MONDAY - September 15th, 2008 - Latest Thrillercast - EPISODE 23 - The Electric Boogaloos


Proud Member
May 21, 2006
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Hope I don't get in trouble for startin' this thread


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No News y'all :no:

[/FONT]Latest Thrillercast - EPISODE 23 - The Electric Boogaloos

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Here's a mentioning...

Beatles stretched ‘rock’ boundaries
[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] NEW YORK, Sept 14, (RTRS): Launched in the summer of 1958, the Hot 100 list of best-selling singles stands as the oldest of Billboard’s charts and serves as a quick read on a half century of pop culture. Here’s a decade-by-decade look at the artists with the most No. 1 hits, providing a snapshot of the musical times...

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]’80s: Michael Jackson takes Pop Skyward
The 1980 personified a sonic land of opportunity, opening doors to synth pop, the “Urban Cowboy’’ phenomenon, a new British pop invasion (hello, Duran Duran and Human League) and an endless supply of one-off hits du jour (Soft Cell, Toni Basil, Taco and Thomas Dolby). This was in no small part thanks to the blast-off of MTV in 1981, which made the visual as important (if not more so) as melody. Despite the decade’s musical versatility, eight of the top 10 artists of the 1980 are American, save for Phil Collins and George Michael. And with the exception of Bon Jovi and Prince, the top 10 represents an era when adult listeners savored the top of the Hot 100 with top 40 kids: Whitney Houston, Hall & Oates, Lionel Richie and Collins were as pervasive on adult contemporary radio as they were on pop airwaves. Stevie Wonder was able to transition from “Sir Duke’’ in the 1970s, with a total of five No. 1s that decade, to become the only artist to also make the 1980s top 10 list as a “Part-Time Lover’’ — with a total of four chart-toppers. The decade also gave birth to the first LP to ever spawn seven Hot 100 top 10 singles — and that album, Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,’’ was the only one to become the best-selling full-length release for two years (1983 and 1984). In addition, the ‘80s spawned two of the century’s biggest hitmakers, Madonna and Houston.[/FONT]


Rememba to VOTE!!!


MJ Official Sites:

MOTOWN 50 Compilation:

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That cover there, which KOP edition is that from?

Where can I order that edition when I'm from Denmark?
Ms. Mo you are in trouble..................


Thank you for the thread. It is the news staff who need to do the news thread but sometimes I will let it slide by and no you are not in trouble. :)
Ms. Mo you are in trouble..................


Thank you for the thread. It is the news staff who need to do the news thread but sometimes I will let it slide by and no you are not in trouble. :)



Yay! :flowers: :D
Geez this news thread is dead. :scratch:

I know this has been seen but I want to show it one more time to see how much people want Michael back.

Can Michael Jackson Make A Comeback?

There have been rumors for months now that the King of Pop will be returning with a new [COLOR=#cc0033! important][COLOR=#cc0033! important]album[/COLOR][/COLOR]. Ya, we know this rumor has made it's round a few times, but sources say the comeback is on and MJ is excited for his return.

Hollyscoop caught up with the stars at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards and we got the scoop on whether or not MJ can actually make a clean comeback. Check out our special video below...

And some comments:

Hell yeah michael never went away he's just been working hard on a new album. I think if michael has the will power anything is possible, loads of singers and producers are willing to work with michael so i personally think yeah if he's got the right sound and a new image. Sorry but michael forget the glove and white socked look like you mean business with sharp suits, jeans, tops, shirts and cut your hair although i love the long hair i think short hair looks really nice on you the first track has to be like bam here we go and this is what i mean michael need to think about what he want to represent and stick to it i hoping and praying hard that he make the comeback he deserves GOOD LUCK MICHAEL YOU ARE THE MAN!!!
Posted by: NICOLE on 09/15/2008 08:32 AM

Of course he can. When it's all said and done, people still love him, or they are at least intrigued with the mystery of MJ. Really, to me, there's no such thing as the biggest entertainer in the world making a comeback. He never left. And his influence on the music industry is phenomenal. We're ready, MJ!

Posted by: Jan on 09/15/2008 08:35 AM

Ofcourse he can - the CELEBS said it them selves definition of MUSIC = MICHAEL JACKSON.

Posted by: priya on 09/15/2008 08:56 AM


Posted by: Christina on 09/15/2008 10:30 AM

Michael jackson is the king and he can do anything... go MJ......good luck...

Posted by: bijan on 09/15/2008 10:37 AM

I think americans hate to say: GOODBYE!!

Posted by: gerard Vandenberg on 09/15/2008 10:53 AM

Of Course!!! i cant wait! so excited

Posted by: Maddie on 09/15/2008 11:26 AM

Yes he can make a comeback..

Posted by: rebel queen on 09/15/2008 12:31 PM


Posted by: Will on 09/15/2008 02:10 PM

Yes, Michael Jackson can make a comeback. Why even ask that? He's the best of all musicians. And why should we talk about a comeback anyway? It's not like he has retired or anything. He's actually so good that he doesn't have to put out one album per year to make people remember him. He can come and go as he likes, and we will always be ready for him. I wish all the best for him whether he decides to release new music or not. If he does, I'll support him 1000%. He is THE BEST and I will never stop loving him.

Posted by: Sadie on 09/15/2008 02:34 PM

The word "Comeback" has pretty much been eliminated as far as MJ goes and as that guy said he just continues to keep singing and performing.

