Most Expensive Bottled Water

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated

Bottled water is big business, I mean, really big. In less than ten years bottled water consumption has doubled, with prices about 100 times that of tap water. Hollywood writer-producer Kevin G. Boyd has tapped into the bottled water market with an image approach. His water, Bling H20, the world’s most expensive bottled water, has been spotted in the hands of numerous celebrities and even at awards ceremonies like the Emmy’s, Grammy’s, and the MTV Video Music Awards.


Bling H20

The water is bottled in Dandridge, Tennessee, probably the least note-able quality of the most expensive bottled water. Boyd’s approach to the bottled water market is as extreme as the limited edition bottles themselves. They come frosted, corked, and boasting hand-applied Swarovski crystal. Bling H20 boasts that it has won the gold medal at the Berkely Springs International Water Tasting Festival with its nine-step purification process. If you are a water elitist, be prepared to spend $40-60 for a 750ml bottle. If you are buying your expensive bottled water at a club, be prepared to spend more.
Bling H20 is just another example of how extremely wealthy individuals will shell out exorbitant amount of money for normal everyday products. Could you imagine paying that much for a bottle of water?

If you are looking for an excuse to buy expensive water, and enjoy helping a good cause, there is another expensive bottle of water that may be more your style. Charity Water is currently being sold for $480 a case with all of the proceeds funding freshwater well projects in Ethiopia, Uganda, Central African Republic and Malawi. One case of water will provide enough clean water for twenty-four people for fifteen years.


Kona Nigari

Deep seawater from Hawaii, however, is the most expensive bottled water in the world. The seawater is so lucrative, in fact, that the Hawaiian government is now allowing bottlers to use a state-certified logo for their deep seawater for a nominal fee. Hawaii Deep Marine Inc.’s Kona Nigari water, for instance, sells for $33.50 per 2 oz bottle. It’s extracted from a depth of 915 feet, over 700 feet more than is necessary for the water to be considered deep seawater.

Im in the wrong business!
what a fucking disgrace to humanity.

as the late George Carlin said, bottled water provides the illusion of safety/purity.

where's our George when you need him:

“Ever wonder about those people who spend $2 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backward.”

“What happened in this country that now, suddenly, everyone is walking around with their own personal bottle of water? When did we get so thirsty in America? Is everybody so dehydrated they have to have their own portable supply of fluids with them at all times? Get a drink before you leave the house!”

i used to hate annoying liberal twatery, but now i understand why it's needed to be done. so here it is:


Penn & Teller did an excellent special on Bottled vs Tap water in one of their "Bullshit" episodes. They had people sample different kinds of alleged bottled water, and the more expensive the water, the better they thought it tasted--but in reality all the water came directly from a hose connected to the faucet just a few feet from them. :lol:

And "Deep Seawater" just doesn't sound good to me...
I'll stick to my tap water and juices, and coca cola :lol:

variety people I need variety.... and as for bottled water... blegh I have an aluminim drink bottle and I just top it up every day at work for when I run around chasing kids and that's it.
If you are a water elitist, be prepared to spend $40-60 for a 750ml bottle. If you are buying your expensive bottled water at a club, be prepared to spend more.
I didn't know that there is a such thing as water elitist. That's beyond ridiculous and stupid.

Water is water. Your body system is not going to judge, select and analyze every type of water that you have consumed like Simon Cowell. However it will appreciate you for not dehydrating it by letting you ... live ... dun, dun, dun ...
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The hell with all that...I live in Scotland and our tap water is the world's best water or one of the world's best water...something like that anyway!!
We all seem to agree on this matter so far.
I would never buy a bottle of plain water and pay $40-60. I don't think putting water in small plastic bottles help the environment at all, it does the opposite.
Tap water in Finland is also excellent. Your body doesn't care what kind of water it gets as long as the water doesn't have dangerous bacteria in it.
On our summer cottage we get our drinking water from a spring in the forest where frogs live and it's the best ever. And doesn't cost anything.
We all seem to agree on this matter so far.
I would never buy a bottle of plain water and pay $40-60. I don't think putting water in small plastic bottles help the environment at all, it does the opposite.
Tap water in Finland is also excellent. Your body doesn't care what kind of water it gets as long as the water doesn't have dangerous bacteria in it.
On our summer cottage we get our drinking water from a spring in the forest where frogs live and it's the best ever. And doesn't cost anything.

Which is exactly what happens when you leave your bottle of water in the car and then drink it later on. :yes:

Studies are even linking it to causes of some breast cancers
they go too far with freakin 'bling water' omg.. lol!

now bottled water in general in SOME places is understandable, many places are so poluted the water is filthy.. But not everywhere..