morphine: meaning


Wanna Be Startin' Somethin
Jul 25, 2011
I just listened to morphine for the first time in years. Anyone got any ideas on what the meaning is behind it? I think a lot has to do with how he was feeling around 1993 but i just wanted to hear everyone else's opinion?
It's about someone addicted to pain killers.
Demerol is the drug MJ is singing about. It's a drug usually given to people who suffer from severe burnings.

I always thought of this song being really haunting, especially the middle part where Michael sings with a really soft voice.
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Its about MJ being hooked on Demoral and Morphine which Liz Taylor had to help MJ by taking him to rehab.
Yeah, basically what everyone else already said. It's autobiographical and is about Michael's struggle with pain medications, demerol and morphine.
i deffo agree and i think its one of his absolute best
i love that song ,time and time and time again..
for me this song has a double meaning...

but just for
I believe the hard rock, industrial sounding part is Michaels rage, how frustrated he felt at how he being treated and perceived by the media and those accusers. The calm, piano is the drug taking over, how he feels at peace when he takes the morphine, as it has that overwelming effect that herion does. But then Michael comes back to the rage, which I believe emphasises the constant battle and almost vicious circle he was trapped in.
First angry part= pain, suffering thats going in his life. You have the drug "tempting" him as relief saying "Trust in me, trust in me", etc.

The middle part=one is THROWN into temporary numbness by the drug. Even though the music suggests a nice, pretty tone with the flutes and and stuff...there is an underlying darkness behind it, based on the background sound effects of hospital sounds, etc.

Last part= but as all relief from drugs are, its only temporary and not fufilling. So just as quickly as ur thrown into paradise, ur kicked out of it, back into chaos--abruptly, suddenly, and disoriented. So now ur back into the mess u were in before, except its even worse.

Thats my take.
when did he begin taking it?

we could only speculate on that, but it was probably some time on the second leg of the Dangerous tour, he had a pretty hectic schedule and was just as Liz Taylor said, numbing his pain, to get him through, I cant imagine how hard that must have been. It makes me sad to think about it because he must have felt so lonely. it was a release from his pain.

with his vocals, its not hard to hear that he is putting himself in them and you can feel his emotions, thats what seperates good singers from BRILLIANT singers and Michael Jackson is a BRILLIANT singer! you feel every word.
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This is one of my favourite track from MJ. It shows his honesty and that he is a true artist. He is not there for the hits. He is there because he has something to say. I love this song for that.
This is one of my favourite track from MJ. It shows his honesty and that he is a true artist. He is not there for the hits. He is there because he has something to say. I love this song for that.

yeah i love honest songs, you know ones with a deep meaning
whatever meaning is, song is just great....! i think it is autobiographical, and i guess thats why i like it so much... i just love the part where hes saying Put all your trust in me...oh, i adore this song...!