MMA vs. Boxing


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Illinois USA
I've become interested in watching the UFC Fights on Spike TV.

I like the reality show where they have competitive fights between up and coming mix martial arts contestants.

I'm a boxing fan also, but now I'm highly infatuated with this new sport of fighting.

Those guys really go after each other. It's not fake like regular wrestling. (Don't start nothing.)

MMA is so brutal most of the time. Those guys actually get knocked out and put to sleep with those submission holds.

I think MMA is going to put an end to regular boxing in the coming years.
No, it won't. Boxing is a more diciplined sport and far longer lasting. MMA has picked up in popularity in recent years, but aside from the heavyweight division, boxing has some stellar talent and is a more legitmate sport. There's always that debate about who would win between a boxer and a mixed martial artist. If you ever watch MMA fighters, they barely know how to throw a punch and they get caught with stupid, wide shots a lot of the time, because they have such bad defense. Any good boxer would be able to catch a lot of those MMA fighters coming in, trying to go for a take down. They could catch them with uppercuts, a hard, straight jab, etc.... Plus, what a lot of people don't realize is, while the gloves that MMA fighters use appear to be more damaging, they actually aren't. Those gloves are filled with a foam material, while boxing gloves are generally stuffed with horse hair, and you can often times feel the knuckles through an 8 oz. glove.
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i've never gotten into the whole notion of mixed martial artists competing in this way, even though i prefer thai boxing over the western form. especially not on orgs like the UFC.

i don't know about the popularity of mma (UFC), but i think boxing is going through a plateau right now. but i still don't see the likes of UFC overtaking it. i think it's giving a bad rep to the long-standing martial arts - watching UFC is like seeing two drunk blokes having a brawl. it needs time and thought to mature and find a standardised form so it can be more disciplined. but then again that might go against the whole notion of mma... so that's why i'm unsure of it.
sorry nik but boxing is falling and fast. in vegas, when it was fight nite, it was always a boxing event. pretty boy oscar or floyd or it's team punishment and tito, or hughes, and lame ass liddel.

mma is amazing . it's a very well rounded sport. u need a lot of skills to excel at it.
Of course you needs skills Katie Kaboom. But boxing is doing well. The welterweight division is strong, so is lightweight, super welter, all the way up to middle and light heavy. There's plenty of star action going on in boxing, and if these idiot promotors would just put better cards together, with better matches, then it would be doing even better. But people like Floyd Mayweather are fu*king it up by wanting to fight Oscar, when he's passed his prime, and he should be fighting Miguel Cotto or someone like that. Even though Floyd would kick Cotto's ass, that's the only way he's going to further his legacy. But MMA isn't nearly as established or as diciplined as boxing, over all, and while it is popular, boxing has been around far too long for it to simply be overrun by such a realitively new and ruleless sport such as MMA. There's a lot of good fighers, Uraiah Faber, etc... But any sport where a joke like Kimbo Slice can become a star so fast, then there's something wrong. Kimbo's gonna get his ass kicked as soon as he steps in the ring with someone who actually knows how to throw a punch and defend themselves.
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meh I'd kick all their asses, their just lucky I'm not competing.:smilerolleyes:
I think people are severely underestimating some of the MMA fighers in here. Sure, you have tubs of lard like Tim Sylvia who are just big and can't do much, but then you have guys like Diego Sanchez, Karo Parisyan, Royce Gracie and others who have really disclipined themselves and are excellent fighters. Boxing and MMA are two entirely different sports. Boxing is a sport that is more mythodical and about defense and timing. MMA is about much of the same, but it's at another end of the spectrum.

