Moon Walk or Dancing the Dream


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What is the more personal or autobiocraphic book that was written by Michael himself - Moon Walk or Dancing the Dream?

And is Moon Walk the official Autobiography of Michael Jackson?
Dancing the Dream is more about his opinions on different topics: love, looking after the planet, God, creativity etc. Moonwalk is his autobiography though it was written up by a ghost writer. It really depends what you are looking for. If you can get both books. Some people feel Dancing the Dream is more revealing than Moonwalk but both are worth a read. See if you can find them at your library. I actually read them from getting them as library books first.

Hope this helps.
I can never open up Dancing The Dream, and just flick through it. I have to read it all. Beautiful.
Dancing The Dream is beautiful. It really showcases all his wisdom, insight and creativity. It's also really honest and pure - straight from the heart :)
I love Moonwalk too so if you can get both, get both! haha
ah i love both! they are very different, dancing the dream is all poems and stuff, moonwalk is more about him. and yeah it is his official autobiography :D
if you're asking which one you should get- get both
i just finished reading 'moonwalk' for the first time. i loved it. shame he didn't update the book since there was so much that happend after 88.

ghost writer? so michael didn't write the book at all? then again i found it odd when he refered to joseph as 'dad' in the book?
Dancing the Dream is so inspirational and simply gorgeous.
I miss him so much, and reading it makes me feel close to him.

I really feel like it has more insight into his character and values.
if you're asking which one you should get- get both

I agree. But, if you have to pick just one, I'd go with Dancing the Dream. There's not much in Moonwalk that a fan wouldn't know already, yet Dancing the Dream is quite revealing in its own way.