Moonwalk Through Art - MJ Charity Artbook


Proud Member
Jul 4, 2009
The Netherlands
Ok I'm opening a new thread here since the other is lost. :(

Moonwalk Through Art is a charity artbook that is set up by Anne Peters (Conquista) from The Netherlands, and it is out now on! :clapping:
It is is available HERE and you can also preview it there!

This book contains drawings, paintings, cartoons, digital art and poems admirers, artists and fans from Michael.
More than 100 people from all over the world (!) have participated in this project.
The upbringing of the book will go to Mappa Mondo, a charity for children with a chronic illness.

I'm so proud, my work is on the back of the book! It's the Heal The World one. :D
Hope everyone buys the book, it's really worth it!

(Mods, please don't put this into fan-art! It's a very good project and I would like everyone to see this thread and buy the book.)
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Wow! It sounds beautiful. I love fan made projects like these. Maybe I'll be able to get in a few weeks or something. Looks lovely!
I received mine in the mail today! :wild: OMG it's so cool, and really high quality and stuff.
Amaaaazing artwork! So proud to be a part of it! :heart:
'Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss in life is what dies inside us while we live.' Aint that the truth. Beautiful project, I'll be buying this.
I just heard we only raised 115 euro's so far for the childrens hospice....that's 165 US dollars!
That's a shame for such an amazing artbook, really. :(

I wish more people would go and take a look on that website, 'cuz I get a feeling people are like 'okay cool' and do nothing with it. It's really something cool to have in your bookcollection, plus you're supporting something Michael loved!

Hope more people will take some effort!
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I loved this drawing:

my poems are in the book! :) I really do love it, its so beautiful