More journalists/bloggers criticize the media for their unfair portrayal of Michael


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Jul 25, 2011
New York

Hunted to death
Barbara Amiel: Where were all of Michael Jackson’s celebrity friends back when he needed them most?
by Barbara Amiel on Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:20am

makes some really good points, i know many people feel it's too late for articles like these, but I believe it's never too late to redeem yourself if you really mean it, and yes, honest non-sensationalistic journalism is a rarity these days on a LOT of subject matters not just on the late, great Michael Jackson, But however few decent people there are in journalism, their honest reporting is appreciated.

And i feel we as fans who always believed in his innocence, should pay more attention to people like this, then to obviously money-grubbing people Boteach, Diane Diamond ect...They get the attention because their stories and opinions are sensationalistic, I feel disappointed when fans comment more on negative bogus stories than positive one, you're only riling yourself up and giving more attention on people that don't matter and because of this, those people gain more attention and therefore more power.

There's enough negativity about Michael to last hundreds of lifetimes, We all should know it's complete Bullshit. Michael seemed to always look on the bright side, and I think that's what we should do as well.

(comments on in the middle-ish, just scroll down until you see his pictures)
(Good read, long, but very passionate.)
(wish he would stop calling him *****)
(playa hatay's always dogged Mj)

Read more at:
John F. Kennedy's poignant remark:
"We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."
I'm glad they are finally opening their damn eyes but I'm still hella mad for ruining Michael's life! :cry:
Thanks for all the work you are doing CauseImBad. You are digging up some real treasures!

Michael lived an extraordinary life and would have experienced incredible highs and lows but we have to be careful not to think of Michael's life as tragic, doomed or troubled. Like all human beings he had stuff he had to deal with but he also achieved incredible things and touched millions of lives. We have to challenge this attempt to portray Michael's life as one of waste.
Thanks for posting!
To be honest its a little bittersweet, where were these journalists before he died? Can you say guilty conscience?

Hunted to death
Barbara Amiel: Where were all of Michael Jackson’s celebrity friends back when he needed them most?
by Barbara Amiel on Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:20am

makes some really good points, i know many people feel it's too late for articles like these, but I believe it's never too late to redeem yourself if you really mean it, and yes, honest non-sensationalistic journalism is a rarity these days on a LOT of subject matters not just on the late, great Michael Jackson, But however few decent people there are in journalism, their honest reporting is appreciated.

And i feel we as fans who always believed in his innocence, should pay more attention to people like this, then to obviously money-grubbing people Boteach, Diane Diamond ect...They get the attention because their stories and opinions are sensationalistic, I feel disappointed when fans comment more on negative bogus stories than positive one, you're only riling yourself up and giving more attention on people that don't matter and because of this, those people gain more attention and therefore more power.

There's enough negativity about Michael to last hundreds of lifetimes, We all should know it's complete Bullshit. Michael seemed to always look on the bright side, and I think that's what we should do as well.

(comments on in the middle-ish, just scroll down until you see his pictures)
(Good read, long, but very passionate.)
(wish he would stop calling him *****)
(playa hatay's always dogged Mj)

Read more at:
John F. Kennedy's poignant remark:
"We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."

the kennedy quote is quite on point. i hope people keep writing their attempts at positive matter how i feel about the timing. and i do feel it's too late. i hope they don't mind the discomfort of my opinion. after all, MJ had...discomfort. the effort to be positive is better than no effort at all, to be positive.
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All great, but do you think they'd have done that if Michael was still alive?
Bet not.
They follow the trends - it was not 'in' to be pro-Jackson, it is now.
I guess I'm not as good a person as some of you are, I won't change my mind about those vultures.

EDIT: CauseImBad, I'm loving your avvy!:wub:
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