Most Political Songs


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello everyone!

I was just having a conversation with a friend about Michael's music. She believes that most of Michael's songs have a strong political message behind them.

So I was just wondering, what do you think are Michael's most political songs and what do you think the main message is behind each song?
Jam maybe? They Don't Care About Us?

I don't get involved with politics so I don't really know...
Michael was never one to speak that much about his political beliefs (at least not publicly), but i'd say the song in which that's best demonstrated as far as MJ is concerned is "They Don't Care About Us". Michael didn't hold back at all on that one.

And maybe "Jam" and "Why You Wanna Trip On Me" as well?
We've Had Enough is 100% political

He openly critiques United Nations (and ultimately his own country)"behavior"- "men in blue", "how is it that you get to chose who will live and who will die", "if they're for peace why is their war" etc.

VERY political song.

"They don't care about us" turned more political especially through the "prison version" video- burning crosses, KKK imagery, civil marches/riots/uproar, Vietnam War imagery (albeit brief), globalization protests etc.
The prison version video was very political- and therefore mostly unplayed in the US.

I would say that it also depends on your own viewpoint what you consider "political", societal etc- there is a great book.
Everything is Political, But Not Everything is Politics.

To me starving children are most definitely "political" and therefore I would "classify" many of MJ's song as "political."

The man had a TANK rolling onto the stage during "Earth Song", then holding up a sunflower into a uniformed man's face- if that's not a political statement, then I don't know...

Even a seemingly "I am personally done with you" song like "D.S." could be political- talking about them wanting his "a** dead or alive", "playing some political thing"- Sneddon wanting to leave Office with a "bang" (well, he sure did...just differently than imagined)- that's town politics for ya!
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He openly critiques United Nations (and ultimately his own country)"behavior"- "men in blue", "how is it that you get to chose who will live and who will die", "if they're for peace why is their war" etc.

VERY political song.

"They don't care about us" turned more political especially through the "prison version" video- burning crosses, KKK imagery, civil marches/riots/uproar, Vietnam War imagery (albeit brief), globalization protests etc.
The prison version video was very political- and therefore mostly unplayed in the US.

I would say that it also depends on your own viewpoint what you consider "political", societal etc- there is a great book.

To me starving children are most definitely "political" and therefore I would "classify" many of MJ's song as "political."

The man had a TANK rolling onto the stage during "Earth Song", then holding up a sunflower into a uniformed man's face- if that's not a political statement, then I don't know...

Even a seemingly "I am personally done with you" song like "D.S." could be political- talking about them wanting his "a** dead or alive", "playing some political thing"- Sneddon wanting to leave Office with a "bang" (well, he sure did...just differently than imagined)- that's town politics for ya!

Totally agree with ya. :yes: We are all part of the polis and although the stuff of politics no longer belongs to the 'agora' as in ancient Greece where only free men could express their views on all things concerning the common good, we all have a vested interest in politics because it affects almost every single aspect of life from the level of taxes we pay, to the degree of freedom we have to associate, to worship or to protest.

What was so wonderful about Michael's socially conscious/politically charged songs is that they were beyond partisanism - on certain issues he was more conservative than most would think, on others he was quite the liberal. What he sang about was the plight of the 'common man', but also the power of the people when united in the name of truth and solidarity. I've always loved these songs most and they are the main reason i came to love the man, his message and his art so much. He truly was the voice of the voiceless.

P.S. Love the pic in your siggy, breathtaking really.
Shabuya, :agree::agree::agree:, "polis" I was hoping, somebody would agree.

By the way, I just love watching different performances of the "Earth Song" because he would literally pack that denser and denser and denser- and half the time it would go over people's heads...

They would attribute him a "messiah complex" just because he dared to magnify healing, the light, to embrace...encouraging YOU and US to do the they same and to get beyond YOU and ME.

He wasn't just talking about himself, nono, he was saying, you, all, do the same...

Love it. "Earth Song" became so densely packed with it's imagery, that was almost better than opera! Love the man! :clapping:
The world wasn't ready for Michael's message about each and every one of us doing out part to save the planet. No, it was because he had a 'messiah complex' as the media complained. Well 10 years later Michael's message was heard and now it is stressed how we must do our part. Michael was talking about this years before it became trendy to do so. Michael was ahead of his time and the world was too busy mocking him to listen.
The world wasn't ready for Michael's message about each and every one of us doing out part to save the planet. No, it was because he had a 'messiah complex' as the media complained. Well 10 years later Michael's message was heard and now it is stressed how we must do our part. Michael was talking about this years before it became trendy to do so. Michael was ahead of his time and the world was too busy mocking him to listen.

Exactly! Jarvis Cockhead said that the reason why he gatecrashed the stage during the brits during Michael's Earth Song was because he thought Michael was portraying himself as some kind of godlike figure. I still hate him for that cos I remember shouting at the TV when it was on cos I could see someone on the stage :p

We never realise what we have until its no longer there :no: :weeping:
Shabuya, :agree::agree::agree:, "polis" I was hoping, somebody would agree.

