Movie Critic ARMOND WHITE explains MJ's music videos as art


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
I really enjoy listening to Armond White critic Michaels work. He can be very brutal in his critics but He considers MJ a TRUE Artist and genious in every sense of the word _ I was so impressed with a past critic
he did on MJs video Black or White _ showing the contrast of the first part and the panther dance and how
they tied together to get Michael message across _

Keep Moving
Michael Jackson may not have been a film star,
but ARMOND WHITE explains his music videos as art

Armond White joins us on stage for a one-of-a-kind tribute to the King of Pop.
White will also be signing his new book Keep Moving: The Michael Jackson Chronicles.
Keep Moving: Michael Jackson’s Video Art At Walter Reade Theater, Nov. 22, 6 p.m.

By Armond White
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Liz Taylor was right in her now famous Tweet about Michael Jackson’s This Is It. My Lincoln center program about MJ’s music videos (Keep Moving: Michael Jackson’s Video Art at the Walter Reade Theater, Nov. 22) was planned before This Is It,but it ought to confirm Dame Liz’s enthusiasm. It’s designed to show film enthusiasts who wonder: “What happened to the movie musical?” or “Why wasn’t Michael a film star?” Despite race, class and puritanical obstacles, Jackson advanced the movie-musical genre his own way—working with the best, trusting his instinct and raising the promo film to an art form every time out

MJ’s taken-for-granted cinematic passion was ahead of Hollywood in visualizing the complexities of sex (“In the Closet”) race (“Black or White”), ecology (“Earth Song”) and that aspect of our cultural heritage that wrestles with mankind’s aggressive instincts (“Smooth Criminal”). Put MJ in proper context with Singin’ in the Rain, Shall We Dance and The Band Wagon as serious expression, not trivial daydreaming. Too busy finger-sapping to consider “The Way You Make Me Feel” ’s exploration of courtship ritual? In This Is It, MJ turns masculine drive into iconography that studies eroticism and social custom—all of it beautifully sung and imaginatively choreographed.

MJ’s music video legacy shames contemporary Hollywood’s inability to sustain the music video as an expression of mankind’s dreams. He displayed rare understanding of how music and images can edify the human condition. That’s why Liz’s all-out defense and confirmation matters. She tweeted: “[This Is It] is the single most brilliant piece of filmmaking I have ever seen. It cements forever Michael’s genius in every aspect of creativity. To say he was a genius seems so little…I truly believe this film should be nominated in every category conceivable.”

Liz, of course, is totally right. She challenges the Motion Picture Academy and the upcoming parade of Oscarheads to see past tabloid demonization to the significance of MJ’s art; to make right the mainstream’s neglect of a great artist.

Get Armond White’s new book Keep Moving:
The Michael Jackson Chronicles from
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Thought members of this Michael Jackson group might like to hear further thoughts from Armond White on the subject of Michael Jackson.

Here are two links to a radio interview (posted on critic Armond White did on Friday, November 20, 2009 on the subject of Michael Jackson AND his upcoming music video presentation, entitled "KEEP MOVING: Michael Jackson's Music VIdeo Art".

Enjoy and if you are in the New York City area and are interested, hope to see you there. Armond White will also be signing copies of his new book "KEEP MOVING: The Michael Jackson Chronicles"

For information on tickets, check out this link:

In the radio interview, Armond White also offers some thoughts on the Michael Jackson film "This Is It".
Very positive....I like it!

I'll be fuming if TII gets no nominations for any award. But I'm sure that MTV movie awards will have an award for TII. The oscars and golden globes are a real pain.
In the radio interview, Armond White also offers some thoughts on the Michael Jackson film "This Is It".

C'mon you are obviously this Armond White fellow, all your posts are about 'him' and the book he brought out recently. :mello:
Thanks!!!:) varey true all he said, there are some good observers!!!, finally, i love good observers, thanks again
These are the kinds of book that I would like to read about MJ...

Something that analyzes his art... Not like the million other books that only talks about his personal life...
These are the kinds of book that I would like to read about MJ...

Something that analyzes his art... Not like the million other books that only talks about his personal life...
me too, the ones that talk about "his" personal life are mostly FICTION, the ones like these are the really interesting ones, and the ones any collector should have
These are the kinds of book that I would like to read about MJ...

Something that analyzes his art... Not like the million other books that only talks about his personal life...

Yes! Oh God, yes. It was his dancing, his music, his short films, and his innovation that hooked me to begin with. It's what inspires me, still, to this day. And it's what interests me most. It's Michael's creative process that I always want to read more about.