I can't help but feel some of the people criticizing it so harshly may not have seen many of the fights that take place in the UFC or Pride. It's not all about trying to kill each other or just having big guys fighting. Personally, I'm more of a fan of the lightweight bouts because these guys are wrestlers, boxers, martial artists.... really talented and skilled fighters.
I watch UFC, Xtreme Cage Fighting, VS. all the time. I watch cage fighting as much as I do boxing and I know there are a lot of talented, skilled athletes in the sport. But I was simply saying that boxing is far more established as a sport, it's been around since the Ancient Greeks, and in general, its more diciplined and more ridgid in it's rules. Cage fighting has been around for a much shorter period of time. My dad used to watch it when it first started showing on television 15, 20 years ago. It's not going to end boxing, believe me. It's popular right now. But it won't snuff boxing out by any means. A lot of cage fighters don't know how to throw effective punches and have severly bad defense. That's why I think, if they were in against a decent boxer, a lot of them would get knocked out simply because they get caught by eachother with such wide, looping shots all the time, usually coming in. And that leads me to believe the same would happen against a boxer. Only a boxer would throw a hard, straight punch which, if it landed flush, would put them on their asses and hard.
im a girl and i love it! lol

all the gracies are amazing. karo imo, is an ass and i can't stand him or his cousin manny gamburiyan.....

i love rampage jackson only cuz he knocked out liddel whom i cannot stand. joe lauzon, tito ortiz, and matt sera are my faves but i do think gsp looks dreamy in his little banana boat speedo outfit!
i like bisping but it seems like the judges always score the fight for him regardless if he won or him and wallace...grrrrrrrr
There are rumours of a Kimbo vs Tyson fight, I wouldnt mind seeing that as long as Tyson is in shape to fight I recko that if he trained himself he could really f*** Kimbo up and make him answer to the name b!tch
I dont think you can really compare the 2. If it was wrestling and MMA yes but not boxing and MMA.
If Tyson could get in shape and could get his head straight, he would kick Kimbo's ass, lol. But I don't think Tyson want's to fight anymore and he really shouldn't. He's passed it. I can only imagine what Tyson in his prime would have done to someone like Kimbo though, yeesh, lol.

Don't get me wrong, Kimbo seems like a nice and intelligent guy, but he's rediculous. He's got more decent boxing skills then a lot of MMA guys though, I will give him that. But as soon as he gets in there with someone else who know's how to throw a punch, he might be in trouble.
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Of course, boxing was my first love ultimate contact sport, followed by football; but now that MMA is on the scene I’m finding it to be more interesting to watch.

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Boxing can be boring if all you're ever looking for is a knock out. Boxing can also be boring if a fighter is completely defensive minded. But, for example, if a boxer is willing to take risks and displays great skill at the same time, whether a knock out occures or not, it can be very entertaining. Isreal Vasquez against Raphial Marquez, for example, were very entertaining fights. And there are many boxers out who aren't totally defensive like Mayweather. Kelly Pavlik, Miguel Cotto, Manny Pac., Juan Diaz, Joe Calzaghie. There's some good prospects as well. Andre Berto at welter. He's an exciting figher with good speed and power, but he has to shore up his defensive skills. Josh Clotty is also a really good fighter, Carlos Quintana. Most of them are down around welter. The only division in boxing that's doing poorly is heavyweight, and that's because it's being overrun by uncoordinated giants like that moron Wlad. Klitchco and Sam Peter.

Floyd Mayweather is extremely talented, but it's not purely atheletic, like Roy Jones Jr. A large part of his success is based on his vastly superior boxing skills. He's a master defensive fighter and when he chooses to become offensive, he's very dangerous. Ricky Hatton was overrated and I knew he would get knocked out. If Oscar De La Hoya was unable to beat Mayweather, I knew Hatton wouldn't have a chance.

Someone like Roy Jones, in his prime, was just pure talent. His boxing skills were always good, not as dicsiplined as Mayweathers, but he possesed much more speed and power and just pure coordination. Most of his success came from his athletic ability while Mayweather's is a mix of athelietic ability combined with highly developed skills. Zab Judah, for example, is probably more athletically gifted then Mayweather, but his head is so messed up that he can't keep it together for more then 4 or 5 rounds before he starts to unravle. Mental strength is half of it.

The reason I say a lot of boxers could take out a lot of MMA fighters is exactly because of what you said about how a lot of MMA fighters get knocked out or stopped by strikes. And MMA fighters, majority wise, don't have good boxing skills. They get caught with looping shots a lot. And punches lose power when they aren't thrown straight, because it's a waste of movement. A good boxer, who throws straight punches, would have any MMA fighter in a lot of trouble, I imagine.
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Well Tyson sure had his glory days. But he's way passed his prime. Any decent heavyweight would beat him now.

