Mon, 30th June... Weekly Community roundup inc..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
G'day everyone!! :D

Here's hoping your week goes along nicely and welcome to today's News thread.

As always Monday's news thread is the longest because we incorporate our weekly Community News. So please, sit back and enjoy the read :cheers:

Michael Jackson News:

MJ featured in Akon's "Hold My Hand"


Another Vegas rumour?.......

NORM: Kirshner works on big Vegas project

Pop-music icon Don Kirshner is in talks with several Strip properties about a major Las Vegas project involving a new twist to entertainment.
Local deal-maker Jack Wishna confirmed Sunday that he is partnering with Kirshner on what Wishna characterized as an "unprecedented" project.
Kirshner will be in Las Vegas this week, Wishna said, to discuss the deal, which could bring some of the biggest names in rock 'n' roll history to the Strip.
They're keeping the details under wraps, but Kirshner, who has been plotting a comeback for years, might have revealed his ambitions during an interview with The Washington Post four years ago.

His idea at the time was the creation of a global entertainment company, tapping into his deep musical industry ties and Wishna's local knowledge.
Wishna put together Wayne Newton's long-term deal with the Stardust in 1999 and has met with Britney Spears and Michael Jackson to discuss Las Vegas headliner deals. Wishna brokered the deal that recently brought Donald Trump into the Las Vegas real estate market.
Kirshner, 74, was nicknamed "the man with the golden ear" by Time magazine after he produced scores of hits. He is credited with discovering Bobby Darin and taking The Monkees, among others, to the top.



Michael Jackson Mentionings:

Does America Have Any Culture?

Chuck Klosterman goes to Germany to teach a class. His students teach him a lesson about how the world views us.
The question was this: "Who do you consider the most interesting twentieth-century American -- not necessarily the most historically important, but the individual you find most personally compelling?" The responses were well written, habitually understated, and devoid of any pattern whatsoever. For example:
  • Michael Jackson had more essays written about him than anyone else, which didn't shock me. What did surprise me was how sympathetically he is viewed: The general consensus seems to be that Jackson is an eccentric, philanthropic genius whose nation has turned against him, possibly due to racist motives. However, they do assume he's a child molester. Europeans are open-minded in unorthodox ways.


‘Weird Al’ Yankovic built his career on parodies of everyone from Eminem to Michael Jackson

To avoid any ill will, among other reasons, he avoids political commentary in them and always asks the original artists for permission. Few turn him down.

“It’s pretty rare,” he said. “Prince is the one guy that’s consistently said ‘no’ over the years. He just is not a fan of parody, I guess.”

It certainly helped that Michael Jackson — whose hit song and video “Beat It” were remade by Yankovic as “Eat It” — gave his permission early on.

“All of a sudden, people were going, ‘Oh, well, if Michael Jackson said it’s OK, maybe this guy is credible.’”



Berry Gordy, who founded the Motown record label and helped launch the career of Michael Jackson, has been inducted into the California Boxing Hall of Fame. Gordy had a winning record, while there's been a few music people with a background in boxing, including James Brown and Terence Trent D'arby.


Michael Jackson HIStory:

1975 - The Jackson 5 announced that they were leaving Motown for Epic. They changed their name to the Jacksons since Motown owned the name the Jackson 5.

MJJCommunity News:

MJJC is still running our book project for MJ's 50th birthday!

We've made a change though to protect our members. When you make a submission to the sticky thread it will be moved to a safe place to be filed. This is due to the fact that the Michael Jackson General Discussion section is a public viewing area where visitors can view the forum. We have a concern that others might use and abuse the viewing privledge and take our members submissions. So we're looking after our Community by filing the submissions :)

New Skin!

MJJC's Forum has a new skin! :D So all of you ladies and gents who like black check out Carbon :)

We're still battling with spammers, if you see someone spamming the forum please feel free to report them.

MJJC Scavenger Hunt Game
Keep your eyes peeled this week for a game to randomly pop up at some time ;)

MJJC Donations
Please donate to help us keep running :flowers:

MJJC Members Birthdays:

Happy birthday to all our Birthday babies this week!!!

Monday 30th June - Starlight (37), Precious_Prince (32), Prince Michael (30), harveysond (29), Smooth Criminal Com (29), Reeta (28), smoothcriminal8202 (26), rayen (22)

Tuesday 1st July - MJBubbles01 (41), 2ndstar2theright (21)

Wednesday 2nd July -Michael Music (28), Neverlanddreamer (20), Foxy.. (20)

Thursday 3rd July -
Nina (48), smthcriminal (29), Daniela (25), MJJJV (21), mj_best_fan (20), persian_diva (19), Mark-MJSON (19), marqlovesmj (19)

Friday 4th July - mjfan4ever2009 (32), Vermilion Roadrunners (28), watzupwitu (28), Griselda (24), nevaehdreamz (21), Misayko (18)

Saturday 5th July - anymator (30), Clochette (21), Pinky (19), xlianne (17)

Sunday 6th July -
glovegirl (35), Beauegard (29), KeepingTheFaith (29), Draco (22), MJstarlight (21), littlemj (20), Ville.Valo (20), Darren_McGown (19), Thriller_MJ (19)

:birthday: :holiday:
is that "hold my hand" official!? it's f*cking brilliant! MJ sounds excellent!
thanks for the news!! Hold My Hand is awesome and MJ's voice is amazing! :D
i hope im online for the next scavenger hunt, i was late last time and only got to 5 pictures lol :lol:
Does America Have Any Culture?

