MTV This Is It Review ... a hell of singer!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Bremen - Germany
What I've said from the beginning. They should have had more trust in Michael's voice, the background is too noisy, interferring the melodiousness of Michael's voice:

The Present, A Perfect MJ Tune
Song showcases MJ's often-overlooked talent as a singer.

By James Montgomery

Michael Jackson was a hell of a singer.

I only say this because to the casual music fan, it might not be apparent. Whether it was because so much about him — his dance moves, his style, his swagger — was so dynamic, or because he rarely spoke above a whisper, or even because he frequently peppered his verses with vocal ticks (like those oft-imitated "Hee-hee's"), Jackson remains one of the most underrated vocal artists in music history.

And that's a shame, because his voice was a wondrous thing, capable of reaching both towering heights (the final verse of "Rock With You") and depths ("Childhood"). It was technical, but it was also decidedly human, too, full of pump-priming rage ("Man in the Mirror") one minute, tethered tenderness the next ("She's Out of My Life"). It was a finely tuned instrument that, when unfurled, revealed all the pain and frustration and joy of Jackson's life ... a window inside the man's soul. It could stop you in your tracks and raise the hair on the back of your neck. It was something to behold.

But don't take my word for it. Just listen to "This Is It," the title track to Jackson's posthumous concert-film/double album that premiered at midnight on Monday (October 12). Because if anything, it's reinforcement of my original point: Jackson was a powerhouse vocalist.

The origins of the song may remain cloudy — it was reportedly written in 1980, in the fertile period between Jackson's Off the Wall and Thriller albums, and recorded in the mid-to-late '80s, in between the Bad and Dangerous albums — but really, none of that really matters: "This Is It" is a prime showcase for Jackson's prodigious pipes, which means that the best way to experience it — indeed, the best way to pay tribute to the man and his music — is to turn the volume up, sit back, and just listen.

Ignore the trilling strings, and the soft-jazz/light-funk backing track (which sort of make the song sound like Off the Wall's "I Can't Help It.") Block out the hype surrounding the song's release and the drama surrounding Jackson's death. Focus on those vocals — the way Jackson counts it in with a boyish "one, two, three, four," the way he glides from verse to verse with breathless, effortless phrasing, the lean-yet-heavy falsetto, the hint of gravel (and gravitas) is the verses, the soaring choruses — it's all there, untarnished by time or tabloids. And it's all wonderful.

In a lot of ways, "This Is It" might be the perfect Michael Jackson tune. And by that I mean, while it's by no means his best, or his most memorable, it might be his most representative. It's a mixture of his yearning early years and his messianic later period, and it shines a light on the best aspects of both: His voice.

Because, just in case you weren't aware, Michael Jackson was a hell of a singer.
Michael is an amaaaaaaaaazing singer, both as a child and adult. AMAZING
Oh my. They described his voice really well. I sometimes forget how AMAZING his vocal range is! Amazing. :wub:
This reviewer got it right! I've always said Michael was underrated as a singer. When it comes to his wonderful talents, his voice is what I love about him most actually and too often his singing is overlooked. He really is a great vocalist. Thanks for posting this.
From a kid to adult his voice had trememdous rhythm and heights. Which kid could sing like this guy? He is not only for R&B he is versatile and that is just his singing.
Great review. The first thing that struck me when listening to This Is It was how magical MJ's voice is. Every time I listen to MJ he never fails to amaze me even if i've listened to the song hundreds of times, I just love listening to him sing.
this is an MTV article? :s ... it's too good!
this is an MTV article? :s ... it's too good!

I cant understand what is MTV`s stand sometimes, It has humiliated MJ in 2001 by giving him a fake music cup, now it wrote such a good article...I am confused...
Of all the talents that Michaels possessed, his voice is the single most amazing sound and quality that I most admire and love about him. He could do anything at all and I often feel that his vocal ability was massively overlooked and under appreciated. Maybe this is changing now, and with the movie showcasing live vocals, everyone will see just how much of a gift his voice was to all of us.
Of all the talents that Michaels possessed, his voice is the single most amazing sound and quality that I most admire and love about him. He could do anything at all and I often feel that his vocal ability was massively overlooked and under appreciated. Maybe this is changing now, and with the movie showcasing live vocals, everyone will see just how much of a gift his voice was to all of us.

