Most Average Song?

This Is It

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Which is MJ's most average song? You can either do one for each album, overall or whatever.

I'd probably go with some stuff on Invincible - some nice R&B but not up to the innovation of the King of Pop. Over-produced and too hard trying to fit in the style of the times, but certainly not bad. I'm not in love with many of the songs - though the likes of Unbreakable and Whatever Happens are great - but most of it's just OK. The songs aren't of a poor standard but they're not magical.
Hmm, interesting. I'll have to give this one some thought and come back later.
Hopefully this thread doesn't cause too much controversy, haha...I remember the "least favorite songs" thread.
I'll pick one from each album (including 1 of the unreleased songs from the box set)

OTW- Girlfriend

Thriller- PYT....great song but I like the other songs better

Bad- Just Good Friends- IMO Streetwalker should have been on the original album

Dangerous- Why You Wanna Trip On Me

HIStory- Money

BOTDF- Superfly Sister & the remixes (excluding Scream Louder...IMO that's the best remix)

Invincible- Invincible

Ultimate Collection- In The Back- Love the beat but the song is just so incomplete it's not funny. Should have at least added more vocals to it.

This Is It- This Is It- I like the orchestra version, but the regular version just seems kinda blah
Hmm, that takes some thinking. It's really hard to grade averageness with Michael's songs. Most and least favorite is easier. Usually it's either I really love the song or just like it. I don't think I find any of his songs just "ok." And also how I feel about the song varies by my mood. But I'll try. :p

Off The Wall: "It's The Falling In Love"
Thriller: "Baby Be Mine"
Bad: "I Just Can't Stop Loving You"
Dangerous: "She Drives Me Wild"
HIStory: "Childhood"
Blood on the Dance Floor: "Ghosts"
Invincible: "Privacy"
Hmmm...This is a hard one...

OTW: I'd have to say, uhhh, Burn This Disco Out.

Thriller: I wasn't a big fan of Baby Be Mine either

BAD: Although I love it, Speed Demon is an average song IMO.

Dangerous: She Drives Me Wild

History: This Time Around, although I enjoy that song very much.

Invincible: 2000 Watts
Thriller as a song is nothing special. It's just alright. I think Vincent Price makes it better than it is. If not for the video, it would probably be forgotten.
One More Chance
Lost Children
Blood On The Dance Floor
Wazupwitu :p
Off the Wall - It's the Falling in Love
Thriller - The Girl is Mine
Bad - Just Good Friends
Dangerous - Why You Wanna Trip on Me
HIStory - D.S.
BOTDF - Ghosts
Ultimate Collection - In the Back
Invincible - Privacy

Off the wall - Girlfriend
Thriller - The girl is mine
Bad - Another part of me, but its amazing live
Dangerous - Hard, cause i love them all, but perhaps Keep the faith
History - Money
BOTDF - Ghost
Invincible - Heaven can wait, not too keen on it, a little cheap to me :)
Keep the Faith, Girlfriend, Privacy, Just Good Friends and This Time Around too.
Your name! This is it! Actually, I think that was just bad production that ruined it but still...

I don't think any of his *album* tracks are average but certainly some tracks that never made it are, I presume he felt the same if they never made it on an album! :D
Keep the Faith.

No way.

I used to overlook KTF when I was younger. But if you really take the time out to listen to it, and I mean REALLY listen, the mans vocal delivery is just world class on this track.

I can imagine him almost collapsing of exhaustion after recording this. His performance is so gut-wrenching and relentless - it must've taken a lot out of him.
Off the wall: Girlfriend
Thriller: The girl is mine
Bad: Man in the mirror, Speed demon
Dangerous: Gone too soon
History: Childhood
Invincible: Cry
So many people think Baby Be Mine is average. it is one of my favorite songs!:(

But it's the Falling in Love is average to me.
i think this is a moot question, because an average song would have to sound like everything else on the radio. and i'm surprised this question was asked on this board, because i've seen so many people on here, who said that MJ's songs, further on in his career..especially the deeper album tracks...were not radio friendly..

and radio friendly is not necessarily a good thing...

i think people got used to hearing a certain sound on the radio, and thought that if that sound wasn't heard..that's not good. in that to radio programmers for making us think what radio music should sound like..:(

anyway...his music made the radio come alive...and if programmers stopped being threatened, later in MJ's would've been happier.

my long winded way of saying MJ has no average songs.

i'll say one thing....remixers tried reall hard to make MJ songs sound average.

for those who think a song has to have a rap, and a certain trendy beat, and so on...that's poison, to a truly inspired song. i loved hearing Mjs quote to his brothers, about not listening to outside influences for songwriting...

i mean...comon...(thanks to programmers) can you imagine hearing 'Speed Demon' on the radio??

i don't think so.

i mean, why give props to Pit Bull songs, when pit bull does them, and then somehow find MJ songs that are average..

i just think, the higher we are on the mountain, the more of a challenge it is, not to want more...

and that can be too wanting.
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Off The Wall: Michael was doing alot of experimenting during this time period. As far as average songs go, I'd say there's really nothing average here.

Thriller: All of it is great.

Bad: Speed Demon is the one that sticks out here.

Dangerous: She Drives Me Wild is too much like In The Closet, except it's not nearly as good.

HIStory: You Are Not Alone has R. Kelly's trademark of "make every song sound the same".

Invincible: Half of this album was filler that wasn't anything nearly as good as Michael's other work.