Moonwalker Sunflower


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was loking for seeds for sunflowers and found Moonwalker Sunflower.
I use to buy seeds in other places and I don´t know how long Moonwalker Sunflower has been there.
As far as I know there is only one person associated with moonwalker
I was wondering the other day if there will be a rose with Michael Jacksons name and in swedish the name isn´t sunflower, it´s sunrose.
Indeed, I planted some last year and I got 3 really beautiful sunflowers blooming in August :angel:
I use to cultivate sunflowers,sometimes I forget to water them and nothing comes from the seeds.
But I feed the birds with sunflower feeds in the winter and there use to be some sunflowers after them.
When I look for seeds in the shop I use to look at the picture and read if it´s tall. more branching,see differnet colours.
I noticed it said Moonwalker just because I heard they played Billie Jean and I never had heard Michael´s music in the shop before.
Moonwalker can be 2-3 meter and the flowers 20cm /diameter

Now I have seeds for 15 Moonwalker sunflowers but I bought "Pan"(Of course I thought of Peter Pan)and "Wilde mixture"too
It´s seeds for 120 sunflowers all will not grow but I have to figure out where I will put those who will.