More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV


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Jul 25, 2011
More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

Who Gets Michael Jackson's Latest Songs?
The fight for the rights to the pop star's most recent songs promises to be a complicated one

Jackson's 150 unreleased recordings could be worth more than $500 million Kevin Mazur/AEG via Getty Images

By Ronald Grover and Christopher Palmeri

Michael Jackson may have one more thriller for the music industry. Administrators for the late entertainer's estate appear to be preparing to auction the distribution rights to some of the estimated 150 songs the 50-year-old pop star had completed and stored away in the years before his June 25 death, say record industry sources. Given the sale of more than 2 million copies of Jackson's previously released albums in the two weeks following his death, the promise of new material could set off spirited bidding among major music labels.

At the center of the action will be Jackson's longtime lawyer, John Branca, one of the estate's two "special administrators." A tough negotiator, Branca obtained a then-unheard-of $1.2 million from MTV (VIA) and Showtime (CBS) to finance Jackson's 1983 Thriller video. The attorney also arranged Jackson's $47.5 million acquisition of a valuable ATV publishing catalog that included songs by the Beatles.

The prize this time is a cache of songs Jackson had been recording since 2001, when he quit Sony's (SNE) Epic Records after it released his album Invincible. In the years since, he recorded with rapper, pop singer Akon, and others. The estate's other special administrator, family friend and former record executive John McClain, is cataloging the music, which one executive estimates is worth "well in excess of $500 million."

One big question is whether Sony, which released the last six original Jackson albums, along with two compilations, retains rights to the unreleased songs. Under a clause in Jackson's Epic contract that specified he would regain control of the masters of his songs in 2011, Sony could claim it is also due songs created before then, says one former high-ranking Sony executive. "Sony is in an ideal position right now to sell tons of Michael Jackson catalogs, collector sets, [and] unreleased materials," agrees former Sony Music Entertainment Chairman Tommy Mottola.

Other industry figures believe Branca might test the Sony agreement, perhaps even in court, to stoke a bidding war. For now, the Jackson estate is keeping mum.

Among potential bidders: Universal Music Group, which owns Jackson's old label Motown. After his death, Universal began marketing a new line of Jackson-designed sunglasses, jackets, and other goods. Warner Music Group would also probably bid. It already administers the MiJack catalog that licenses his songs. Neither company would comment.

Branca and McClain are expected to wait to seek outside bids until they have their arms around Jackson's far-flung assets and liabilities. Meanwhile, Sony, which administers the Sony/ATV music catalog it owns with the Jackson estate, is said to be preparing a bid to buy it out entirely. Sony would not comment.

Under a 2007 agreement, Sony won the right to buy a 25% stake in Jackson's catalog in return for helping him restructure some of his debts. It also negotiated the right of first refusal if he decided to sell Sony his half of the joint catalog. That catalog is valued at roughly $2 billion, although it is also pledged as collateral on extensive loans.

Whoever wins the right to distribute Jackson's unreleased music will pay dearly. The King of Pop wrangled one of the industry's most generous contracts out of Sony, giving him an estimated 25% of royalties, twice the going rate. "Superstars get contracts that no one else can get," says USC law professor Lance Grode, a former senior vice-president of MCA Music.

Will that contract survive Jackson's death? That's why the music legend hired John Branca.
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

I bet MJ's portion of the ATV catalog...when it's sold weather to Sony or to someone else, will whip the rest of MJ's debt out. Mark my words.
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

The plans are all coming together with MJ conveniently out of the way.

Jackson's debts are not what the media keeps reporting and SONY never exercised nor bought 25% of Jackson's half. The catalog is worth far more than $2 billion. The US dollar has lost nearly 40 percent of it's spending power since 2006. In this case assets always appreciate(like Oil & Gold) because it take more dollars to buy the same object. Tom Mesereau stated during the trial the Catalog was worth $2 - $4 billion dollars back in 2005. (This info came from MJ himself.)

Look for Motolla to come back home(SONY) soon.
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

I don't know about that. MJ was constantly getting sued for not paying his bills.
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

How much of those bills he actually owed is another story.

I believe Jackson was in debt, however, that doesn't mean his assets and his income were more than his debts as the media likes to portray. I'm sorry, nobody who can sh*t out a platinum record at will or sell out stadiums anywhere across the globe is or ever was truly broke.
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

So wait, let me get this straight...they can release songs that were recorded BEFORE 2001, but not after? So Sony can still release tons of unreleased songs, but they can't do anything with the Invincible sessions and the 2 new albums that Michael was recording?

If so, that sucks. We might still hear unreleased material, but we won't hear what Michael was working on before his death until 2012!
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

Well this sux for so many reasons but mostly for his children... What's gonna happen to them if someone else gets the right to Mike's music? While the corporations make sh*t loads of money off Mike, his kids are left with nothing... :-( And I don't think just by selling the ATV catalog all the debt would be erased, yes it's worth a lot of money but we also don't know how far and deep the problems go. When you're that famous it's hard to keep track of everything, especially if you have leeches that are cheating you behind your back.
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

The plans are all coming together with MJ conveniently out of the way.

Jackson's debts are not what the media keeps reporting and SONY never exercised nor bought 25% of Jackson's half. The catalog is worth far more than $2 billion. The US dollar has lost nearly 40 percent of it's spending power since 2006. In this case assets always appreciate(like Oil & Gold) because it take more dollars to buy the same object. Tom Mesereau stated during the trial the Catalog was worth $2 - $4 billion dollars back in 2005. (This info came from MJ himself.)