Boxing still has great talent in it though. All the divisions are strong except for heavyweight. And that's not good simply because the heavyweight champion is supposed to be the one man on the planet who can beat everyone up.
I watch UFC, Xtreme Cage Fighting, VS. all the time. I watch cage fighting as much as I do boxing and I know there are a lot of talented, skilled athletes in the sport. But I was simply saying that boxing is far more established as a sport, it's been around since the Ancient Greeks, and in general, its more diciplined and more ridgid in it's rules. Cage fighting has been around for a much shorter period of time. My dad used to watch it when it first started showing on television 15, 20 years ago. It's not going to end boxing, believe me. It's popular right now. But it won't snuff boxing out by any means. A lot of cage fighters don't know how to throw effective punches and have severly bad defense. That's why I think, if they were in against a decent boxer, a lot of them would get knocked out simply because they get caught by eachother with such wide, looping shots all the time, usually coming in. And that leads me to believe the same would happen against a boxer. Only a boxer would throw a hard, straight punch which, if it landed flush, would put them on their asses and hard.

Sure, boxers know how to throw a punch. But what they have in striking ability could be negated by the lack of rules in MMA. There's a lot more room for a person to work with in MMA. While someone could easily get knocked out by a boxer, they might be able to avoid the punches and take down their opponent. I think it would be more even. I'd kill to see Mayweather vs. Joe Stevenson or BJ Penn or Nick Diaz. Something like that would probably be close, I think.
It could be. If an MMA fighter could get a boxer on the ground, the boxer wouldn't have a chance. But they would have to get them there first, and I've noticed a lot of MMA fighters get caught coming in by a punch, from people with bad boxing technique. They would have an awefully hard time getting close to a decent boxer. You can also keep someone off of you with a hard side kick to the mid section. But they could throw a stiff jab or an uppercut, and if any punch landed flush, with them coming in, like walking in to it, it's lights out, night, night. And a lot of them get caught by stupid punches, a lot of the time. Punches a decent boxer with decent defense wouldn't get caught with.
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they get caught in a punch prolly cuz they expecting a kick or a takedown . there's a lot more to defend in mma than in boxing.

That's actually a brilliant point. You have to be on the look-out for a lot more than fists.
They get caught because they have bad defense. You should always have your hands up in a fight. You can get kicked in the head from a round house kick too. A lot of the times, MMA fighters don't have their chins tucked and they're squared up, leaving themselves totally open for both punches and kicks. It's just bad defense which causes them to get caught with stupid, looping punches mostly. A boxer with decent defense wouldn't get caught with half the shots the MMA fighters do. It's precisley because they have bad defense that I think a good boxer could take out a good MMA fighter. Even if they had their hands up, they aren't good at bobbing and weaving or rolling with punches, and a good boxer would take advantage of that by throwing straight, hard jabs through their gaurd, which will put you on your ass if you get hit flush, or uppercuts right up the middle between their hands.

An MMA fighter wouldn't want to stand and trade with a boxer. And a boxer would know this. So an MMA fighter would try everything they could to go for the take down. They usually get caught by eachother just walking sloppily in. A good boxer could circle and move and away, meanwhile pump them right in the face with a good jab, or straight right or left. That would make them wary of lunging in and going for their legs, etc... It would be hard for an MMA fighter in there with a good boxer.
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I find them very different. I might be inclined to compare mma/ufa with wrestling before I compare it to boxing. Mainly because they more than often end up in holding positions as opposed to throwing punches or kicks at each other.

I was watching the Fight Science documentaries the other day and they seem fairly impressed with UFA fighters.

