Musikhjälpen (musikhjälpen) for charity


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Musikhjälpen is a Swedish week long live radio and TV broadcast. The mission is to create awarness and raise money for a humanitarian cause. This year Musikhjälpen raise money for the battle against HIV.

Since 2008, Swedish Public Radio and Public Televion together with help organisation Radiohjälpen produce the week long live broadcast Musikhjälpen, with the goal to create awarness about and raise money for a humanitarian catastrophe.

The broadcast is inspired by the Dutch benefit event Serious Request.

Musikhjälpen is held for one week in the middle of December, broadcasted around the clock for seven days. Each year, three famous personalities host the show, broadcasted from a glass house studio located at a public space in a Swedish city. The audience request songs, donating money to the cause while doing so. There are also a vast number of initiatives held around Sweden, each one with the mission to collect money to the cause; Musikhjälpen engage thousands upon thousands of people each year.

Artists and celebrities also visit the studio to perform music, as well as auctioning off various items.

If you want to watch the show, there is a live stream at the top of musikhjä

If you want to donate and help raise money for the battle against HIV, you are most welcome to do so. Just follow these instructions below on how to donate money from abroad.

Thank you!

You can wish songs- and pay for it.

They have played 2 of Michael´s songs, Man in the mirror and DSTYGE.
One of the programleaders danced to DSTYHE, tried to moonwalk and said forever king of pop.

I have wished for We´ve had enough, I hope they play it .
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4000 people dies in AIDS every day, every 15 minutes someone becomes infected.

There are no cure for the disease but if people with HIV get medicine they can live a long and healthy life.
A problem is some consider it to be a shame full disease and don´t talk about it,and don´t go to the doctor to get help.

The result of musikhjälpens fundraising was over 30 million swedish crowns.
The fundraising consisted of 235000 smaller fundraisings made by groups-for example school classes, and individuals.
There were auctions, for example you could learn to crawl by the swedish team(ladies)in swimming,Next summer see a show with a wellknown artist and have a dinner with him.
When you wished for songs you had to pay for it.
They never played We´ve had enough but they played Beat it and Black or white.

2 guys promised to bathe in the stream here if the fundrasing could reach 100000 skr-it´s winter here, not so cold but you sure don´t want to bathe in cold water outside-then they promised they should walk a distance...I think it takes 3-4 hours with a car- f it reached stopped at 260000

In the video you can see a girl leave money she says you don´t have to donate much, if we are many it will become a lot of money.
You can see a couple getting married there..they gave the money the wedding should have cost to musichelp

Musikhjälpen sent a reporter to Africa, you can see him crying.. he said he met so many nice people , it was terrible that people were dying in AIDS, it didn´t have to be that way.
Children become orphans and sometimes girls are forced to have sex with a man to get some food.Sometimes girls are forced to have sex to get an educaton- with the busdriver to get to school. with the teacher, headmaster and then girls are infected.
The female program leader made a little speach about women being raped,get infected and become outcasts from society.. that´s where you see them crying and hugging each other.

It´s from my town..but you don´t see me dancing.
I´m still crying when see them cry in the video.
I think this is cool..
When the police were coming the programleders thought it was some trouble, but soon they recognized some figures in the bus
It´s a worldwide association and Nordic Garrison is part of it.
They collect money for charities, most for children.

I think this is something Michael would have loved.