By the way, I just love watching different performances of the "Earth Song" because he would literally pack that denser and denser and denser- and half the time it would go over people's heads...

They would attribute him a "messiah complex" just because he dared to magnify healing, the light, to embrace...encouraging YOU and US to do the they same and to get beyond YOU and ME.

He wasn't just talking about himself, nono, he was saying, you, all, do the same...

Love it. "Earth Song" became so densely packed with it's imagery, that was almost better than opera! Love the man! :clapping:

You can always, and i mean always and forever count on me when it comes to appreciating and embracing Michael's powerful message of love, charity and responsibility. Earth song IS my favorite video of all time, it has so much power and the performances for it were always amazing, ending with the Grammy tribute. During the one concert i did attend, it was during the ending of earth song that i managed to shed a tear, the rest of the time i was simply in awe.

Michael truly was a champion of the people by taking on the causes of the most vulnerable amongst us. What he also did, or tried to at least, but as you said, many times it didn't reach as many people as it should have, was to inspire people to change themselves and then do their part, as small or as insignifiant it might seem, to change the world.

No single man, no single nation can heal this world of ours, neither can humanity in its entirety even with the best of intentions and the most favorable of circumstances. Saving creation is part of the job description for the good Lord, at least that's what those of us who believe in a higher power think.

Notwithstanding, it doesn't mean we gotta wait for God or anybody else to do our part in changing the world. The funny thing about it is that it doesn't have to be some huge task taking on the cares of the world on our fragile shoulders, it can be something as simple as giving up your seat on the bus to an older person or a pregnant woman. I know these are simple things of common courtesy, it was meant only as an example, a small illustration, but change can only come in the 'unimportant' details of everyday life.

But little by little, with every gesture of kindness, with every smile we give to strangers, with every bit of anger we restrain from expressing we 'pollute' to world with love. Lord knows it is needed. And then, drop by drop by drop of mercy they turn into an ocean that can really change the world.
I think "Shout" is one of the most powerful Michael's songs. It's a pity it's not known to the general public.
I think "Shout" is one of the most powerful Michael's songs. It's a pity it's not known to the general public.

You can say dat again. It is an awesome song - so funky, full of energy with some amazingly strong lyrics. It's clear it was written during the time when the shooting rampage was taking place in American schools (Columbine and the rest of the terrible incidents) - kids are murdering other kids for the fun of it, instead of using their mind or their fist, they put a gun in it; it also deals with the extreme secularization of our society and the push of religion to the back of people's minds and hearts, the addictions of pregnant mothers and the tragic condemnation of babies to disease or dependency from the early stages of infancy - all of them some pretty heavy themes, it don't get any tougher when you think about it.

Another important subject the song touches upon, it actually begins with it - blood diamonds. Just today I was having a conversation about diamonds with some friends and telling them how much i resented them stones and I remembered the lyrics of the song; I love Marilyn (as an artist and as a human being with a tragic life and story), but that classical scene and the song don't ring true to me - diamonds are NOT a girl's best friend. They might be all shiny and nice but the people running the big arse European corporations making billions off the sweat and the blood of people in Sierra Leone and elsewhere shouldn't be able to close the eyes at night. All the certificates in the world can't guarantee that people haven't been exploited one way or another during the entire process until the finished piece of jewelry arrived in stores.

Them lines in Shout long preceded Kanye's song or Lily Allen's line in 'the fear' - "i hear people die while they're trying to find them". As it was the case with Earth song and every other major song, Michael was ahead of his time in pointing out the wrongs of this world of ours. If only we had listened, if only we would listen...We ALL must unite to turn darkness to light and the love in our hearts will shine Ain't that the truth people, ain't dat the sacrosanct truth?

You are so very right kathiejmie - it's a true shame the song isn't known. People need to hear, but above all people need to listen the message of this song.
Wow, a couple of consecutive posts, can't stand that.

Don't mean to high jack the thread, but something's been on me mind related to these songs. Anybody notice how there seem to be a direct relationship between the strength of these political messages and Michael's foiness in the videos?? Quite the mystery, ain't it? But then again maybe it ain't no mystery at all - i can't think of anything more attractive than a gorgeous man showing his care and love for the world. If in certain vids like Man in the mirror, Heal the world or Cry he let the music do the taking, i am verrry glad that he decided to grace the screen for Earth Song and both versions of TDCAU and Scream (which no one mentioned yet). He is the kind of 'distraction' that only reinforces the message.

The man was not only a soldier of love, but a freakin' warrior of love - a general, a marshall and an admiral all in one - he was right there on the front lines of the battle between love and hate, care and carelessness and his weapons of choice were song, dance, poetry, music videos, kindness and forgiveness and that's what made me him so darn irresistible.





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