Mock UK Election

Mock UK Election

  • Labour

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters

The Moonwalker

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Harrogate, England
I wonder if we just voted on here, who would win the UK general election.

Cast your votes people!

(I'm just doing this out of mere interest :) )
Well, Im not old enough to vote but I would vote conservative, I would normally say labour but they have really messed the country up in the past 12 months. :)
I can't stand Brown but I'm still a Labour girl. Can't stand the Tories and although Nick Clegg did well tonight the Lib Dems have no chance.
I really can't make my mind up for this. Well done to Nick Clegg for doing well in the debate but...gargh! I can't decide which tit to vote for :mello:
ill be voting lib dem. labour stoppd being labour years ago and took us into a recession. they were warned by the likes of vince cable but did nothing even though its obvious a country cant live with such huge debt and the bubble would burst sooner or later. "labour" are to intrested in looking after the middle classes. giving tax credits to ppl who earn over 50k a year scrapping the 10p tax rate.they ahve had 13 years so they have ahd their chance and blew it. to busy creating jobs for the boys and paying out huge wages and pensions to civil servants while everyone else goes down the drain..and ill never vote conservative as they only care about themselves and the upper classes. a man who went to eton and whos wife comes from the arostocracy (sp) has the gaul to tell ppl "we are all in it together" your havin a laugh. lib dems have good policys and cable is a class act.shame they will never get in cause of ppl in this country being so stuck in their ways. im hoping for a hung parliment then the lib dems will have some say