Moonwalk melt down.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was curious. Last night i was sitting in my room watching the Bad concert from Yokohama and Billie Jean came on. Now i LOVE that song and i love to watch him perform it. Well when it came time for the Moonwalk i started crying my eyes out! Both in BJ and Shake your Body.

What is it that makes you guys cry out of the blue?
the song Man in the Mirror. It's my all time favorite Michael's song. and after his passing I cry almost every time I hear it.
Will You Be There does it for me...

And yesterday, Heal The World :cry:
Heal the world got me off guard yesterday. In public too! When he sang "We can fly so high, let our spirits never die" I just burst. Funnily enough, I was listening to it this morning, and it didn't bother me :scratch:
Yeah, when he makes all his magic, that's when i remember "he is not here anymore" and the tears come out!
Anything :(
Just remembering hes gone, I don't even need to be watching/listening to him, just thinking about him :( x
A lot of things catch me off guard. When he amazes me with his music or films or anything, I suddenly remember that I'm never gonna meet him and tell him how much he means to me. It was always my dream to talk music with him...but that ain't ever gonna happen now. *sigh*
^^ reading about your post and thinking about it made me cry :cry:, also that my dream of seeing him do what he did best up close on stage will never be fullfilled :( :cry:
Whenever I see the clip from the press conference where he says "see you in July"...that's sad.

Or when I think about him being separated from his beloved children...that's sad.

Or when I think about everything he fought for and went through in his life only for things to end up this way...that's sad.

Or when I hear the song "I'll be there"...that's sad now.
Will you Be There and Human Nature always make me :cry:

^^ suzynyc i agree :yes:
I Cry when he is sad while talking... You know.. like in the Oprah and Bashit interview.. :cry: Cuz I know how it feels to be treated like that.. It's not fair. He is the sweetest person ever.. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
I Cry when he is sad while talking... You know.. like in the Oprah and Bashit interview.. :cry: Cuz I know how it feels to be treated like that.. It's not fair. He is the sweetest person ever.. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Your post makes me want to cry. I know how it feels too, he didn't deserve that ish, not at all. :(
Like Stace said its when things catch me off hard. Most of the time I watch Michael videos and listen to Michael and not even think about the fact that he's gone. But there are the moments where I watch them and then suddenly I realise that I'm never going to fulfil my lifelong dream of seeing him live, to tell him how much he means to me, how important he has been and how much he has shaped who I am today, and then I just break down.
Every single thing about Michael tends to make me suddenly start crying over him again. I remember this one time some months ago. I think it was sometime back in Fall. I decided to watch my Gothenburg, Sweden HIStory Concert. Mainly for the Billie Jean performance. And I thought I was doing good and I really didn't think I was going to cry over him again. But as I was watching his performance. I suddenly start thinking about what the Billie Jean performance for the This Is It Concert was going to be like. And OMG did I start crying the very second I thought about it. I was crying so much that I could not watch anymore of that concert. But I had to wait for Michael get done performing Billie Jean. Before I could shut the concert off. Since for some reason I can't shut any of Michael's performances off in mid performance. And after I had shut that concert off. I just sat there really crying over him. And it was just as recently this past Easter Sunday I was in the kitchen putting colored cream cheese icing on the chocolate cupcakes that I had made. And I suddenly started to think about Michael and I spent a good couple of minutes sitting at the kitchen table. Just really crying over Michael and thinking about where he is now. When he should be with his children for Easter. And there is all of those countless other times where I had suddenly start crying over Michael. And I really don't understand it either where back in December I thought I was doing so good. I had a few days (Not together) where I had barely cried over him. And I had that one day where I didn't cry over him at all. And it was also that month I had watch the entire 93 Deposition tapes that Michael did. I watch them twice that month. And I was find both times watching them and I barely cried over him at all as I was watching them both times. As well as listening to the 94 Dangerous Courtroom tapes. But now I am almost back to the way I was during that horrible summer where I had found it quite impossible to watch him without really crying. Yet I am find as I am listening to him. But I so really miss watching him though. :sad: :boohoo: And I have 2 laptops and the one that I am on now is totally loaded with all sorts of audios and videos of Michael. As well as all sorts of pictures of him and I tend to find it quite hard at times looking at those pictures and videos of him. Without wanting to really cry over him again. :cry: :weeping:
I guess what's the hardest to handle is when random things triggers a memory of him. Like, I just watched a show and they had some footage of the Staples Center in it and I was so sad thinking that that place was one of the last places he was. The thing is that MJ is everywhere, he has inspired so many things in so many ways that it is impossible to avoid these things.

Just the thought about him makes me cry these days... I miss him so much.
And then I think about those who miss him more than me and how unfair all of this ish is to them... Those thoughts make me feel so selfish :(
the song Man in the Mirror. It's my all time favorite Michael's song. and after his passing I cry almost every time I hear it.

Every time I hear the intro to that song it just brings back that final moment at the memorial with the instrumental playing......I know I ain't the only one.
Every time I hear the intro to that song it just brings back that final moment at the memorial with the instrumental playing......I know I ain't the only one.
I know. I didn't cry when I watched the entire memorial, not even Paris' speech (though that did send chills down my spine). When they played the instrumental and shined the light down onto the mic stand, that's when I lost it.
hearing his voice from interviews or hearing I love u after i watch some of his concerts on youtube