music videos for Thriller25???

Jul 25, 2011
lost, lonely & scared... wanna live with Michael i
ignore it if it has been discussed before.

i was wondering why :heart:Michael does not make music videos for the news songs in Thriller 25?
neither has P.Y.T a video, nor has WBSS, or TGIM. (is the grammer correct in this sentense by the way?)

and he can make a amazing great video for For All time. it surely would contribute to increase the selling of the album.

is there a reson or is it just he doesn't want.
A video for For all time would be great!
I would not want Michael to take part in any videos for Thriller..

I think videos should be made with the featuring artists.. etc.. NO MJ.. except if they show some older MJ footage in it..

Or simply create video montages.. Though I usually don't like when they are official videos.. in this case I think they would end up being a 4-5 minute advertizement for MJ without using anything NEW..

save NEW MJ special for the NEW ALBUM..
i dont think he's focusing on making vids for thriller 25 right now... he's working on that new album right? ( me and my sis r so excited! )
and i don't think he will, because u know how much of a recluse he is...
I think they should get an animated cartoon video together and globally release one more single. Having a visual form of the song will help its success because it opens possibility of having it on things like MTV and BET.

The animated cartoon idea for me is based around the video NOT being impressive. Not alot of time or money goes into it, Michael doenst have to be involved, but like I said, it gives the song a whole new platform of exposure with TV.:)
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I think they should get an animated cartoon video together and globally release one more single. Having a visual form of the song will help its success because it opens possibility of having it on things like MTV and BET.

The animated cartoon idea for me is based around the video NOT being impressive. Not alot of time or money goes into it, Michael doenst have to be involved, but like I said, it gives the song a whole new platform of exposure with TV.:)

Yeah, actually that's a great idea.

Whenever a song is on MTV it sells better!
OMG damien.. I JUST came in here to type that..

I never did say that earlier because I thought of it for a NEW video for his new album since it's a bit different, but then I started to think.. no cuz when MJ's out I want all the REAL MJ as possible..

u said it a couple days ago to me, now I'll say it to you..

'great minds think alike..' :)

I thought of both either a cartoon, or a 3-D animated MJ video..
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yeah usually the songs that have video are more popular thats why when you think thriller you think thriller beat it billie jean or in bad smooth criminal apart from just good friends or somthin
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it would be great video for all time ,but l wish he will do more videos clips in his new album like what he did for dangerous and bad.