Posted by: Jason on 09/15/2008 03:55 PM
Great comments. All telling the truth. Music = Michael.
Man, I didn't even need to listen to the Electric Boogaloo Thrillercast to know they were gonna try and take credit for "teaching" Michael to dance. Blah. Them and every other dancer he's worked with. They just can't get over the fact that he could wipe the floor with them any time. Michael was popping and especially locking long before 1979 and while guys like Poppin' Pete and Poppin' Taco taught Michael certain steps, no one taught Michael to dance. He would watch James Brown and Jackie Wilson when he was 6, 7 years old and pick the steps up right quick and do em' to perfection. You can't teach anyone to move like Michael does. I'm sick to death of people trying to take credit for Michael's success. The only ones who can take credit are Michael and God because his talent is as natural and real as it gets. He understands movement better then anyone and he can outdance any one of those guys from Electirc Boogaloo. They don't have his versatility or his clean lines, fluidity and speed. Plus, what's more, they're talking like the main form of dance Michael does is popping, and that's just not true. He does some popping, he does more locking, but mainly, what he does, what his style is most derived from, is jazz dancing. Bob Fosse, Fred Astaire and the like. His style is mostly a mixture of jazz, tap, locking, some popping, and even some ballet. Over all, it makes for a unique and original style and nobody gave him the gift to move as well as he does.

And man, come on, Michael Peter's choreographed "Beat It", not these guys. You want structured dancing, you have to bring in someone who has a technical understanding, someone who has worked in more classic forms of dance.

And thanks for those quotes Dorothy. It's true Michael doesn't need to make a come back because he's prevelent always.
forget the E-Boogs, Q-Tip's podcast (#22) just before them was the ish. check it out.
This may be old news to y'all, but it's news to me...

Tyler Perry's House of Payne is using "ABC" by The Jackson 5 for one of their preview / ads. The little girl on the show sings it with different lyrics.
It's r
eally cute!

This may be old news to y'all, but it's news to me...

Tyler Perry's House of Payne is using "ABC" by The Jackson 5 for one of their preview / ads. The little girl on the show sings it with different lyrics.
It's r
eally cute!


I love that show. I'll have to catch up on it soon.
Man, I didn't even need to listen to the Electric Boogaloo Thrillercast to know they were gonna try and take credit for "teaching" Michael to dance. Blah. Them and every other dancer he's worked with. They just can't get over the fact that he could wipe the floor with them any time. Michael was popping and especially locking long before 1979 and while guys like Poppin' Pete and Poppin' Taco taught Michael certain steps, no one taught Michael to dance. He would watch James Brown and Jackie Wilson when he was 6, 7 years old and pick the steps up right quick and do em' to perfection. You can't teach anyone to move like Michael does. I'm sick to death of people trying to take credit for Michael's success. The only ones who can take credit are Michael and God because his talent is as natural and real as it gets. He understands movement better then anyone and he can outdance any one of those guys from Electirc Boogaloo. They don't have his versatility or his clean lines, fluidity and speed. Plus, what's more, they're talking like the main form of dance Michael does is popping, and that's just not true. He does some popping, he does more locking, but mainly, what he does, what his style is most derived from, is jazz dancing. Bob Fosse, Fred Astaire and the like. His style is mostly a mixture of jazz, tap, locking, some popping, and even some ballet. Over all, it makes for a unique and original style and nobody gave him the gift to move as well as he does.

And man, come on, Michael Peter's choreographed "Beat It", not these guys. You want structured dancing, you have to bring in someone who has a technical understanding, someone who has worked in more classic forms of dance.

And thanks for those quotes Dorothy. It's true Michael doesn't need to make a come back because he's prevelent always.
I've already said my peace on how I feel about the EBs so I'm not gonna go into that again lol but I will say that as a bboy/breakdancer, popping and locking are complex styles and even the greatest dancers need help learning the moves. They can't take credit for teaching Mike how to dance per se, but they try to take credit for teaching Michael certain steps of the styles

Robot Dane who is one of the 2 EBs who are part of the podcast is cool because he was the one who actually taught Michael how to do the robot back in the early 70s

I, along with other bboys, have issues with the Electric Boogaloos, but the fact still lies that even though Michael is one of the best, in popping and locking, they'd be some true competition.

The EBs would most definitely get destroyed by Poppin John and Mr Wiggles(one of my heroes) though:punk:
Yes, they taught him steps, just like several other dancers who we never hear from have, but no one taught Michael how to dance, he's never had any kind of formal training, and his style isn't predomenently popping or locking as the EB's try to make out. Everyone has to learn steps from somebody or somewhere. There's nothing noval about that, but they make like Michael owes his dance talent or style to them. It's only because Michael's the most successful performing and recording artist in history that these guys feel the need to bring up that they taught him this step or that step every chance they get. That doesn't happen to other dancers. Nobody runs around claiming they taught any of them what they know. But someone DID. You just don't hear about it because they're really not known outside of that small world. All that matters is how good you are, not who taught who what or where someone got something from. You could trace it back forever if you wanted. But it doesn't matter. All that matters is quality of execution and style.

Like I pointed out, Michael could dance like a demon by the time he was 9, 10 years old and he picked up almost all of what he was doing just from watching other people. I've heard professional dancers and street dancers talk about how astonished they are by the speed with which Michael picks up steps, popping and locking steps included. Some of those same guys have said Michael picks the steps up faster then anyone they've ever worked with and if he wasn't so frail, he'd easily be the best dancer in the world. I don't think Michael's skinniness holds him back that much, however, as he's got an otherworldly coordination and his strength and speed of movement defies his frail appearance. The Electric Boogaloos didn't actually invent half of what they claim they did. You can't teach someone how to move like Michael. They probably think they're better dancers then Michael, but they aren't half as good. Maybe they can do certain popping steps better, but as an over all dancer, he smokes em. No offense, but it's true. And he does certain popping steps better then they do, and that isn't even his main genre of dance.
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