Movie director: Quentin Tarantino on Michael Jackson and Jacksons' Music Catalog

Lovely find. Sadly he picks Heartbreak Hotel as being from Destiny. Which it ain't.
Great stuff, thanks.

Tarantino is to film what Michael is to music.
I love hearing things like this and I agree with Q that the songs written by MJ in the Jackson era were brilliant.

Maybe QT should write a book about MJ's musical work!
Wow, impressive! Who knew that Tarantino was such a fan? I like it that he's not like "Thriller this and that, Billie Jean this and that" but can look past the obvious songs. That kind of shows that he really is a fan. Even though he mixes up the albums a bit (eg. says that Heartbreak Hotel is on Destiny).

I'm in a similar mood now: though for me it's Triumph that I can't stop playing for a couple of weeks now. Such a great but underrated and overlooked album! Actually it could have been a Michael solo album, it has Michael's style all over it, in style, in songwriting, in lyrics.
Funny, how things tie together in my life: I am a big QT fan- and had never heard this. And of course, it made my heart smile how PASSIONATE Quentin is when he talks about the music and the albums. And I just realized I do not have an electronic version of The Jacksons Live... gasp... running to itunes...
Now it all makes sense why Q.T recently met Prince Jackson. Cool! I have all the Jackson albums except 2300 Jackson Street lol. Need to get it though even though MJ is in there for like one song. =( Anyways, Triumph and Destiny are to me the best Jackson Albums, along with the Live Album for sure. I wish this era of MJs work would get more credit and attention.
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wow - I did exactly the same thing around the time he died. For some reason, I listened to a lot of Jacksons stuff for months back then.
that's why i never had any doubts about Michael's sales. Big's hard to see something unless one sees it, which i understand, but it takes things like this to see? it, sometimes. I mean..there are people out there who think nobody's buying Jermaine's music, let alone Michael's.