musical pet peeves


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
i didn't see a similar title in the music section. i am inspired by the one about other things in life, in the gen disscussion area.

for me, some pet peeves are remixes, hurried releases, overuse of autotune, actors trying to be singers(with rare exceptions)...andd..the term 'radio friendly', which is the one that inspired me to put up this thread. when i hear people say something should be radio friendly, i automatically think a load of sh**. if a song is actually good, then, it must not be radio friendly, these days.
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People talking about how many records somebody sold, how many hits & awards an act had, or "best" lists. I think titles (Queen Of Soul, King Of Rock & Roll, His Royal Badness, etc.) are silly also. None of that has anything to do with music.
Current songs that steal titles of classic songs. Examples...

Empire State of Mind (Jay-Z and Alicia Keys) - Similar to "New York State of Mind".

"Cry me a River" (Justin Timberlake) - Another "Cry Me A River" was sung by various artists decades earlier such as Etta James and Ella Fitzgerald.

"California Gurls" (Katy Perry) - "California Girls" (Beach Boys).

I mean, can't the song writers of today think of original titles for their songs?
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Someone doing the same god damn shout-out before or after on every single god damn song.
Basically just every single DISNEY actor/actress coming out with a new album!

Co-sign! I cringe when I hear Disney star and album in the same sentence. Autotune drives me crazy and I can't stand when music journalists label newbies as the "next [enter established artist(s) here]"
His Royal Badness, etc.)

One thing that annoys me is peoples constant need to compare two or more barely related artist, Or even those that share similarities i mean does it really matter if they wore a similar outfit in a music video??
Songs which sound the same throughout a given album. I understand the use of a "signature" style for an artist, but having songs with a certain "signature" something is quite different from producing songs which are more-or-less a carbon copy of each other.
For example, the beatboxing and the "Hee Hee's" are some of Michael's signatures, which can be found in different songs of his. That's good because it retains some of the familiar style, but he also innovates and adds original elements to songs so as to not confuse them with one another. That's what a good artist should do.

To use a less intimidating but still mainstream example, think of the band Evanescence. They add aspects of different genres into their music and use a variety of instruments, even though their "official" genre is alternative rock music. Yet they also have signature elements like Amy Lee's piano playing, which can be found in a lot of their songs. These songs don't sound the same, though.

More "pop" artists are guilty of having their songs sound the same than artists of any other genre, though, probably because pop is the most marketable genre of music and their producers/label order them to do whatever sells. Singers like Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber basically sound the same on each of their tracks. There is minimal instrument originality and minimal vocal variety (on Cyrus's part, especially), which doesn't help any song stand out from the rest. In the end, the only songs we even remember (and buy) are the singles. Older artists like Britney and Xtina have been guilty of doing this as well, however, they have both also had excellent albums which prove they do have talent and can make good, solid songs. People like Miley and Bieber lack that as of yet, and I doubt they will ever achieve it, but who knows...

So that's my pet peeve with some of the "new" artists.
The overuse of Auto Tune in mainstream music
Album interludes
Lack of melody or no melody at all in today's mainstream music
The overuse of Auto Tune in mainstream music
I want to hear someone's voice, not a computer program.

Lack of melody or no melody at all in today's mainstream music
It's as if people are proud of the absence of the melody. And when you think about a lot of stuff like 12 tone music etc, well, that was all tried before. Eventually it is melody what moves people. It's what sticks with you. Melody is the sign of genius, if you can come up with a melody- that's half the work already.
Melody is the soul a piece of music, it's rather faceless without one.

One of my favorite pet peeves are people that will literally spit on an artist as soon as he/she made it "big". Because any kind of music that is loved by millions MUST be boring and deserves to be abandoned. Annoys me. Of course a lot of mainstream stuff does not really need to go down in history, but I'm ticked off by people who insist that mainstream artists that are popular need to be looked down as not cool enough.
Good music is good music, whether commercially successful or not and if you're music is "good" or not should not be determined by wether you play in a Jazz Bar or the O2.

Another pet peeve of mine is music has been put out with only one intent behind it, money. Now, all recording artists are expected to generate revenue, that's fine. It's the "soulless" junk though that kills me. Stuff that designed to fit into a brainless Radio rotation, or music that has been put together so unlovingly and hastily that it's missing everything. The stuff you hear on Disney Channels where faces are as interchangeable as a pair of socks.
That doesn't mean I hate all things Disney- I love the Little Mermaid Soundtrack, done with love. The day-to-day- Disney junk though, can't stand it.
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It's as if people are proud of the absence of the melody. And when you think about a lot of stuff like 12 tone music etc, well, that was all tried before. Eventually it is melody what moves people. It's what sticks with you. Melody is the sign of genius, if you can come up with a melody- that's half the work already.
Melody is the soul a piece of music, it's rather faceless without one.

