Moon Walk 1998


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In the book Moon Walk.. on the illustration Michael drew himself and on his signature, I noticed that it said 1998 on it. Which obviously wasn't the year at the time as it was published in 1988. I am curious as to what this could stand for?

please let me know :D
WEIRD, I was just looking to find out this myself as I saw a signature for sale an hour ago that had the same label.
SOME people say Michael signed his autographs "1998" because that was the year Michael predicted his death - Me personally don't know anything about this, I just discovered it.
SOME people say Michael signed his autographs "1998" because that was the year Michael predicted his death - Me personally don't know anything about this, I just discovered it.

That's what I've heard too.
wow that's strange :|
he did once say he wouldn't want to be performing after he is 40 i think. he was 40 in 1998...
keep your thoughts coming :D i'm curious.
He basically did this on every autograph... two I found right of the bat:


I wonder what that symbol next to it means.
I honestly think Michael did this to add a "mystery" to himself.
I remember that he thought he was going to die in 1998. I even remember reading articles about him preparing his own funeral (made up of course) back then. I got scared...
1998 .. Ow :lol:
omg! I had no idea.. why did he think he'd only live to the age of 40?!
1998 .. Ow :lol:
omg! I had no idea.. why did he think he'd only live to the age of 40?!

Good question, I've always myself had a feeling a would die young... even before getting out of my teenage... well I'm 25 and still here :D *knock on wood*
Usually he put 3 dots below the arrow. Hmm
Apparently he was already doing the 1998 thing in 1986 (I saw an autograph on ebay)
Really weird... I think he thought he was gonna die on 98, because stars like him die very young, maximum 40! And he was taking drugs already, or not?
This is soo wierd ! Maybe that is the year he found his soulmate ( i think he change a bit from 1998 )
I heard it was something to do with numerology...someone told him it would bring him good luck if he added that to his signature. Interestingly, he stopped as the year 1998 approached.
Michael always wanted to retire early -- not work until he was old.

I don't recall reading that he thought he would die in 1998. Instead, I believe he was projecting when he would stop working -- 1998.

Based on what his former advisors have said, he really did NOT want to tour after History. He really did not like touring (Based on what he said in Home Movies). I don't think he thought he would be doing another tour at 50.

So, 1998, could possibly have been his target goal year of when he would stop... Maybe that changed after he got to 1998.
Michael always wanted to retire early -- not work until he was old.

I don't recall reading that he thought he would die in 1998. Instead, I believe he was projecting when he would stop working -- 1998.

Based on what his former advisors have said, he really did NOT want to tour after History. He really did not like touring (Based on what he said in Home Movies). I don't think he thought he would be doing another tour at 50.

So, 1998, could possibly have been his target goal year of when he would stop... Maybe that changed after he got to 1998.
That makes more sense.
This is odd though, I just picked up my copy of his book to see, how strange... I reckon yeah he only wanted to work til 40 or he thought he'd only be around til then, bless him
How shitty is it that we'll never know the truth now.

That is also a thought that has gone through my mind the last weeks... so many things we'll never know... What is "Will You Be There" about, what does "CTE" really stand for, and just many many questions.
This is a very interesting question that I had been pondering about before. I'm sure someone has to know what it's about!!
1998 was the year/date Jeovah witnesses felt that was going to be the end of the world.

I think that was just the year the Spice Girls split (j/k)
maybe 1998 was the year he thought he may die,and if you hear the interview with Barbara Walters he is scared of the death, he says "..there is another one coming and please I don't want to be me.."And the zeros 1998/000 and the arrow I think it may represent the transformation from time to eternity(1998-time/000-eternity--->transform)
Interesting. I was just about to start a thread on that subject!
Does anyone know anything about it, or have some speculations?

"Children of The Earth," I've heard. Just speculation since it was never confirmed.