Moonwalker Story Book

The Moonwalker storybook is a rare item........

..........but one in very good condition for sale is exceptionally rare and could go up to over £100!!!!!!
I have that book I remember getting it some years ago on Ebay. I am glad I had gotten that book when I did. Especially after seeing how much it goes for now. I only pay like a few dollars for mine. And that book is still in very good condition.
I just bought moonwalker the storybook at a bazaar for €4,- in brand new shape:bugeyed

A friend told me he found the book there 2 weeks ago but he put it back 'cause he wasn't interested, so I went there today and they still had it.
It's really not worth that much, you might be able to pick it up in second hand stores, there were so many made at the time.