Now a days it just seems like all everyone is interested in is ''hot beats'' and nothing else. Today it's all about finding the most popular producer who can produce the ''hottest beats''

It just bugs me
Songs which sound the same throughout a given album. I understand the use of a "signature" style for an artist, but having songs with a certain "signature" something is quite different from producing songs which are more-or-less a carbon copy of each other.
For example, the beatboxing and the "Hee Hee's" are some of Michael's signatures, which can be found in different songs of his. That's good because it retains some of the familiar style, but he also innovates and adds original elements to songs so as to not confuse them with one another. That's what a good artist should do.

To use a less intimidating but still mainstream example, think of the band Evanescence. They add aspects of different genres into their music and use a variety of instruments, even though their "official" genre is alternative rock music. Yet they also have signature elements like Amy Lee's piano playing, which can be found in a lot of their songs. These songs don't sound the same, though.

More "pop" artists are guilty of having their songs sound the same than artists of any other genre, though, probably because pop is the most marketable genre of music and their producers/label order them to do whatever sells. Singers like Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber basically sound the same on each of their tracks. There is minimal instrument originality and minimal vocal variety (on Cyrus's part, especially), which doesn't help any song stand out from the rest. In the end, the only songs we even remember (and buy) are the singles. Older artists like Britney and Xtina have been guilty of doing this as well, however, they have both also had excellent albums which prove they do have talent and can make good, solid songs. People like Miley and Bieber lack that as of yet, and I doubt they will ever achieve it, but who knows...

So that's my pet peeve with some of the "new" artists.

you can bet the label ORDERS them to do it. yes. true. these artistically dead execs THINK that the audience doesn't get tired of what initially got the artist off the ground, for the MOST part. don't these execs recognize, that they, themselves, get tired of a lover, a certain food, a drink, a brand of product, after awhile? i guess they overlook that. they seem to think that variety is the spice of life, only applies to them, and not everybody else. and that unreasonable fear, coupled with their need to be in bed with money, results in the suffocation of the art..and...eventually....sales. haha. how ironic is THAT?:bugeyed but they don't see that. so it is THEY that are drowning the industry.
I posted about this before, what I will do is alter a bit what I said before.

1. Record companies signing talentless, mediocre artists... then they complain about low album sales. NOTE TO THE INDUSTRY - WE ARE DROWNING IN HORRIBLE MUSIC.

2. Artists that try make them selves seem better than they actually are.

3. Artists that poison their discography with bad albums. When they think that quantity of albums is more important than quality.

4. Boring/Fake personalities.

5. Looking at your signature 144,000 it reminds me of the fact that so many people want to become a "star", and because of that, well nobody truly becomes one nowadays.

People need to stop supporting MEDIOCRE artists, because you know what? If you support mediocrity, then guess what you will get in the future? That's right MORE MEDIOCRITY.

I believe we've reached a point in music where everything has been done. Perhaps not in every sense, but ultimately it's gotten to the point for so many of us that we think "Why should I listen to a crappy new music when I can listen to amazing older music?"
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Haha....someone said lack of melody! That's so true, especially in R&B. It's like, whatever the key of the song is, the artist will mainly stick their melody to I, ii, and the low V. Usher likes to do this A LOT! Do and Sol. BLAH
sampling other artists music like Vanilla Ice sampling "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie for his song "ice ice baby" and he won't even admit that he used it.
Now a days it just seems like all everyone is interested in is ''hot beats'' and nothing else. Today it's all about finding the most popular producer who can produce the ''hottest beats''

It just bugs me

Yeah...that is what was so genius about the New Jack Swing "Dangerous Style"- "hottest beats", PLUS a genius melody JUST in the nick of time.

I simply tire of the mass produced stuff because "the hottest beats" start to sound extremely alike. I recall watching a Black Eyed Peas performance on Saturday Night Live (popular US TV show and a real test for live performances it seems) and I thought, geez, I have seen more lively people at the last open mic night at the bar. And I'm almost wishing God awful "Eurodance" back just because they at least had strong melodies.
Singing stars who equate being sexually graphic, almost pornographic in their music videos or live performances with being an adult. No, it means you still have a long way to go to grow up.
Yeah...that is what was so genius about the New Jack Swing "Dangerous Style"- "hottest beats", PLUS a genius melody JUST in the nick of time.