I loved the article. Thanks for posting it qbee.
Did any of you in the new york area go to this? I kind of wanted to go, but couldn't make it. It sounded like it might have been mostly about reading political stuff into his videos, but at least they would approach the work in a thoughtful way. Like MySerenity5 and others, I'd really like to see more about his music and creative process in general. The Bruce Swedien book was ok (some material on is site was even better), but it could have had more. It seems like there were never any serious questions about his music in any of the interviews he did. This Is It was probably the closest thing to seeing how he worked . . . anyway, kind of bothers me when tracks as dense as the ones on Dangerous get treated like average pop music - especially by people that think music equals playing a guitar.

I went to the show "KEEP MOVING: Michael Jackson's Video Art " by critic Armond White and it was a treat. No big surprises since most of the comments by Armond White were precursors to the ideas he expands upon in his new book, "KEEP MOVING: The Michael Jackson Chronicles".

The show was very long. Easily, the longest of the Armond White music video presentations that I've gotten to attend. Remember though, it's MICHAEL JACKSON and he deserves no less. It started around 6:15pm and ended around 8:30pm. And to think, there were MORE clips that could have been shown.

Great stuff. The big plus for me was seeing the "Bad" and "In The Closet" music videos on the big screen. Really can't say enough of how that makes a difference. They already are terrific music videos or as Michael Jackson called them "short films", but seeing them larger than life and BIGGER than you (as opposed to seeing them on a television screen) is quite a thing to behold.


You aren't the first person to accuse me of being Armond White on this messageboard and all I can do is insist that I am not. If I was, I definitely wouldn't DENY being Armond White (why would someone do that?). I am not related to him but I am a BIG admirer of his writing and of course I am unapologetically an Armond White advocate--hence most of the posts here (if not all) being Armond White related. I must say though, it's ALL been in related to the subject at hand--Michael Jackson that is...


Here are a few clips from the show posted onto

One clip is from the Introduction of the Presentation, One from the Middle of the Presentation and another from the End of the Presentation. I hope you folks note the enthusiastic response to the clips presented. An appreciative audience is always a plus.




Wow Jones

I went to the show "KEEP MOVING: Michael Jackson's Video Art " by critic Armond White and it was a treat. No big surprises since most of the comments by Armond White were precursors to the ideas he expands upon in his new book, "KEEP MOVING: The Michael Jackson Chronicles".

The show was very long. Easily, the longest of the Armond White music video presentations that I've gotten to attend. Remember though, it's MICHAEL JACKSON and he deserves no less. It started around 6:15pm and ended around 8:30pm. And to think, there were MORE clips that could have been shown.

Great stuff. The big plus for me was seeing the "Bad" and "In The Closet" music videos on the big screen. Really can't say enough of how that makes a difference. They already are terrific music videos or as Michael Jackson called them "short films", but seeing them larger than life and BIGGER than you (as opposed to seeing them on a television screen) is quite a thing to behold.


You aren't the first person to accuse me of being Armond White on this messageboard and all I can do is insist that I am not. If I was, I definitely wouldn't DENY being Armond White (why would someone do that?). I am not related to him but I am a BIG admirer of his writing and of course I am unapologetically an Armond White advocate--hence most of the posts here (if not all) being Armond White related. I must say though, it's ALL been in related to the subject at hand--Michael Jackson that is...


Here are a few clips from the show posted onto

One clip is from the Introduction of the Presentation, One from the Middle of the Presentation and another from the End of the Presentation. I hope you folks note the enthusiastic response to the clips presented. An appreciative audience is always a plus.




Wow Jones

Thank you for sharing your experience with us and for the youtube links :)

Thought you guys might want to hear a clip from a radio show (FRI 11/27/09) where the radio hosts talk about the Armond White "KEEP MOVING: Michael Jackson's Video Art" music video presentation. It's sort of a review AFTER the presentation.

I'm sure seeing the youtube clips of the presentation are probably enough. However, this bit offers a little more perspective. The radio host, Gary Byrd, also talks about the great THIS IS IT movie.

Below is the link:

Wow Jones
Thanks for sharing Wow Jones!

I always thought Michael's short films were genius and I love the fact that they are being discussed that way and studied.
Michael's work is so incredible and so perfect in every way .

When I heard that the work of the Beatles is being taught as a class in a British University I immediately thought of Michael Jackson's work and that is it so much more genius and that his overall work has so much more to offer in terms of studying.

You could study Michael Jackson's song writing, arrangement, singing, directing, choreographing, dancing, acting, style etc.

With the Beatles you can only study their song writing (how lame!)...

Oh Gosh, I LOVE Michael!!!

So what Armond White does is a nice little step in the right direction.

There's a new blog out with information on the Armond White book, "KEEP MOVING: The Michael Jackson Chronicles". I put the blog together as a favor since the original blog has been dismantled for some reason. The URL is:

If you have a moment, check it out.

--Wow Jones
That's really great, thank you so much for sharing.
Not only was he the King of Pop, but also the King of Short Films.