My 6 year old sister on MJ, his kids and the media...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
SO i was watching this
I love this.. and whoever that girl is so lucky.
but anyways my sister loves this song and always grabs my ipod and makes me put it on and sings along anyways she then asked me to show her pics of Michael and his kids (I'm sure some of you may have seen that group on facebook)
But anyways the pictures are removed so i just showed her the handful on TMZ
She was like but theres more? I'm like the lady took it of cuz people were saying bad stuff she then goes to me "If i knew how to use a computer i'd email all these bad people and say to them how dare they be rude and say bad stuff about him and the kids, there so cute, paris is a little bit older then me she looks like shes in year 4"

I was left a bit shocked by her comment it was really cute but it upset me also that even a 6 year old child knows when one should stop.. and it makes me fear for when she grows up and sees reality and how reality really sucks...
it always amazes me how wise and poignant children can be. I've heard more intelligent things from a child than I have for many grown ass ignorant people
children are so cute, I can see why Michael was so drawn to them they are smarter than you expect and always sincere
Well they're pure, they tell you the truth and just say what they think.
Sometimes they can see or understand things that we can't.

Children can see the good or bad in you even without knowing you.
wow and she's only six, it's really good she knows the truth about Michael.
Children are very clever.
That's why Michael loved and adore children so much
Yeah so agree with you guys..
Children are so pure its just a shame about the corrupted world we live in..
That's why MJ loves children :(
They are pure and innocent.