most embarrassing moments


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
in anything: school, love, dates, prom... anything

& i promise it will stay within these walls

one i can think of is i was staying wtih a friend out in cali whos parents speak spanish. i can speak just a little bit & we went out to breakfast & i wanted to say was "I like ketchup in my eggs."

what i ended up saying is: "I like ketchup in my eyes." :blush: :hysterical: :woohoo:

ojos (eyes) & juevos (eggs) sound alot alike. My friend's mother looked at me & it was priceless.
I was following a boy I was in love with.. then I got busted by him :( I tried to hide me.
I was at some relatives house
yano the kind "Wow becca you've grown so muuuch!"
Yeah.. who are you?
and i was sitting in their garden on a plastic chair... and i fell off it backwards.. into a bush.. a very prickly bush.. wearing a skirt :D
I screamed :'D and everyone turned around like wtff :shock: LOL.
I was at some relatives house
yano the kind "Wow becca you've grown so muuuch!"
Yeah.. who are you?
and i was sitting in their garden on a plastic chair... and i fell off it backwards.. into a bush.. a very prickly bush.. wearing a skirt :D
I screamed :'D and everyone turned around like wtff :shock: LOL.
Awww poor Becca! :giggle: :hug:

I was in a conversation with a friend and her cousin...
we were talking, and i wanted to say 'cafeteria', but i said 'cafetine'...
(cause in Dutch we have 2 words for cafeteria; cafeteria and kantine.
So I mixed them up by accident... thought they didn't hear it...
but of course, they did... and they laughed their assed off at me :mello:

doesnt sound that embarrassing, but it defo felt like that.
i've had many... i'm very clumsy lol