Modern Warfare 2:


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Surrey , UK
This is the slowest day I have had in a while! I am stuck at work while the rest of the world is ranking up on Modern Warfare 2! Doh!! Cant wait to get home and show ythe boys how it's done :O)
I have the game 2 days ago..I have never been much of an FPS fan but this game.... wow!!!!!
you're talking about where I got it? no I live in the UAE and people here just break the street date as if it was yeah :p

as for the online gaming yeah the servers are up and running. awesome awesome game.
LOL! A thread about Modern Warfare 2 in a Michael Jackson forum.

I'm getting this in like 3 hours...only £26!

I put roughly 144 hours into Modern Warfare 1's multiplayer alone.
Anyone on Xbox? IF you are post your gamertags we could be a mjjc clan lmao!
Hey Michael loved Video Games x
I got it for the 360 at midnight this morning! I didn't really play COD 4 online but did enjoy the campaign. But since playing COD: MW2 i've been addicted to playing online.
My XBL gamertag is: PMS KentuckyGal if anyone is interested in playing. I'm not very good but def. want to find people to play with.

And a woman started this thread :lol:
I've never seen a lady who likes games like Modern Warfare.:cheeky:

Damn Right :p

I got it for the 360 at midnight this morning! I didn't really play COD 4 online but did enjoy the campaign. But since playing COD: MW2 i've been addicted to playing online.
My XBL gamertag is: PMS KentuckyGal if anyone is interested in playing. I'm not very good but def. want to find people to play with.


Hi Amanda I will definatly add you have no female friends that play at all I thought I was the only one!!! Ill add as either surreylion or sugarbunny891 x
I was at sainsbury's this morning at 7am, got it for £26, great price. :D

Anyone play on PS3? My PSN ID is saintsjordan
I was at sainsbury's this morning at 7am, got it for £26, great price. :D

Anyone play on PS3? My PSN ID is saintsjordan

:bugeyed It's £45 on Play! I'm goin' to Sainsbury's :D