Mr.Bush offers a whole gross $100 000 of help for 100 000 houses destroyed in Cuba


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Idiot (translated) said:
USA's 6-th Fleet flagship, "Mount Whitney" arrived to Georgia's port in Poti with humanitarian aid like juice, dry milk and pampers.

For those who may not know, "Mount Whitney" -- floating commander staff. The most advanced ship of the type. It has about 180 meters (590 feet) in length and about 18 500 tons draught. With four big artillery guns and a helicopter on the board. This huge ship even could not fit to any wharf in Poti, it had to stay on the raid in open sea. And this thing took hundreds of miles to bring a whole gross 17 tons (no mistake, 17 tons) of pampers, juices and dry milk. Well, charity is beautiful and noble thing.

And now lets look at other side of the world, at Cuba. A week ago this country barely survived "Gustav" hurricane, which destroyed more than 100 000 houses, according to administration.

Which country is the nearest to Cuba? Yes, the country which is under Mr.Bush's governance. So, did USA's military ships, with their holds full of dry milk, arrive there to Cuba? No, they were sent to Georgia.

To be fair, it had to be said that Mr.Bush's government offered financial help to Cuba. The sum is truly impressive -- a whole gross $100 000. One dollar per one destroyed Cuban house, that is. Cuban authorities could not help it but refuse of such generous offer. They asked also, that if Mr.Bush's government would want to help, then why they would not lift economical sanctions, which prohibit to have business between USA's companies and Cuba directly? Those commercial companies then could actually help people, with volume of support probably much bigger than that huge sum of financial help Mr.Bush's government was available to offer.

Of course, no sanctions were lifted. It is understandable -- how anyone could help a country, where there is no democracy? If people want no democracy, they are not worthy of help -- is not that an obvious and basic concept of humanism?

In the meantime, Cuba waits for the hurricane "Ike". Mr.Bush's aircraft carriers are being loaded with a dry milk, juices and pampers for the destroyed Georgia (they mean all three buildings that were harmed there). Unlike South-Ossetia (with went through Georgia's aggression with more than 500 buildings being destroyed or damaged), to which neither Mr.Bush, nor noble and humanistic European Union offered any help. Obviously, South-Ossetia is not going by the way of democracy, too.

Nothing new, but still shows how democracy, equity and humanism triumph over the world under the guidance by "international community".
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$1 per house? :huh: generous...

I don't even think there's a smiley in this huge list to express the way I feel about this guy ....
Well, Mr.Bush could not obviously afford offering more money to Cuba while sending 6th Fleet to Georgia, with 18500 tons-draught flagship bearing a whole gross 17 tons of humanitarian aid to there. 17 tons -- is about usual net cargo weight for a truck (yes, one regular truck meant).

Of course, you should not doubt of the purposes of that effective way to deliver the humanitarian aid, unless you guess Mr.Bush continues to arm the aggressor (Georgia) as he did it before all the recent years, brokering billions-dollar worth of weapon sales deals.
At least he didn't send in the troops and order them to shoot to kill like he did to his own citizens in New Orleans.
There was at least one USA's citizen among Georgia's military in the zone from where the troops attacked South-Ossetia. More than 100 of Mr.Bush's military advisors were in Georgia's capital even during the conflict.

According to one of versions, small war in Georgia is improved version of the latest war in Iraq. Improved in the sense that very few of USA's citizens directly were in danger of being killed -- most of Mr.Bush did is financed, armed, trained aggressor right before the war (knowing that it will happen) and continueing advising during the aggression. And, after that, Ms.Rice angrily demanded that captured in Georgia USA's military equipment should be returned back.

We have to deal with that way of humanism.