Moonwalker Nostolgia


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone else ever get nosolgic while watching Moonwalker? I do all the time. That movie was such a huge part of my childhood. Whenever i think of the things i did alot as a kid watching Moonwalker everyday is something that comes to mind all the time
Yes, when I was young I watched it like 3 times a week for a long time. I just wish they would release it on DVD already because I don't have a VCR anymore.
I remember all the times I rented it from the video store. Until they finally sold their copy and I bought it.
I remember going to see Moonwalker on the day of it's cinema release in December 1988. At the time Smooth Criminal was Michael's current hit in the charts.
I watched this today. I crack up when Mike says "Do it and your dead." The scenes where he's running from the fans and dancing with the rabbit never fail to make me smile.
i love the part where michael interrupts the cowboy scene and steven spielberg turns into a dinosaur and his pants fall down, that cracked me up as a kid. and the claymation tourists and that kid saying ''its miiiiiiiiiiichael jaaaaaaacksonnnnnn!!!'' with that crazy face.
joe pesci and michael conversing with their unique stand out voices too was pretty cool. i loved the way they both talked. and pee wee herman in speed demon. ahh the 80's and childhood was perfect.
I don't remember watching it when it came out in the late 80s. But I do remember seeing a commercial for it. And I had wanted to see it then. But it wasn't until about 10 years later was when I finally got a chance to see it. And every time I had seen Moonwalker I had always wished I was Katie in the movie. Especially in the scene where she comes running over towards Michael. And Michael just hugs her. That is one of my favorite scenes in that movie. I been kind of wanting to see that movie again. Especially since I have the movie up in my MJ room. I also have the video game and the book version of Moonwalker.
This movie was an epic! It had everything! Cars, giant fighting robots, spaceships! I know for a fact I watched this movie every week when I was little. I recently found it again and watched it. I'm older but still just amazed how much was packed into that whole movie.

The claymation parts were awesome. My favorite line, "Would'jah autograph my tummy!" Priceless!

He did an awful lot of running in that movie didn't he?
I loved this movie, remeber seeing it in the cinema. tapped my feet alot of times to Michaels music. Also I watched the video about 5 times a week in the summer holidays back then.
He did an awful lot of running in that movie didn't he?

A group of us watched it together on Michael's birthday and that's just what we said! :D

It's an incedible pot pourri of images and sounds, all of them delightful - I like the "plug" bit best!

I also remember how wonderful it was sitting watching it on a huge cinema screen in a packed auditorium when it was first released in the UK.

BTW, it must be infuriating that there isn't a dvd release in USA - if you have a European compatable dvd player you can buy it on amazon uk for less than £5 these days. Must be worth paying the postage on that.

BTW, it must be infuriating that there isn't a dvd release in USA - if you have a European compatable dvd player you can buy it on amazon uk for less than £5 these days. Must be worth paying the postage on that.

I hate the fact there is no dvd version of Moonwalker here in the US. I have the movie on VHS tape and I can play it whenever I want to. But I would still love to have it on dvd as well.
I transport to my childhood days everytime I watch it lol. Fortunately, I snagged a lightly used VHS copy about 6 months ago on Amazon. That Pepsi commercial was the coolest thing I'd ever seen when I first saw it. I remember one of my parent's friends taped it for me when we were living in Germany, and I watched it pretty much every day. I let one of my friends borrow it one time, and his dad taped over a good 10 seconds of it. Our friendship ended for approximately 2 days lol. Luckily, MTV aired it and I managed to tape it again, but I don't lend anyone my MJ tapes, dvds or cd's because of that "incident". Lesson learned, imo.
I crack up when Mike says "Do it and your dead."

I still crack up over that line too :hysterical: I would quickly shield my eyes when Frankie kicks him-I wanted to jump through the screen and save Michael by kicking Frankie in the shin. I used to watch this film every Sunday afternoon on Beta while folding my laundry as a child. Four years ago I found it on VHS and converted it to a DVD so I could watch it while doing laundry.
it's been a long time since I watched it in my early fandom years. I had it on VHS. And after 25/06 I came and bought DVD and played it. I always liked the last part, where Katty whispers "I wish he would come back" and he comes back (I'd dream that I would call him and he 'd come to me :) ) and she runs to him and hugs him.... and now this whole moment holds total new meaning :( :( :( It made me cry so hard :( :(