I simply tire of the mass produced stuff because "the hottest beats" start to sound extremely alike. I recall watching a Black Eyed Peas performance on Saturday Night Live (popular US TV show and a real test for live performances it seems) and I thought, geez, I have seen more lively people at the last open mic night at the bar. And I'm almost wishing God awful "Eurodance" back just because they at least had strong melodies.

Aww i love 90's Euro dance for the reason you said. It had strong melodies and i think that it's much more fun to listen to in a nightclub instead of today's ''dance'' music
People who complain about popular music, but can't be bothered to find other music. They want to be spoon fed so-called "mainstream" stuff to listen to through a commercial radio station or music video channels. The only purpose of conglomerate radio is to make money, how do you think they can give away prizes? You don't see a classical station giving away anything, because it's funded by grants and listener pledges, not payola from record companies. If you eat at McDonald's or eat junk food all the time, you can't complain about the food making you obese or clogging your arteries. Find something else to eat that's natural and healthier.
Well the thing is you shouldn't have to go looking for good music. You should be able to switch on the TV or turn on the radio and hear good music. 20 years ago it was the real artist who were mainstream but now it's gone full circle where the joke acts are in the mainstream and the real artist struggle to get noticed

It's sad times we're living in
lol..oh oh..i see some people here like something i bangers...whether trance or euro or ameridance, or whatever..if it's the same beat with anything stuck overtop doesn't come across as melodious to allows for the record companies to keep feeding something with one fast beat...if i'm on or off drugs...i can't tell the difference, when i hear

and all dj's have soured themselves in my ears. DJ(insert name here) whoever you are...after having gone dj tucky over an MJ leaked classic with Kravitz..that did it. i'm over with all DJ's.

i hate when these people speak all overtop a song, with their name, as if they own it. i hate that. they all do it. it's the same thing, over and over.

the fact is, hearing Michael made me sour over any trend in music, because i didn't have to go look for him, and he provided EVERYTHING. nobody had to tell me to listen to him. the magic was already there. everybody else needs an advertising boost. MJ never did need that.

the music is supposed to entertain me. i'm not supposed to labor over it, or labor to find it, or try to induce myself to like it.

i never had to do any of those things, with Michael Jackson. he was what classical, jazz, rock, pop and all other musics long to do. grab you, be simplistic, and be genius, and magic, all on its own, all at the same time. it's supposed to attract all walks of life, all ages, all everything. and MJ did that, too, and made me feel like there was no generation thing, going on, or any other man made category. is sad times we're living in.
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Well the thing is you shouldn't have to go looking for good music.
In other words, you want someone else to do it for you like a baby. It's not the radio station's job to play good music or bad music, but to sell time to advertisers. An advertiser isn't going to spend their money on a jazz or a blues station, because few people listen to it and it's mostly an older audience. That's why those stations mostly depend on listener donations. The companies trying to sell their products are going to spend their advertising money where the youth are that are more likely to spend money on their products. The youth like Lil Wayne, Taylor Swift, and Rihanna, that's what's popular. If they weren't they wouldn't be on the radio all the time. The "mainstream" stations only gives the people what they want. That's why it's called mainstream, because it's what the majority of the public likes. So if you don't like what the majority likes, find something else.
I hate that stupid rave "music" that uneducated people in my school who spend all their lives in clubs listening to. Oh my God. It is hedious and just...abysmal.

And most importantly, I hate the lack of a strong melody. Music is awful now...I need to go listen to Michael...
when people say the ball is in our court and not the musician's court. i have the money to buy the product. so the ball is in the musician's court. they have to produce, if they want me to buy. it's not up to me to produce their music magic, and then buy it, as well.
People who complain about popular music, but can't be bothered to find other music. They want to be spoon fed so-called "mainstream" stuff to listen to through a commercial radio station or music video channels. The only purpose of conglomerate radio is to make money, how do you think they can give away prizes? You don't see a classical station giving away anything, because it's funded by grants and listener pledges, not payola from record companies. If you eat at McDonald's or eat junk food all the time, you can't complain about the food making you obese or clogging your arteries. Find something else to eat that's natural and healthier.
^ This. (Meaning I agree lol)