Murray Trial Day 18 October 26th

Murray's crying tears of joy at the flattery. He's so touched awwwww...

Is that it for these witnesses now? That's enough. He took care of them, why did he had to be so different with Michael?
Yes. And if everyone ascribed to that version of morality, Ted Kaczynski would still be out there bombing people. His brother recognized that strangers' lives have value too. Support for a loved one does not constitute defending them mindlessly no matter what they do, but in guiding them back toward the right path when they depart from it.

This case and Ted Kaczynski are hardly the same. Regardless if Murray goes to jail or not, he will never be allow the practice again. There is nothing he can say or do that can justify what he did to the medical board and he will lose his license. So, it's not like he can go around killing patients or he is a danger to society to that extent.

When I said support serial killers, I didn't mean hide them or lie about their crime. I meant they still see them as a friend and don't call them monsters or demonized them as human.

I don't know what these people's true motives are and I won't bother to guess. I just feel it's unfair to demonize or demean them just because they support Murray, because we don't know what's in their heart of hearts.
Another scheduling issue, what's new?! Court's over for the rest of the day.
medical witnesses arent available until tomorrow i guess so last two tomorrow then rebutal
dear these witness are historical...they ment well and imo...they are under the impression that they are doing a good thing, Here they are people with no medical and Murray steps in and gives them the care that they need of course they are gonna think that he is a super duper doc. To bad he didnt give that same care to Michael. Michael's care was not gonna be free,,,and Murray messed that up. So for that witness to say that Murray was not greedy,,,that is a bad statement for that witness to give.
I am glad Walgren kept things short. I wonder what these witnesses thought they were going to do. Did they wonder if they were going to be attacked but they were asked a few questions and that's it.
I am glad Walgren kept things short. I wonder what these witnesses thought they were going to do. Did they wonder if they were going to be attacked but they were asked a few questions and that's it.

I'm sure they didn't think they would be attack since it would reflect badly on the DA. You only attack a witness when you can't challenged them on the facts. Much like what the defense did the Shaffer doing his cross.
What happened? Maybe they still can't find Karen Faye to testify?

She hasn't sorted this "rumor" yet? If by the end of the day she hasn't commented on the matter, it will be confirmed she's being dodgy. I'm sure fans are tweeting the hell outta her about it. The silence will be defeaning.
"No more trial today, since the other defense witnesses, Dr. Robert Waldman and Dr. Paul White are not available to testify."
Yeah the judge messed up on that. Motive and intent caused by his financial issues
Yeah but the problem is that his financial troubles ARE the cause of this mess.

True, but the court already ruled along time ago that the DA couldn't bring in Murray's financial problems or his love for stripper. The same reason why the defense couldn't bring in Michael's financial problems and other crap not related to this case.
Yeah the judge messed up on that. Motive and intent caused by his financial issues

Except manslaughter has nothing to do with motive and intent. Even if Murray wasn't getting paid for his serves toward Michael, that still wouldn't excuse Murray's actions when he gave propofol and left the room. If this was a murder 2 case, the financial would be a big deal, but this is a gross negligence case and gross negligence has nothing to do with finances.
That's nice of these people to want to sing Murray's praises and say how great a doctor he is. Too bad Prince, Paris and Blanket can't say the same. Can you even imagine the look on Murray's face if Prince took the stand? I know we would all be complete wrecks!
Intent to take a job he wasnt qualified to do.motive and intent explain his actions. ue he did it for the money
That's nice of these people to want to sing Murray's praises and say how great a doctor he is. Too bad Prince, Paris and Blanket can't say the same. Can you even imagine the look on Murray's face if Prince took the stand?:eek:hno: I know we would all be complete wrecks!

Given what Michael supposedly said and what Paris supposedly said, they would most likely say similar praises of Murray. That they trusted him and daddy said Murray was the best doctor in the world and can't believe Murray did what he did.

All these witnesses showed was that Michael had no reason not to trust Murray. After all, why would such a beloved and caring doctor leave the room when you're under medication?