actually, I think it's more noticeable now that we have almost no one -- NO ONE -- in the industry who has a really magnificent set of pipes. I can't think of a single person who can truly, effortlessly sing two octaves and make it look easy. additionally, not many people possess the quality of voice and versatility he did -- sweet and mellifluous when he needed to sing stuff like Heal the World, IJCSLY and Gone Too Soon, yet raw, gritty. bitter and tortured when singing stuff like Man in the Mirror, or This Time Around or even just wondrously exultant as in singing Beat It or Wanna Be Starting Something.

there's just not many of those kinds of singers left.
I love this article!
Michael's vocal ability is so underrated. His voice is so immensely unique and versatile.

It's nice to see him getting some more recognition for it.
I love this article! It's so true. Michael's voice has always been so underrated, it's sad. He has the range, perfect pitch, falsetto, gritty when he wants it to be, adding all those little tics, beautiful tone... Just listen to She's out of my life like he said or Someone in the dark, and you'll hear how BEAUTIFUL it is. He could do any type of song, and that isn't very common. He puts so much emotion into his songs that you can feel whatever it is he's wanting you to feel. Amazing.
Just yesterday on Family Feud, they had a question that was "What pop star has a worse singing voice than you?" 8 people said Michael!! I was so offended by that. I said, "Well all those people who think they sing BETTER than Michael Jackson better be out there recording some music." I think the reason why people overlook his singing ability is just because the focus has been placed more on his dancing and showmanship. For those of us who have listened to and know all of his music, we know how blessed he was with his voice, as well.
well it is about time.... Michael has gotten some of the credit he deserves....he had an amazing voice always....And MTV finally got it right.
I'm glad that MTV are realising how great a vocalist Michael was. His voice had so much versatility and range. What makes This Is It listenable is Michael's voice and the way he emotes, he lifts the song and gives it more depth. Honestly I think if he wasn't singing it then the song would sound much weaker.
I've never seen anything written about Michael which is as true and as well said as this. :)
That's our Michael!:wub:
So true.

Pity it took Michael's death for MTV to finally focus on the good and positive, instead of cheap sensationalism.

wow a nice article on MTV??? I thought this was written by a fan but I guess not. I'm surprised.
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I love this article! It's so true. Michael's voice has always been so underrated, it's sad. He has the range, perfect pitch, falsetto, gritty when he wants it to be, adding all those little tics, beautiful tone... Just listen to She's out of my life like he said or Someone in the dark, and you'll hear how BEAUTIFUL it is. He could do any type of song, and that isn't very common. He puts so much emotion into his songs that you can feel whatever it is he's wanting you to feel. Amazing.
Just yesterday on Family Feud, they had a question that was "What pop star has a worse singing voice than you?" 8 people said Michael!! I was so offended by that. I said, "Well all those people who think they sing BETTER than Michael Jackson better be out there recording some music." I think the reason why people overlook his singing ability is just because the focus has been placed more on his dancing and showmanship. For those of us who have listened to and know all of his music, we know how blessed he was with his voice, as well.

^^ just sickening

maybe they were joking.

Peoples ears have been dumbed down with autotune for the past five years, as well as their minds with meaningless songs and lyrics. It's pathetic.

They have no IDEA of what we ALL lost with Michael. God why. Help me to understand.
^^ just sickening

maybe they were joking.

Peoples ears have been dumbed down with autotune for the past five years, as well as their minds with meaningless songs and lyrics. It's pathetic.

They have no IDEA of what we ALL lost with Michael. God why. Help me to understand.

Some people are so blinded by their hate of another, that they can't see past it.
I can understand that some people might have not liked Michael's music...okay, scratch that, I can't.
But I know some don't, and that's fine, but to undermine his talent and abilities is just silly, and really only shows how much they know.
Great article, and I am kind of amazedthat people need to be reminded about his singing ability. After all- that is his craft. His abilities to put all his emotions in a song, to be technically brilliant, and at the same time be a 100% professional craftsman in producing music is what his fame is built upon. In this world of faking it with the help of marketing and technology, he was the real deal. Myabe the world has become so used to that fake versions, that we can not recognice real singers anymore? Maybe we need to be reminded about this?