I enjoy watching a good fight and I do find the UFA interesting to watch, at least more interesting than boxing. I grow bored of repetitive actions hence why I have never really been into boxing as I just see it as two folks throwing fists at each other. At least with UFA there fists, feet and holds occurring. :)

I don't think boxing will die down, it might with some social circles (ie media prominence etc).
As long as there are poor people or lower classes, there will always be boxing, it's one of the cheapest and easiest sports to take up and try to make a career out of.
They get caught because they have bad defense. You should always have your hands up in a fight. You can get kicked in the head from a round house kick too. A lot of the times, MMA fighters don't have their chins tucked and they're squared up, leaving themselves totally open for both punches and kicks. It's just bad defense which causes them to get caught with stupid, looping punches mostly. A boxer with decent defense wouldn't get caught with half the shots the MMA fighters do. It's precisley because they have bad defense that I think a good boxer could take out a good MMA fighter. Even if they had their hands up, they aren't good at bobbing and weaving or rolling with punches, and a good boxer would take advantage of that by throwing straight, hard jabs through their gaurd, which will put you on your ass if you get hit flush, or uppercuts right up the middle between their hands.

An MMA fighter wouldn't want to stand and trade with a boxer. And a boxer would know this. So an MMA fighter would try everything they could to go for the take down. They usually get caught by eachother just walking sloppily in. A good boxer could circle and move and away, meanwhile pump them right in the face with a good jab, or straight right or left. That would make them wary of lunging in and going for their legs, etc... It would be hard for an MMA fighter in there with a good boxer.

Actually I'm inclined to disagree. All good fighters, particuarly mma fighters will know to keep their chin down. A good fighter will know that one of their weaker points is their throat. A blow to the front of the throat will crush not only their vocal cords, but will also send messages to the brain that could cause a knock out.

According to the data that they collected an mma fighter would be to hold their own against a boxer, a wrestler probably wouldn't though. What it comes down to is the individual and their own training. an MMA fighter vs a boxer would be a fairly even fight in my view providing the boxer didn't allow him/herself to be caught by the MMA fighter.

If you can get a chance to see these documentaries I highly reccomend them they were awesome to watch especially the one that searched for the most lethal martial arts weapon ever. :)
I watch a lot of this stuff and believe me, a majority of MMA fighters wouldn't stand a chance against a boxer if all they were allowed to do was trade. They don't hit as hard because a straight punch, thrown with coordination, getting your hips and legs in to it, is a lot harder then a looping, off balance punch. Think of it like, if Michael Jackson hit you, it would suck ass, not because he's strong as in, he can lift a lot of weight, but because he's super, super coordinated and can get his full body weight in to a single movement, all of that energy in to a single movement. A good boxer knows how to get all of his body weight in to a punch. MMA fighters often throw looping, wide shots, sloppy shots which leave them wide open to be countered. And any decent boxer would take full advantage of that. They throw sloppy hooks, which could easily be countered by a good boxer with a counter hook. MMA fighters throw lazy jabs often as well, which would leave them open to overhand rights. They keep their hands either too low often or they hold them up in a lazy fashion, not really concentrating on defense in any way, leaving their head static and their gaurd loose, easy to punch straight up the middle. A boxer has superior foot movement as well, which would allow them to both move away from an MMA fighter and cut off the ring better then an MMA figher knows how.

Keeping your chin tucked doesn't really have to do with protecting the throat. Keeping your hands up does. Keeping your chin tucked helps a fighter to obsorb blows to the jaw and head better because it takes away some of the impact and shock to the neck.

I'm not saying an MMA fighter wouldn't have a chance against a boxer. But their best chance would be to get them to the floor and submit them. Because MMA fighters don't even have very good kicks.
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I dunno if one of those wide sloppy swings manages to get around your hands and gets you on the side of the head it's definately going to make your brain rattle around in your skull... not a good thing :lol:

I guess that's just the thing though, each fighting technique will have it's strengths and weaknesses against each other.

It's like comparing apples and oranges, they're both fruit but very very different.
I dunno if one of those wide sloppy swings manages to get around your hands and gets you on the side of the head it's definately going to make your brain rattle around in your skull... not a good thing :lol:

I guess that's just the thing though, each fighting technique will have it's strengths and weaknesses against each other.

It's like comparing apples and oranges, they're both fruit but very very different.
just that oranges are better because they are good for people with constipation :clapping:
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