My 2 new MJ shirts (pics)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It is party time in the city again.
From mid july til mid august, the city close to where I live, is always organising 1001 things. Every day there are live shows from various well known bands, we have special markets, there is a big fair, etc...

Today was the first special market and I was lucky enough to be there.

It was a big surprise to see that there was a special vendor who was selling all kinds of special MJ shirts!

Anyway: I bought 2 of the maybe 50 available designs and here are some pictures:

Shirt 1 (front)


In detail:


Shirt 2 (front)


In detail:


The back of both shirts is the same, too bad about the 2009 date:



In detail:


I was really happy to be there, I never find any MJ shirts in my country.
Next wednesday, the city is holding the last special market for this year and I hope the seller is there again :)
Wow, that is nice. There are so many nice shirts out there right now, I am having a hard time chosing.
I really love the first two, those are some great shirts. I haven't bought any MJ shirts yet, I'm still trying to pick out some I want.
i love the smiling mj pics! beautiful! not keen on the michael jackson font but still very good buy! wear them proudly!
Wow so many replies LOL :D

I'm from Belgium, and yes, I agree, what a shame they needed to put a date on them :(

It was incredibly hard making a choice. All the designs were so great! That's why I hope for next wednesday lol. The vendor had another design that I totally love, it was some kind of a football shirt (the material) but it was so colorful and printed full of MJ pictures. It was amazing, but the shirts are all quite expensive so I couldn't buy all of them :no:

If anybody wants me to look for any of the above shirts next week, just let me know (I can't promise that the vendor will be there though). But if I need to buy you one, please do make sure that you can pay me back as well lol :D
Great shirts...they are selling these 2 designs here as well (in germany, i live 2 km's from the german border)...if anyone from Holland is interested i can get them for you.

My shirts are coming in the mail this week, i dont like randon shirts but prefer slim fitting ones so i chose 2 design at a webshop and altered them a bit.

One shirt has a crown with KOP in it saying 'legends never die' and the other has a glove picture at the front and the back says "One Glove One love".
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I really love how you used the ''rare mj pic'' in the middle, I prefer to see pics of him that arent often seen (in t-shirts especially). Love the smile..
Nice Shirts.

However, I'm moving this to the sub forum Michaelmania. That's where it should be :)
Great shirts...they are selling these 2 designs here as well (in germany, i live 2 km's from the german border)...if anyone from Holland is interested i can get them for you.

My shirts are coming in the mail this week, i dont like randon shirts but prefer slim fitting ones so i chose 2 design at a webshop and altered them a bit.

One shirt has a crown with KOP in it saying 'legends never die' and the other has a glove picture at the front and the back says "One Glove One love".

I didn't know they are for sale in Germany. How much are they there? Because I know Germany is much cheaper then my country! (en als het bij jou goedkoper is, ga ik mijn tenen opeten :D)

Looks like the crown shirt is amazing as well, could you post a picture? Or the link to the webshop please?
I love the shirts. But the only thing that I don't like is that the one has the date of Michael's death on it. To me it should say 1958-Forever. Where did you get them at. My mother had ordered 2 MJ shirts for me yesterday from QVC. But I can't take any pictures of them until they come in September. I also made 3 MJ t-shirts for myself this past Monday. I am wearing one of them right now.
I didn't know they are for sale in Germany. How much are they there? Because I know Germany is much cheaper then my country! (en als het bij jou goedkoper is, ga ik mijn tenen opeten :D)

Looks like the crown shirt is amazing as well, could you post a picture? Or the link to the webshop please?
My husband got them for me at a local german souvenirshop in a town just a few km'sf from here...
They got them for 15 euros each..
If anyone is interested in me buying you one just send a PM.
I come there on a weekly basis.

I ordered my own shirts at where you can design your own shirt and i got another from
Just browse there by typing michael jackson.

I will post a picture of my shirts when they arrive in the mail.
Where did you get them at.

I got them from a special market close to the city where I live. During July and August, the city is always celebrating and they have 2 special markets as well.

The next and last special market is next wednesday.

My husband got them for me at a local german souvenirshop in a town just a few km'sf from here...
They got them for 15 euros each..
If anyone is interested in me buying you one just send a PM.
I come there on a weekly basis.

I ordered my own shirts at where you can design your own shirt and i got another from
Just browse there by typing michael jackson.

I will post a picture of my shirts when they arrive in the mail.

Looks like you can get them cheaper! All shirts were prized 20€ each here :(

For the people who contacted me for these shirts, I still want to buy them for you next week but I think it's smarter to order them with Janena since she can get them cheaper :)

Janena, does your store has the "football" shirts from Michael as well?

Nice shirts, Webbie!!

Thank you!
I didnt see footballshirts, only these 2 and a couple with the logo on it...

Misayko, its a small shop run by a turkish guy..dont know the name...its a local shop (not a chain store or anything like that).
I didnt see footballshirts, only these 2 and a couple with the logo on it...

Misayko, its a small shop run by a turkish guy..dont know the name...its a local shop (not a chain store or anything like that).

Bad luck, then I still need to hope for wednessday :)

Thank you.
Oh, I love the middle picture in the first one!! :D:)
He looks so lovely there (as if he didn't allways :p)