Murray to show up in Las Vegas courtroom in November


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2011

LAS VEGAS – A lawyer says the physician being investigated in Michael Jackson's death will appear for a Nov. 16 child support hearing in Las Vegas.

Attorney Christopher Aaron and a spokeswoman for Clark County District Attorney David Roger said Wednesday that no warrant will be issued for Dr. Conrad Murray pending his Family Court hearing.

Roger filed a document Tuesday urging a judge to deny Aaron's request to let Murray make only minimal payments on more than $14,000 that Roger says Murray owes a California woman and her son.

Aaron says Murray had to close his medical practice and move due to threats following Jackson's death June 25.

Los Angeles police are focusing a homicide investigation on Murray. He told investigators he gave Jackson a powerful anesthetic before he died.
What the heck? Why is his negligence regarding child support the only news we're getting lately?! =/
After seeing "This is it", I want this doctor to fry.
so the court visit is not about the investigation about michaels death its about something else ?
I want this man in JAIL DAMIT 4 Months now thats to long whats going on ? I have a Bad feeling that Murray will never go to JAIL . :(
Sick man. I have so much hate towards him :( hate I shouldn't feel at my young age :S
Murray needs to give this woman that money. Even if he has to sell his car. But seriously. This is nothing compared to what happened to Michael. Hands down. Murray needs to answer for that in court even more.
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Who give a F about his child support. What's going on with the investigation? When are charges going to be brought up?
I would go there as a protestor with signs in support of Michael if I lived in America.

Dr. Murray, you killed Michael!
I am so mad at this doctor until I do not know what to do. He was hired in May and MJ died in June. I wish AEG would have stood their ground and never allowed Michael to hire this guy. June was a rough month for me. This doctor killed Mj and alot of people's dreams. After this movie, this doctor may need to move to Mars.
:( of all the doctors in the entire world... Urgh I feel sick
I am so mad at this doctor until I do not know what to do. He was hired in May and MJ died in June. I wish AEG would have stood their ground and never allowed Michael to hire this guy. June was a rough month for me. This doctor killed Mj and alot of people's dreams. After this movie, this doctor may need to move to Mars.

I know what you mean. I'd like to show up there with signs and tell him what I think of him, but I'm afraid of what might happen. I actually think going to jail would be worth ending his sorry life after what he did.
I know what you mean. I'd like to show up there with signs and tell him what I think of him, but I'm afraid of what might happen. I actually think going to jail would be worth ending his sorry life after what he did.
Maybe. I am just so mad. I watch "This is it" last night and I was in a zone. I cried during Human Nature because I loved the way he sung that song. I said in May that I hope MJ sing Human Nature like that. And he did. I was going to show from the United States. See this is hurtful in so many ways. This death did NOT have to happen. I would have bet my whole fortune that Mj would not have died like this let alone young. I had a rough month with the death of something in June and what helped me through it was thinking about the fact I was going to see and met Michael. June 3 was hard for me. And then June 25 came and @##$$% went out the door. I have been crying for 4 months and sometimes I feel like I am falling apart. Michael has always been apart to my life. I feel like I am dreaming. I wake up to think someone is going to come out and say, "you all got tricked, Michael is here and that death is a lie just like it was a lie back in APril when it was said". It just does NOT seem real.
um....ask the lapd about that one. but he's got 7 kids byhella women. he was staying w/ his last baby mama in la while working for mike. he can go to jail for not paying so at least they'll have him behind bars u ntil lapd charge him and extradite him back to cali
I, for myself am surprised to see that we are openning a thread -non related to michael - in here.... the guy doesn't deserve that honour.. quiet the opposite...
There will be a thread on his honour when he will face the music, which will be very soon, till then, this one should be closed... cause he does NOT merit for us to care or talk about his child payment stuff.
how is this an honour? this is him possibly being jailed for being delinquent in payments. so then he'd be in a cell till indictment comes thru from la