Mountain Katherine at Neverland?


Proud Member
Mar 26, 2010
I read in a couple of sources that Michael renamed one of the mountains in Neverland after his mother Katherine - and even lobbied for the name to be officially changed on the maps.

Here is a quote from the Van Vallin's book:

On a number of occasions [Michael] had mentioned, in the course of a conversation, that he loved his mother. He told me once he had renamed a mountain, at the back of the ranch, Mount Katherine after her. He told me that he had officially changed it so it would appear as such on a map. That mountain is the one we in the valley just referred to as Bald Mountain. It was always covered with orange poppies in the spring and often covered with snow in winter.

Does anyone know if this is true? And which particular mountain was that? I couldn't find anything official in Google, and I'd like to identify it if possible.

Nevermind, I found info that it's the biggest one that's shaved on one side. :)