A LOT because at her age I has totally mesmerized by MJ.

It's weird, really. She was a casual MJ fan for the first 7 and a half years of her life, but now, in his passing, she's a Huuuuuge MJ fan. All she wants to do is listen to Michael, watch Michael, and hear about memories of Michael. I mean literally all the time. She's hooked BIG TIME. I've made like 5 or 6 MJ dvd's (each containing about 6 hours of footage) for her throughout the summer.

Michael's passing was tragic obviously and it's been difficult to think about him being gone, but my daughter's enthusiasm for MJ's music has really helped make this summer much easier. :)
Thanks for sharing that with us Dave! :)

You know, I think that we adults sometimes forget how true our feelings was already when we were kids.
I just think this is a 8 year old girl's way of dealing with it, I know me myself have listened even more to Michael since he went away.
This younger generation knew of Michael, but they didn't know Michael's true greatness! Because of his death, his music and short films are being played on a regular basis so they are just now discovering the magic that was/is Michael Jackson! As one of my seventh grade male student put it in today's lingo, "Michael was Ganster!!!"

And that he was/is!!!

Forever MJ shall reign!
yes I have my baby niece she is close to a year and a half dancing to Michaels songs and she knows his face and music she will say "Michael" and point. she also bobbs her head back and fourth to the music. I want to get her on video doing this. also My older niece who is 14 yrs. old says Michael is "gansta" & she says he has "his swaggar"
I'm happy that such younger generations know of him.