Movie Sequels That Aren’t As Bad As Everyone Says


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Are there any movie sequels out there which alot of people seem to hate but you don't think is that bad?

I have a few

Spider-Man 3 - Ok the movie has it's flaws and it could have been better but i don't think it's horrible. It's a nice fun pop corn film

Rocky V - I do think that this is the worst of the Rocky series but the movie itself isn't that bad. That street fight between Rocky and Tommy Gunn was awesome

The Lost World: Jurassic Park - It's not as good as the first movie but that was a tough act to follow but i thought it was a pretty decent movie

Halloween III: Season Of The Witch - People always bash this movie for one reason and that's that Michael Myers wasn't in it. Michael Myers was killed at the end of Haloween II and they had no intentions of brining him back. So when a third movie was being made they wanted the Halloween movies to be like a Twight Zone kind of thing where a different story and different cast happens in each movie and have it set on Halloween night but Michael Myers became so popular that they had no choice but to use him. Halloween III: Season Of The Witch is a damn good movie.

Jaws 2 - People either love or hated this movie and i loved it. It's not as good as the first Jaws but it's still a good movie. I think that some people unfailry lump this with the awful Jaws 3 and Jaws 4
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Beverly Hills Cop II & III
Back To The Future II & III
I agree with you on Halloween III. Great movie on it's own. I actually like Beverly Hills Cop III better than II. I saw Back to the Future II before the first one, and I thought it was one of the best movies ever lol. Part 3, bleh.

Rush Hour 3 - Was OK, but the main problem was that they simply took too much time to make this one, and it seemed like their hearts weren't totally into it.

Graffiti Bridge - YEAH I SAID IT! lol. I liked this movie when I was 6, before I really got into Prince's music, and I will continue to defend it until the day I die. If anything, it looks cool. lol
At first Back To The Future Part 3 was off putting to me because of the Wild West theme it had going for it but over the years it has grown on me and i like it.
I hope to god no one mentions Grease 2 in this thread, that would been they need shooting lol
Ghostbusters 2. Not as good as the first but still entertaining
Graffiti Bridge - YEAH I SAID IT! lol. I liked this movie when I was 6, before I really got into Prince's music, and I will continue to defend it until the day I die. If anything, it looks cool. lol
This movie was supposed to be mainly about The Time, but Warner Bros didn't think they could sell tickets and so the script was rewritten and Prince's part was made bigger. Madonna was offered a role in the movie, but she declined. I think Kim Basinger (who was dating Prince at the time) declined the movie also. Ingrid Chavez, who played the angel in the movie, later sued Madonna & Lenny Kravitz about the song Justify My Love. Ingrid said that some of the lyrics in the song came from one of her poems, and she wasn't credited.
To be honest, I like all of the Spiderman movies equaly, but that dance montage during the third one makes me want to rip off my Spiderman underpants and set them on fire. Yeah... you heard me..
The good thing i can say about the street dancing scene from Spider-Man 3 is that they played a cool James Brown song.
The Stars Wars Prequels. Lots of people hated Phantom Menace and Attack Of The Clones. I loved them. I thought Revenge Of The Sith was the best of those 3.

Back To The Future 2 and 3 I also liked. 2 has always been my favorite because of going to 2015.

Lots of people didn't care for Die Hard with Avengence and Live Free Or Die Hard. I thought both were good. DHWA is my favorite of all 4 movies IMO.
The Stars Wars Prequels. Lots of people hated Phantom Menace and Attack Of The Clones. I loved them. I thought Revenge Of The Sith was the best of those 3.

I was just going to post that! Wasn't sure if them being prequels made them ineligible. I love ROTS.
The only thing I hated about ROTS was Padme dying. I love Natalie Portman so it sucked to see her get knocked off.....but I guess it goes along with Anakin/Vadar's pain, and turn to the dark side
Spider-Man 3 - Ok the movie has it's flaws and it could have been better but i don't think it's horrible. It's a nice fun pop corn film

The Lost World: Jurassic Park - It's not as good as the first movie but that was a tough act to follow but i thought it was a pretty decent movie

Spiderman 3 was pretty abysmal, the acting sucked and it was so corny. Spiderman 2 was the best one. I actually thought The Lost World was better than the first Jurassic Park, I love it! As for Back to the Future II and III, I thought II was almost as good as the first one but III just doesn't even seem like a Back to the Future film, they either shouldn't have made it or should have made them travel into a better time other than the wild west. The only reason they did that is because the producers had always dreamed of making a wild west film so they thought to make Doc and Marty travel back to the wild west. How that film ever got the go ahead I'll never know.
I agree with you on Halloween III. Great movie on it's own. I actually like Beverly Hills Cop III better than II. I saw Back to the Future II before the first one, and I thought it was one of the best movies ever lol. Part 3, bleh.

Rush Hour 3 - Was OK, but the main problem was that they simply took too much time to make this one, and it seemed like their hearts weren't totally into it.

Graffiti Bridge - YEAH I SAID IT! lol. I liked this movie when I was 6, before I really got into Prince's music, and I will continue to defend it until the day I die. If anything, it looks cool. lol

i love graffti bridge :)
The Final Destination sequels though I still haven't seen the final one yet.
As the Scream-series geek that I am, i'll go with Scream 2.
Also, both sequels to I Know What You Did Last Summer were pretty good and/or decent!

The Star Wars prquels aren't as bad as the haters say. Sure, they're nothing in comparision to the original trilogy, but still, no 2 and 3 are great!
Last night i watched Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull for the first time and i really don't get what everyone's problem was with it. I thought it was pretty good.

People bash Rocky IV for it's over the topness but to me it's one of the most entertaining movies ever made.

Also Batman Forever wasn't that bad. It was just ok. I think that it get's lumped unfairly with the awful Batman And Robin.
Coincidentally there was a link on imdb the other day regarding this exact subject.

Alien Resurrection is better than people say. Die Hard With a Vengeance is brilliant.
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I think that Die Hard With Vengance is better than Die Hard 2