My 6 year old nephew lol


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
the other night i had my sister and my nephew up whos only 6 years old, i was listing to michael jackson, when my nephew picked up my cd holder with all my Michael Jackson Discs in it and try to put it in his bag i went made because i dont lend my MJ discs out to anyone i told him if he wants them to bring up blank discs and i will copy them for him or to go and buy them. lol it looks like we've got another New MJ fan i tired to explain to him that Michael passed away but he wouldnt accept it and called me a liar, Just a pitty he cant read or else he'd believe me lol.
Awww, bless his little heart :) You gotta watch out for those little kleptos lol. I could see my one year-old niece trying to do that. She's always trying to take DVD's off my rack or stuff out of my purse.

My 15 year-old nephew, who I didn't think knew a single note of a Michael Jackson song (he's a metalhead), has been suddenly busting in radnomly into his songs lately. The other day he was trying to sing "wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" (I had to help him, lol), and then yesterday he started breaking into "ABC" (again, I had to help him).
Awww, bless his little heart :) You gotta watch out for those little kleptos lol. I could see my one year-old niece trying to do that. She's always trying to take DVD's off my rack or stuff out of my purse.

My 15 year-old nephew, who I didn't think knew a single note of a Michael Jackson song (he's a metalhead), has been suddenly busting in radnomly into his songs lately. The other day he was trying to sing "wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" (I had to help him, lol), and then yesterday he started breaking into "ABC" (again, I had to help him).

LOL.. yeah Im into more a metalhead myself but I've alwayz bn into michael Jackson since i first heard bad, My sister doesnt really listen to MJ either shes more into Rave, Dance and Harcore house music lol but all of shes being blasting your not alone out the stero lol
cute...i remember being at an African Culture day in the city and little boy (about 2 i'd say as a guess) was asked......

person "who's your favourite singer"
boy "Markal JAAKSon"
person "what is your favourite song"
boy "Markal JAAKSon"
person "that's great, but what is your favourite song"
boy "Markal JAAKSon"
person "great, but what's your favourite Michael Jackson song"
boy (shouting with attitude) "MARKAL JAAKSON"

geeez...what didn't the person understaaaaaand.

Hehehe! I had a nine year-old french girl staying with me last week (i lived with her and her family during my university year abroad) and she would listen to nothing BUT MJ. She is calling herself a mini-fan, and her dad has downloaded all Michael's albums off of itunes. Apparently the 3 girls have been dancing around to it for weeks, although they won't dance to any of his less well-known stuff!! :p kids lol!
Every time I get in my car my twin boys, now almost 6 years old, request to play Michael Jackson. The one twin with out Autism knows the titles to every song that's played before Michael even starts singing (and I often hit random play)

Yea it feels good to know the NEXT GENERATION will continue to enjoy and pass down Michael Jackson's tunes!