Chuck Klosterman goes to Germany to teach a class. His students teach him a lesson about how the world views us.

The question was this: "Who do you consider the most interesting twentieth-century American -- not necessarily the most historically important, but the individual you find most personally compelling?" The responses were well written, habitually understated, and devoid of any pattern whatsoever. For example:
  • Michael Jackson had more essays written about him than anyone else, which didn't shock me. What did surprise me was how sympathetically he is viewed: The general consensus seems to be that Jackson is an eccentric, philanthropic genius whose nation has turned against him, possibly due to racist motives. However, they do assume he's a child molester. Europeans are open-minded in unorthodox ways.

This seems more like the writers opinion injected into the story(to me). If the students wrote essays about him and view him sypathetically, they think the USA has turned on him, why would they then still believe that he is a child molester? This makes no sense; no matter what is written about MJ the press always have to slide the accussation in everything.

If there are any European fans here do you agree with the notion that most people(European) believe he is a child molester and that it's okay???
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^^When I read that I thougth it was a crock of s**t. I don't know if its more insulting to MJ or Europeans.
OMG that guy teaches at the same university that I go to! I really would like for him to explain about his students being sympathetic towards MJ and yet thinking he's a child molester. I haven't really heard many people discuss MJ around here except for these two girls I know (they're European, but not German) - they both had negative things to say, but on the other hand, both of them are complete idiots so I wasn't surprised.
This seems more like the writers opinion injected into the story(to me). If the students wrote essays about him and view him sypathetically, they think the USA has turned on him, why would they then still believe that he is a child molester? This makes no sense; no matter what is written about MJ the press always have to slide the accussation in everything.

If there are any European fans here do you agree with the notion that most people(European) believe he is a child molester and that it's okay???
I agree. I just emailed the editor and explained that same nonsense.
OMG that guy teaches at the same university that I go to! I really would like for him to explain about his students being sympathetic towards MJ and yet thinking he's a child molester. I haven't really heard many people discuss MJ around here except for these two girls I know (they're European, but not German) - they both had negative things to say, but on the other hand, both of them are complete idiots so I wasn't surprised.
There is always going to be one or two idoits to say something. And if Michael walked into the room, these two bimbos will be the first screaming and crying to met him even before YOU (the fan) get close to him.
had to post some MJ bizniz news...........

Beatles Music Coming to Video Games

by Wayde Robson — last modified June 24, 2008 12:47

The memorable tunes of the Fab Four might soon appear in video games. Reps from Apple Corps are currently in talks with Activision and MTV Games to put Beatles songs into their hit console games Guitar Hero and Rock Band.

You may need some Help! as you Get Back to your game console to make your guitar Come Together and Gently Weep over some Beatles classics. Of course, Apple Corps and the video game reps still have a Hard Days Night ahead of them in negotiations, but we’re confident they can Work it Out.

Okay, enough Beatles song references. Hopefully I’ve illustrated just how sweeping the Beatles library of songs have been over the decades. I personally find myself introducing old Beatles songs to younger folk who go… “Really, that’s a Beatles song?”
Strumming along to Beatles music with Guitar Hero will represent a challenge to novices and advanced users alike. Songs like Get Back, Help and Revolution will add an endless re-playability to Rock Band. The music is often catchy, accessible and so infectious you often can’t help but sing-along.

A deal between the Beatles copyrights and video game companies would be worth several million dollars according to a recent Financial Times article. However, neither Apple Corps nor EMI (co-owner of Beatles recordings) would comment about the negotiations.

The move to put Beatles music into video games might be surprising to some fans. The Beatles music have resisted digital distribution thus far. The band’s music still isn’t officially licensed for sale in digital form and doesn’t appear on iTunes. But considering the confrontation between Apple Inc and Apple Corps over the name, iTunes might be the last digital outlet into which you see Beatles music licensed.

Recently Apple Corps has been loosening the grip on Beatles tunes. Beatles music has even appeared on American Idol. Believe me the fusion of American Idol and Beatles is a pain I feel all the way down to my toes. The board that controls the Beatles property has been cautious about selling out to overly-commercial endeavors like movie soundtracks and television ads.

Martin Bandier of Sony/ATV Music which holds copyrights to over 200 Beatles songs believes it’s a risk the Beatles they should take. Since the appearance of Beatles songs on American Idol Bandier says Sony/ATV has received a number of inquiries about its catalogue. The Beatles music is sought after by mobile-carriers who want the songs available for download.

Die-hard Beatles fans, especially those of the boomer generation and many on the Apple Corps board may feel selling its songs to video games, TV-shows or seeing them spliced into ring-tones is an over-commercial atrocity. But it’s the only way to ensure Beatles music reaches a new generation. If it takes a video game for many kids to enjoy it, why should we deny the Beatles the opportunity to live on?
Thanks for the news.

they think the USA has turned on him, why would they then still believe that he is a child molester? This makes no sense; no matter what is written about MJ the press always have to slide the accussation in everything.

The writer who wrote that load of trash have proved the theory that he made. He is a fool. The logic makes no sense and this clown who wrote it is a supposed "professor" and should know better. These people let the media create opinions about a man they know nothing about. That is why these people are stupid. You do not feel sorry for someone if you feel that the person is a "pedophile". It simply does not add up.

they both had negative things to say, but on the other hand, both of them are complete idiots so I wasn't surprised

Idiots always have negative things to say. That is why they are called idiots.
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