Look for Motolla to come back home(SONY) soon.

I believe it...Motolla called into L King and bragged about the number of unreleased songs Michael had in the vault...In fact I think it was on the day Michael died he spoke to LK. How convenient indeed! Makes me sick!
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

Well this sux for so many reasons but mostly for his children... What's gonna happen to them if someone else gets the right to Mike's music? While the corporations make sh*t loads of money off Mike, his kids are left with nothing... :-(
I agree! Let's hope the rights of the songs can stay in the family (with his kids)...
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

150 Recordings.....................Since 2001......................:eek:
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

By Ronald Grover and Christopher Palmeri
Branca and McClain are expected to wait to seek outside bids until they have their arms around Jackson's far-flung assets and liabilities. Meanwhile, Sony, which administers the Sony/ATV music catalog it owns with the Jackson estate, is said to be preparing a bid to buy it out entirely. Sony would not comment.

Under a 2007 agreement, Sony won the right to buy a 25% stake in Jackson's catalog in return for helping him restructure some of his debts. It also negotiated the right of first refusal if he decided to sell Sony his half of the joint catalog. That catalog is valued at roughly $2 billion, although it is also pledged as collateral on extensive loans.

Whoever wins the right to distribute Jackson's unreleased music will pay dearly. The King of Pop wrangled one of the industry's most generous contracts out of Sony, giving him an estimated 25% of royalties, twice the going rate. "Superstars get contracts that no one else can get," says USC law professor Lance Grode, a former senior vice-president of MCA Music.

Will that contract survive Jackson's death? That's why the music legend hired John Branca.

The option only kicks in if Michael defaulted.
The option already expired in 2008, so this is mute point.
If John Branca & McClain is doing right by Michael , ATV/Sony catalog should remain with The Michael Jackson Famiily Trust & remain intact.
At the moment Katherine has 40%, the Jackson three has 40% and 20% goes to charity.

If only the other 20% split to 11% Katherine and 9% the children, (wishful thinking...) Katherine should be able to exercise her right NOT to sell,
should Branca administer otherwise.

The ATV/Sony catalog remains now a viable nest egg to see them through varsity education and decent living fit for children of the King of Pop.
When all the children come of legal age ,they together with Katherine can vote if John Branca & McClain stay as adminstrators to the Michael Jackson Family Trust. (MJFT) - their estate.
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

I believe it...Motolla called into L King and bragged about the number of unreleased songs Michael had in the vault...In fact I think it was on the day Michael died he spoke to LK. How convenient indeed! Makes me sick!

Thank You & Amen on that. It was sickening.

I agree! Let's hope the rights of the songs can stay in the family (with his kids)...

I hope so too.

150 Recordings.....................Since 2001......................:eek:

Could all the work have been done by a (according to the lying Media) "tired & sickly", "drug abusing addict"? Michael Jackson had a plan and he was making smart moves and they stopped him. I totally do not believe the drug BS from the Media. I understand he took prescribed mediacations but that is not the same as what "report".

The option only kicks in if Michael defaulted.
The option already expired in 2008, so this is mute point.
If John Branca & McClain is doing right by Michael , ATV/Sony catalog should remain with The Michael Jackson Famiily Trust & remain intact.
At the moment Katherine has 40%, the Jackson three has 40% and 20% goes to charity.

If only the other 20% split to 11% Katherine and 9% the children, (wishful thinking...) Katherine should be able to exercise her right NOT to sell,
should Branca administer otherwise.

The ATV/Sony catalog remains now a viable nest egg to see them through varsity education and decent living fit for children of the King of Pop.
When all the children come of legal age ,they together with Katherine can vote if John Branca & McClain stay as adminstrators to the Michael Jackson Family Trust. (MJFT) - their estate.

This is the way it should be, but........... time will tell.
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

I bet MJ's portion of the ATV catalog...when it's sold weather to Sony or to someone else, will whip the rest of MJ's debt out. Mark my words.
mjs half of the cat is worth at least 1 billion. he owes around 100 mill in debt according to last proper reports. how much debt do u exactly think he has lol i wont ask what u read.

sony had an option to buy 25% year back and it only lasted for x amount of time that ran out a good year or 2 ago. like sony can afford to pay out at least 1 billion to anyone. unless of course branca screws mj ala the trial
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

f John Branca & McClain is doing right by Michael , ATV/Sony catalog should remain with The Michael Jackson Famiily Trust & remain intact.
At the moment Katherine has 40%, the Jackson three has 40% and 20% goes to charity.

theres also the %that goes to the cousins and nephews but is that seperate to the trust
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

I don't know about that. MJ was constantly getting sued for not paying his bills.

if u followed the lawsuits he was getting sued because he contested what he was being charged in most cases. like what mark lester said. when prince got taken to the denitst it suddenly became 10's of K worth or work that needed doing cause the dentist realised it was mjs kid and any cases he lost the bills were paid pretty much straight up. its so easy to be told what to think by the media.
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV this the reason why we've heard that we may not get any new MJ stuff until 2012? By that time, his estate will regain ownership of all of his master recordings. That would be one way to bypass any complications with Sony.
Re: More business info on release of MJ's unreleased "new" songs and latest movements on Sony/ATV

basically yes from what ive read. the estate can make more money by selling to the highest bidder rather then letting sony they with hold the songs until 2012