Mr mesereau, will you be there?

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Proud Member
Jul 26, 2011
Somebody, please help
Do not know if it's the right place


Tom Mesereau
Sponsored by:
WorldWide Michael Jackson FANily
Dear Mr Mesereau:

We've recently learned something that deeply saddened/troubled us. The reason for Brian Oxman's constant paid publicity events was because Joe Jackson retained him but he is NOT paying him because he claims he can't afford to. Mr Jackson, instead, authorised Mr Oxman to make his legal fees via paid interviews etc, using his profile as MJ attorney.

We'll communicate with Mr Jackson and we are also willing to chip in to help Jacksons with legal fees. We don't have much but what we have we are willing to give so we may have a winning shot at getting justice for Michael. Mr Mesereau, we recognize your iron-strength as a lawyer, we watched you triumph in 2005. Michael had a lot of attorneys but we trust you, we have faith your skills.

Mr Oxman is currently on probation for 2 years. We have googled his accomplishments and we fans do NOT believe he is equipped to handle the 2 high profile cases that he is currently retained for. If you ask us, he already shot the case in the head when he granted countless interviews about Michael's so-called addiction, he continues to do so. He sold Joe Jackson's petition to ET. I strongly believe it was Mr Oxman who sold the Trusts Document to News of the World because ONE DAY prior to the leak, Mr Oxman in a UStream interview expressed his frustration about little disclosure of information to public.

Mr Mesereau, Michael is one of the few celebrities, if not only, who have had a genuine relationship with his fans. He literally offered his food to followers outside of his home. He is our family, he is our insides. We hunger to get justice for him so he may rest in peace. We fans do all we can...all we can but as you know, in the court of law, it's not what we feel, it's what an attorney can prove. We do NOT feel we are on right track with Mr Oxman.

Please come through for Michael so we may have the best representation in the wrongful death lawsuit against Conrad Murray. Michael gave all he had to the people of the world and he has spent a lifetime trying to inspire OTHERS to give as well. MR MESEREAU, WILL YOU BE THERE?

It'll be one of the few moments fans are happy about since June 25, if your answer is yes.

Kind Regards, Sir

Somebody's missing a friend
Somebody's lacking a hero
And they have not a clue when it's all gonna end

Stories buried and unfold
Someone is hiding the truth
When will this mystery unfold
And will the sun ever shine
In the blind man's eyes when he cries?

You can change the world
(I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky
(Gonna take somebody's help)
(I'm gonna need some kind of sign)

It seems as if we have no voice
It's time for us to make a choice
There's nothing that can't be done
If we raise our voice as one

goal: 1,000
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